Pellet Abbreviations and Pellet Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Pellet terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 15 different Pellet abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Pellet terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Pellet Abbreviations
  1. BDH : Bundesindustrieverband Deutschland Haus
  2. VP : Vent Pipe
  3. WB : Wood Boiler
  4. WFQA : Wood Fuel Quality Assurance
  5. HSH : Harkunftszeichen Schweizer Holz
  6. MC : Magten Comfort
  7. SBI : Stove Builder International
  8. NI : Normalisasi Indonesia
  9. JSB : James Sewell Ballet
  10. JSB : Josef Schulz Bohumin
  11. PMFR : Pklarization Maintaining Faraday Rotator
  12. PTN : Pelleting Technology Nederland
  13. RERC : Renewable Energy Resource Center
  14. RWS : Relative Weight Strength
  15. MPS : Mebn Particle Size
Latest Pellet Meanings
  1. Mebn Particle Size
  2. Relative Weight Strength
  3. Renewable Energy Resource Center
  4. Pelleting Technology Nederland
  5. Pklarization Maintaining Faraday Rotator
  6. Josef Schulz Bohumin
  7. James Sewell Ballet
  8. Normalisasi Indonesia
  9. Stove Builder International
  10. Magten Comfort
  11. Harkunftszeichen Schweizer Holz
  12. Wood Fuel Quality Assurance
  13. Wood Boiler
  14. Vent Pipe
  15. Bundesindustrieverband Deutschland Haus