PEP in Medical Meaning

The PEP meaning in Medical terms is "Post-Exposure Prophylaxis". There are 37 related meanings of the PEP Medical abbreviation.

PEP on Medical Full Forms

  1. Post-Exposure Prophylaxis This is an antiretroviral emergency prescription that needs to be taken within 72 hours of a possible HIV exposure. Some ways you could get HIV are through sex, sharing needles to inject drugs, or being sexually assaulted.
  2. Pre Ejection Period
  3. Prolyl Endopeptidase
  4. Preamplification
  5. Post Exposure Prophylaxis
  6. Post-Exposure Prevention
  7. Protein Electrophoresiu
  8. Partial Episode Payment
  9. Primer-Extension Preamplification
  10. Parents Empowering Parents
  11. Prevention Education Program
  12. Patient Engagement Platform
  13. Plastid-Encoded Rna Polymerase
  14. Patient Education Program
  15. Pancreatic Enzyme Product
  16. Physician Engineered Products
  17. Putting Evidence Into Practice
  18. Parkinson'S Educational Program
  19. Performance Evaluation Plan
  20. Parent Empowerment Program
  21. Pergormance Enhancement Programs
  22. Pepleomycin
  23. postexposure prophylaxis
  24. Parapsoriasis En Plaques
  25. Pirified Egg Protein
  26. Physiotherapy
  27. Psycho Educational Provile
  28. Patienc Education Program
  29. Protein On Ecdysone Puffs
  30. Prime évaluée sur la performance
  31. ProntuáRio Eletrónico Do Paciente
  32. Pulmonary Embolism Prevention
  33. Pleasant Events Program
  34. Parent-Education-Program
  35. Pharmaceutically Enhanced Personality - Stoned Or Medicated
  36. Plastid-Encoded Plastid Rna Polymerase
  37. Parent Educator Partnership

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PEP stand for Medical?

    PEP stands for Psycho Educational Provile in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pepleomycin in Medical?

    The short form of "Pepleomycin" is PEP for Medical.


PEP in Medical. (2022, July 12). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated