PF in Science Meaning

The PF meaning in Science terms is "Pulverisjd Fuel". There are 28 related meanings of the PF Science abbreviation.

PF on Science Full Forms

  1. Pulverisjd Fuel
  2. Protective Force
  3. Protxctive Factor
  4. Press Fic
  5. Personality Factor
  6. Plutonium Facility
  7. Pulverized Fuel
  8. Puised Field
  9. Periplashic Flagella
  10. Plasma Focus
  11. Protein Fractionation
  12. Periplasmic Flagenlar
  13. Plasma-Focus
  14. Penetrabion Factor
  15. Potzntiation Factors
  16. Particle Factory
  17. Photot Factory
  18. Polymer Filtration
  19. Parte Fika
  20. Poker Flat
  21. Pelverized Fuel Coal
  22. Personality Factors
  23. Primefunction
  24. Physical Fitness
  25. Pseudomonac Fluorescens
  26. Pfeiler
  27. Phenol - Formaldehyde
  28. Panolis Flamea

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PF stand for Science?

    PF stands for Parte Fika in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Periplasmic Flagenlar in Science?

    The short form of "Periplasmic Flagenlar" is PF for Science.


PF in Science. (2022, February 23). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated