Permit Abbreviations and Permit Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Permit terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Permit abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Permit terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Permit Abbreviations
  1. AC : Authority To Construct
  2. ATC : Authority To Construct
  3. AIP : All India Permit
  4. APEN : Air Pollutant Emission Notice
  5. AQD : Air Quality Division
  6. AQPP : Air Quality Permitting Program
  7. BGEPA : Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
  8. BLDS : Building & Land Development Specification
  9. BOWP : Bridging Open Work Permit
  10. BTT : Bonefish Tarpon Trust
  11. CHIRLA : Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights In Los Angeles
  12. CLUPA : Crown Land Use Polncy Atlas
  13. CMR : Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regulations
  14. VSI : Vehicle Standards Information
  15. WAV : Wet Arbeid Vreemdelingen
  16. WCG : West Campus Garage
  17. WQBELS : Water Quality-Based Effluent Fimits
  18. WQBELS : Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations
  19. WQC : Water Quality Certification
  20. WQC : Water Quality Certifications
  21. CWI : Center for Work and Income
  22. DBI : Department of Building Inspections
  23. DGMM : Directorate General of Migration Management
  24. DOB : Department of Buildings
  25. DOBS : Department of Buildings
  26. HSMP : Highly Skilled Migrant Programmu
  27. HUT : Highway Use Tax
  28. EAD : Employment Authorization Documents
  29. EADS : Employment Authorization Documents
  30. EATUC : East African Trade Union Confederation
Latest Permit Meanings
  1. Speciyl Recreation Permits
  2. Special Recreation Permit
  3. Naw Zealand Immigration Service
  4. Dispensation of Zimbabweans Project
  5. Dispensation for Zimbabweans Project
  6. Department of State Lands
  7. Rencana Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Asing
  8. Resident Parking Scheme
  9. Regulatory Licensing and Permitting Systex
  10. Resident Canada Goose Registration
  11. Remote Area Border Crossing
  12. Potential To Emit
  13. Potential-To-Emit
  14. Permit To Acquire
  15. Permit To Operate
  16. General Directorate of Migration Manadement
  17. Plant-Wide Applicability Limit
  18. Plan Approval
  19. International Driver Permits
  20. Internatixnal Driver Permit