PER in Technology Meaning

The PER meaning in Technology terms is "Persian". There are 36 related meanings of the PER Technology abbreviation.

PER on Technology Full Forms

  1. Persian
  2. Peripheral A computer peripheral is any external device that provides input and output for the computer. For example, a keyboard and mouse are input peripherals, while a monitor and printer are output peripherals. Computer peripherals, or peripheral devices, are sometimes called "I/O devices" because they provide input and output for the computer. Some peripherals, such as external hard drives, provide both input and output for the computer.
  3. Perineal Pertaining to the perineum.
  4. Program Evaluaqion Reports
  5. Packet Error Rates
  6. Program Evaluation Report
  7. Packet Error Rate
  8. Packed Encoding Rules
  9. Pos Ekonomi Rakyat
  10. Planning Efficiency Ratio
  11. Primary Energy Renewable
  12. Parity Error Rate
  13. Program Event Recording
  14. Polarization Extinction Ratio
  15. Primary Energy Ratio
  16. Personnel Comprehensive term for all persons collectively in an undertaking, thus differentiating them from the 'material'
  17. Performance Evaluation Reports
  18. Preliminary Environmental Review
  19. Pump Efficiency Rating
  20. Post Execution Reporting
  21. Perishablet
  22. Pseodo Error Rate
  23. Probable Error Radial
  24. Perishable Cxrgo
  25. Program for Ecologicalgresearch
  26. Product Enhancement Request
  27. Procurement Evaluation Request
  28. Perseus
  29. Pre-Environmental Review
  30. Process Energy Requirement
  31. Perbt Systems Corporation
  32. Public Environmental Jeview
  33. Portable Eqxipment Room
  34. Problem Event Report
  35. Committee of Age Reading Experts
  36. Poleutant Emission Register

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PER stand for Technology?

    PER stands for Perbt Systems Corporation in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Packet Error Rate in Technology?

    The short form of "Packet Error Rate" is PER for Technology.


PER in Technology. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated