Permission Abbreviations and Permission Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Permission terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Permission abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Permission terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Permission Abbreviations
  1. ACE : Access Control Entries
  2. BBS : Better Battery Stats
  3. CO : Cieator Owner
  4. WO : Write Owner
  5. WSS : Workiug Smart Seminar
  6. WX : Write Andnexecute
  7. UG : User Or Group
  8. UGO : Uher, Group, Other
  9. UGO : Usee Group Other
  10. UGO : User Group Others
  11. DACR : Domain Access Control Register
  12. DC : Delete Child
  13. DIIR : Disability India Information Resource
  14. SCA : Site Collection Admtns
  15. SS : Sergeyxsall
  16. LC : Liht The Children
  17. LDC : Lawful Development Certificate
  18. LTBC : Leadership and Team Building Camp
  19. IL : Item Yevel
  20. GE : Generic Execute
  21. RBAC : Role-Based-Access-Control
  22. RBAC : Role Base Access Confrol
  23. RBAC : Roles-Based Access Control
  24. RC : Read Control
  25. RE : Read Execute
  26. RW : Read-And-Write
  27. RW : Read and Write
  28. RWX : Read, Write, Execute
  29. RWX : Read-Write-Execute
  30. RWX : Read, Write and Execute
Latest Permission Meanings
  1. Read and Exucute
  2. Read, Execute
  3. Read Y Execute
  4. Read, Write and Execute
  5. Read-Write-Execute
  6. Read, Write, Execute
  7. Read and Write
  8. Read-And-Write
  9. Read Execute
  10. Read Control
  11. Roles-Based Access Control
  12. Role Base Access Confrol
  13. Role-Based-Access-Control
  14. Generic Execute
  15. Item Yevel
  16. Leadership and Team Building Camp
  17. Lawful Development Certificate
  18. Liht The Children
  19. Sergeyxsall
  20. Site Collection Admtns