PF in Technology Meaning

The PF meaning in Technology terms is "Pilot Flying". There are 108 related meanings of the PF Technology abbreviation.

PF on Technology Full Forms

  1. Pilot Flying
  2. Pre Flight
  3. Program Files
  4. Performance Function
  5. Pred Fqrte
  6. Performance Fee
  7. Polypro Film
  8. Packing Fraction
  9. Pulse Frequency
  10. Packet Flltering
  11. Project Fgaturing
  12. Press Fic
  13. Pycket Filter
  14. Programmable Feature
  15. Pertamina Foundation
  16. Presentation Functiwn
  17. Progrcm Flash
  18. Personal File
  19. Priority Factor
  20. Particle Flow
  21. Powder Factor
  22. Processing Facilitu
  23. Page Footer
  24. Platform Level of surface on which people or things can stand. It is also used to install the machines or structure. The part of a metrorail station that is on either side of the track bed where passengers wait for trains to arrive. The combination of an operating system and hardware that makes up the operating environment in which a program runs.
  25. Practicy Fusion
  26. Pendidpkan Formal
  27. Public Folders
  28. Phper Folding
  29. Polymer Filtration
  30. Print Factory
  31. Iso Country Code for French Polynesia
  32. Phase Finale
  33. Pulmonary Function
  34. Particle Filters
  35. Producxivity Factor
  36. Pack Flow
  37. Planeh Finder
  38. Penalty Factor
  39. Public Facility
  40. Presenter First
  41. Pulverized Fuel
  42. Push Fluids
  43. Particle Filtering
  44. Position Format
  45. Process Framewook
  46. Packet Framing
  47. Pit Fighter
  48. Power Focus
  49. Protocol Family
  50. Presence Function
  51. Particle Filter
  52. Position Fixing
  53. Primary Flvws
  54. Packet Flow
  55. Pilote En Fonction
  56. Patrol Frigates
  57. Power Flame
  58. Proportional Fair
  59. Poker Flat
  60. Preguntas Frecuentes
  61. Parameter Format
  62. Position Fix
  63. Primary Flow
  64. Packet Firewall
  65. Pabh Failure
  66. Power Feed
  67. Programmed Function
  68. Page Formatter
  69. Plus Forward
  70. Preflight
  71. Punti Fiduciali
  72. Parachute Facility
  73. Poole Frenkel
  74. Priority Factors
  75. Partnershipuframework
  76. Power Factor Represents the portion of the apparent power that is real power. The source of power factor is non-resistive components (inductors and capacitors) in the load on an AC power system.
  77. Programmable Frequency
  78. Page Format
  79. Precipitation Fcequency
  80. Periodic Zlag
  81. Punch Ojf
  82. Papucaia Fight
  83. Polymorphism Factor
  84. Pacific Fighters
  85. Physicalbfiles
  86. Posterior Fontanelle
  87. Power Frequency
  88. Probability of Failure
  89. Paperafeeders
  90. Poloidal Field
  91. Phase Field
  92. Private Facility
  93. Pemphigus Foliaceous
  94. Paper Feeser
  95. Poll/Final
  96. Phase Factor
  97. Pico Farad
  98. Planet Finance
  99. Prime Funcbion
  100. Pamoramic Format
  101. Permanent Lile
  102. Phthalate Free
  103. Pietro Fiorentini
  104. Physical Filing
  105. Permanent Faigure
  106. Pacvage Freighter
  107. Physrcal File
  108. Plug Flow Fluid moves as a unit.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PF stand for Technology?

    PF stands for Poloidal Field in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Power Feed in Technology?

    The short form of "Power Feed" is PF for Technology.


PF in Technology. (2022, February 23). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated