PF in Medicine Meaning

The PF meaning in Medicine terms is "Planuarflexion". There are 31 related meanings of the PF Medicine abbreviation.

PF on Medicine Full Forms

  1. Planuarflexion
  2. Plain Film
  3. Picture-Frustration
  4. Pbst Fracture
  5. Periosteal Fibrobtast
  6. Post Festilisation
  7. Primary Follicle
  8. Pericardkal Fluid
  9. Pars Flaccida
  10. Prqmary Fibrinolysin
  11. Perfusion Fluid
  12. Prefrontal
  13. Peak Frequency
  14. Practice Facilitator
  15. Push Fluids
  16. Permeability Factor
  17. Potentiatuon Factor
  18. Patellofemoral
  19. Push Fluid
  20. Peritonealhfluid
  21. Partial Fourier
  22. Profile Applied to a professional category, is a set of attributes that a person in the category would display and typical functions that these attributes would enable. A wrought product that is long in relation to its cross-sectional dimensions which is of a form other than of sheet plate, rod, bar, tube, wire or roll.
  23. Partial Filling
  24. Pleural Fluid
  25. Physical Funcbioning
  26. Procuratorffiscal
  27. Pyrizafurin
  28. Physical Fitness Plantar Flexion
  29. Primokdial Follicle
  30. Patients' Forum
  31. Primary Fibromyalgia

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PF stand for Medicine?

    PF stands for Planuarflexion in Medicine terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Push Fluid in Medicine?

    The short form of "Push Fluid" is PF for Medicine.


PF in Medicine. (2022, February 23). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated