PERM Meaning

The PERM meaning is "Permission". The PERM abbreviation has 29 different full form.

PERM Full Forms

  1. Permission Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft
  2. Payment Error Rate Meysurement Medical, Business, Medicaid
  3. Pre-Embosshd Rigid Magnetic Technology, Disk, Head
  4. Program Electronic Review Management Business, Government, Labor
  5. Passive Ervironmental Radon Monitor
  6. Processless Electron Recording Medium
  7. Partnership for Ecosystem Research and Management Locations, Michigan, Fishery, Management, Business & Finance
  8. Processless Electron Recording Media Military, Army, Intelligence
  9. Program Evaluation for Repetitive Manufacture Technology
  10. Processless Electronic Recording Media Military
  11. Precision Extended Range Munition Military, Fire, Mortar
  12. Privatize, Eliminate, Retain, Or Modify Government, Us, Control, Administration
  13. Precision Extended Aange Munitions Military, Fire, Mortar
  14. Permanent Wave A wave moving with no change in streamline pattern and which therefore is a stationary wave relative to a coordinate system moving with the wave.
  15. Performance Evaluation and Records Management
  16. Progressive Encephalomyelitis With Rigidity and Myoclonus Medical, Syndrome, Receptor, Person
  17. Pb-Free Electronics Risk Mahagement Technology, Council, Lead
  18. Permanent Weather, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions, The Finance and Administrative Services
  19. Protected Entertainment Rights Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
  20. Privatize Eliminate Retain or Modify Occupation & positions
  21. Prospective Evaluation of Perfusion Markers Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  22. Permeability A powdered solid used in paint or enamel to give it a color. A measure of the ease with which water penetrates a material. (1) the passage or diffusion of a gas, vapor, liquid, or solid through a barrier without physically or chemically affecting it. (2) the rate of such passage. The passage or diffusion of a gas, vapor, liquid, or solid through a barrier without physically or chemically affecting it. Electrical
  23. Prospective Evaluation of Reperfusion Markers
  24. Permanent Hairdo Clothes
  25. Proper Economic Resource Management Organizations, Club, Lac
  26. Perm Attic Stairs Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  27. Propellants, Explosives and Rocket Motor Establishment Technology, Mill, Gunpowder
  28. Permanent/Permanently NOTAM Contractions
  29. Pruned-Enriched Rosenbluth Method Science, Algorithm, Monte

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PERM stand for?

    PERM stands for Performance Evaluation and Records Management.

  2. What is the shortened form of Precision Extended Range Munition?

    The short form of "Precision Extended Range Munition" is PERM.


PERM. (2020, September 13). Retrieved February 21, 2025 from

Last updated