PG in Technology Meaning

The PG meaning in Technology terms is "Pressure Gauge". There are 81 related meanings of the PG Technology abbreviation.

PG on Technology Full Forms

  1. Pressure Gauge An instrument for measuring pressure
  2. Pattern Generation
  3. Power Grid A network of power lines and associated equipment used to transmit and distribute electricity over a geographic area (or country).
  4. Pulse Generators
  5. Patrick Gallagher
  6. Plate Glass
  7. Professional Geologist
  8. Path Group
  9. Picogram One picogram is 10^-12 grams.
  10. Product Guarantee
  11. Performance Grade
  12. Product Group
  13. Performance Gain
  14. Panzer-Gewinde
  15. Practitioner Guide
  16. Protocol Gateway
  17. Phone Guy
  18. Primary Group
  19. Pathfinder Group
  20. Pyogenic Granuloma
  21. Program Guidance
  22. Pentagram
  23. Pande Group
  24. Port Grouping
  25. Property Graphs
  26. Phoca Gallery
  27. Pass Gap
  28. Primary Green
  29. Project Genesis
  30. Pentagastrin Pentagastrin is a synthetic polypeptide that has effects like gastrin when given parenterally. It stimulates the secretion of gastric acid, pepsin, and intrinsic factor, and has been used as a diagnostic aid as the pentagastrin-stimulated calcitonin test.
  31. Pair Gain
  32. Port Group
  33. Philosophical Grammar
  34. Particulate and Gas
  35. Pocket Gamer
  36. Procter and Gamble Company
  37. Peer Groups
  38. Pacific Graphics
  39. Politechnika GdańSka
  40. Peter Gotzsche
  41. Partial Gel
  42. Proximity Graph
  43. Plasma Gun
  44. Probability Gate
  45. Peptidoglycan The main component of the bacterial cell wall, consisting of a two-dimensional network of heteropolysaccharides running in one direction, cross-linked with polypeptides running in the perpendicular direction. A macromolecule that consists of linear polysaccharides cross-linked by short peptides; often found in bacterial cell walls, peptidoglycans confer mechanical support and protect bacterial cells from disruption by osmotic pressure.
  46. Peer Group A social group of equals, for example, in age, social class, education, etc. A group of products or businesses which are similar.
  47. Project Geologist
  48. Politechice Gdanskiej
  49. Performance Grading
  50. Provisioning Group
  51. Patrol Combatant
  52. Professional Geoscientist
  53. Policy Group
  54. Performance Graded
  55. Parent Guard
  56. Prandtl-Glauert
  57. Proving Ground
  58. Prince Georges
  59. Package Any physical piece of cargo in relation to transport consisting of the contents and its packing for the purpose of ease of handling by manual or mechanical means. The final product of the packing operation consisting of the packing and its contents to facilitate manual or mechanical handling.
  60. Path Generator
  61. Professional Geologists
  62. Policy Gradients
  63. Pepsinogen
  64. Polarization Gate
  65. PokéMon Games
  66. Project Groups
  67. Predicting Growth
  68. Pseudopregnancy
  69. Project Group
  70. Pre-Group
  71. Programmer Group
  72. Parking Garage
  73. Prashant Gaur
  74. Placement Group
  75. Privacy Guard
  76. Patrol Combatant Ship
  77. Programme Group
  78. Process Group In POSIX-conformant operating systems, a process group denotes a collection of one or more processes. Process groups are used to control the distribution of signals. A signal directed to a process group is delivered individually to all of the processes that are members of the group.
  79. Phosphoglyceride
  80. Programmable Gain
  81. Paul Green

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PG stand for Technology?

    PG stands for Parking Garage in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Primary Group in Technology?

    The short form of "Primary Group" is PG for Technology.


PG in Technology. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated