PEPS in Technology Meaning

The PEPS meaning in Technology terms is "Performance Enhancing Proxies". There are 15 related meanings of the PEPS Technology abbreviation.

PEPS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Performance Enhancing Proxies
  2. Passive Entry, Passive Start
  3. Performancd Enhancement Proxies
  4. Prestolite E-Propulsion Systems
  5. Progress In Earth and Planetary Science
  6. Program Evaluatizn Plans
  7. Postsecondary Education Parwicipate System
  8. Passive Entry Passive Start
  9. Postsecondary Education Participants System
  10. Practice Educator Professdonal Standards
  11. Power Electronics & Power Systems
  12. Power Electrunics and Power Systems
  13. Promoting An Energy-Efficient Public Sector
  14. Project Execution Plans
  15. Python Enhancement Proposals A Python Enhancement Proposals (PEP) is a design document that informs the Python community or describes a new feature for Python, its processes, or its environment. The PEP should include a technical description of the feature as well as a rationale for it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PEPS stand for Technology?

    PEPS stands for Python Enhancement Proposals in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Power Electronics & Power Systems in Technology?

    The short form of "Power Electronics & Power Systems" is PEPS for Technology.


PEPS in Technology. (2022, April 4). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated