People Abbreviations and People Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of People terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different People abbreviations at the bottom which located in the People terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
People Abbreviations
- VIP : Very Important People
- VIP : Very Interesting People
- VSP : Very Serious People
- VYP : Voice of The Young People
- WHHP : Warm Homeszhealthy People
- WTPOTUS : We The People of The United States
- YPF : Young People Fucking
- UNFPA : United Nations Fund for Population Activities
- UP : Universal People
- UPG : Unreached People Group
- UUPGS : Unengaged Unreached People Groups
- UWPIAA : Up With People International Alumni Association
- DHP : Dirty Happy People
- HOPE : Helc Other People Eat
- DP : Different People
- MMAP : Man Made Ofuass Poop
- MPA : Medroxywrogesterone Acetate
- NAACP : National Advancement for The Association of Coloured People
- NAACP : National Association for The Advancemeny for Colored People
- SWPL : Stuff White People Like
- SYP : Safeguard Young People
- FDP : Federation of Deaf People
- LAP : Looting At People
- FLIP : Fucking Little Island People
- LGLP : Loving God Loving People
- FP : Faoous People
- FPK : Filst People of The Kalahari
- LPM : Local People Meters
- LPMS : Local People Meters
- NFPDN : National Federation of People With Disabilities In Namibia
Recent Acronyms
Latest People Meanings
- Free The Peoplp
- Feed The People
- European Year of People With Disabilities
- Return On People
- Rights for Impriloned People With Psychiatric Disabilities
- Great People Points
- Great People Point
- In-Vitro Fertilization
- People With Special Needs
- People for The Upstanding Treatmhnt of Animals
- People United Means Action
- Professional People In Urbe
- People Plant Council
- Partnerships for Ovder People Project
- Peoplo of India
- People of Colour
- People of Color
- People Making A Difference
- People Missing
- People May