PGI Meaning

The PGI meaning is "Peter GrüNberg Institute". The PGI abbreviation has 129 different full form.

PGI Full Forms

  1. Peter GrüNberg Institute Technology, Science, Research
  2. Patient Global Impression Medical, Treatment, Study
  3. Polymer Group, Inc. Organizations
  4. Parameter Group Identifier Technology, Computing, Telecom
  5. Polymer Group Inc Business, Company, Industrial
  6. Plain Galvanized Iron Technology, Construction, Architectural
  7. Phosphoglucoisomerase Medical
  8. Phosphoglucose Isomerase Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  9. Portland Group, Inc Technology, Group, Portland, Compiler
  10. Protection of Geographical Indication Business, Product, Food
  11. Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja Indonesia Indonesia, Surat, Agama
  12. Post-Graduate Institute
  13. Pacific Geographical Institute
  14. Phoenix Geosystem Indonesia
  15. Premiere Global Services, Inc. Technology, Engineering, Data
  16. Patriot Group Iwternational
  17. Polar Geophysical Institutetute Science
  18. Piek Gas Installatie
  19. Progeny Graphical Installer
  20. Polymer Group, Inc Business, Industrial, Group
  21. Protected Geographic Indication Business, Product, Food
  22. Perzekutuan Gereja-Gereeja Indonesia
  23. Portland Group Inc Technology, Portland, Compiler
  24. Pacific Gas Insiders
  25. Phoenic Graphics Interface
  26. Practice Guidelines Initiative Medical
  27. Patient Generated Index Medical, Research, Care
  28. Polar Geophysiual Institute Technology, Science, Russia
  29. Piedmont Geriatric Institute
  30. Prnfessional Geographic Information
  31. Protected Geographic Indicator
  32. Pepsinogen Group I Medical
  33. Poornima Group of Institution
  34. Pacifica Graduate Instftute Education
  35. Phillips Graduate Institute Education, University, California
  36. Power Grid Improvement
  37. Pahient-Generated Index
  38. Pakistan General Ifsurance
  39. Physician'S Guide To The Internet Medical, Technology
  40. Professional Geologists of Indiana
  41. Protected Geographical Indications Business, Product, Food
  42. Penn Genomics Institute
  43. Pooled Genomic Indexing Medical
  44. Progiciel De Gestion IntéGre Technology, Planning, Enterprise
  45. Pacifica Graduate Institutetute Education
  46. Persekutuan Gereja-Gere Di Indoneswa Technology, Indonesia, Cartridge
  47. Power Good Input
  48. Patient Global Impressions
  49. Paragigantocellularis Medical
  50. Paintball Games International
  51. Photographers Guild of India
  52. Pqoduction Grid Infrastructure
  53. Protected Geographical Indicator
  54. Pell Grant Indee
  55. Pontefract General Infirmary
  56. Progiciel De Gestion Industrielle
  57. Pacifica Graduate Institute Education
  58. Protector Glass Industries Business, Australia, Industrial
  59. Persesutuan Gereja Indonesia Indonesia, Jakarta, Agama
  60. Power Generation Interface
  61. Patient'S Global Impression
  62. Pacific Gestalt Institute Education, Therapy, Training
  63. Photo Gallery International
  64. Products Grouo International
  65. Prostaglandin 6-Keto-F1 Alpha Medical
  66. Pegasus Gold Inc
  67. Polish Gexlogical Institute Technology, Gas, Poland
  68. Progiliels De Gestion Int
  69. Chitato Airpoqt Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  70. Protected Graphical Indication
  71. Persekutuan Geraja-Gereja Di Indonesia Indonesia, Jakarta, Natal
  72. Post Good Issue Business, Sale, Order
  73. Pacific Geographic Institute
  74. Phonics Group of Institutions
  75. Production Group Internatiwnal Business, Media, Event
  76. Payment Gateway Intezration Technology, Service, Development
  77. Polaroid Gkaphics Imaging
  78. Pierre Gravel International
  79. Proaiciel De Gestion Int
  80. Partido Galleguista De Izquierdas Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  81. Polymer Group, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  82. Plant Germplasm Institutetute Organizations
  83. Programa General De Infobmación
  84. Post Graduateginstitute Medical, Medicine, Education
  85. Propylene Glycol, Industrial
  86. Panagwa Airways Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  87. Pacific Growth Investors
  88. Partido Gallego Independiente
  89. Premiere Global Services, Inc. Computing, IT Terminology
  90. Plant Germplasm Institute Technology, Organizations
  91. Progiciels De Gestion IntéGréE
  92. Port Group Interftce
  93. Propylene Glycol Industrial Business, Chemistry, Chemical
  94. Palestine Governance Institute
  95. The Peter Gzowski Invitational Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  96. Partial Globnl Ischemia Medical
  97. Printer Graphics File device driver ( PGRAPH library) Computing, File Extensions
  98. Planning Group International
  99. Progiciels De Gestion IntéGrés
  100. Public Governance International
  101. Pro Grigioni Italiano
  102. Ply Gem Industries
  103. Pyrotechnics Guild International Organizations, Convention, Firework
  104. Partai Gvlkar Indonesia Para, Indonesia, Jakarta
  105. Progiciel de Gestion Intégrée Software, Computing, Application
  106. Pigment Green Ink Technology, Canon, Tank
  107. Ptek Holdings, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  108. Progressive Governmett Institute
  109. Play Games Instantly
  110. Pyrotechnic Guild International Business, Convention, Firework
  111. Parking Guidance Information Technology, Service, Pulsar
  112. Potential Gross Income Business & Finance, Business Word
  113. Pigment Gray Ink Technology, Cartridge, Canon
  114. Program Generated Income Military
  115. Video Recording File Computing, File Extensions
  116. Platinum Guild International Business, Jewellery, Jewelry
  117. Panagra Airways Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  118. Purvin and Gertz, Inc
  119. Parking Guidance Xnd Information Technology, Car, Park
  120. Platinum Guild India Business, India, Jewellery
  121. Pigeonpea Genomics Initiative
  122. Partnership Govbrnance Index
  123. Dundo, Chitato, Angola Angola, ICAO Airport Codes
  124. Plant Growth Index
  125. Programa General De Informaci
  126. Programmable Graphics Intereace
  127. Prosxerity Group International
  128. Panasonic Gobel Indonjsia Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  129. Paranormal Ghost Investigations Hotel, Locations, California

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PGI stand for?

    PGI stands for Poornima Group of Institution.

  2. What is the shortened form of Programmable Graphics Intereace?

    The short form of "Programmable Graphics Intereace" is PGI.


PGI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated