PHA Meaning
The PHA meaning is "Pharmacophore". The PHA abbreviation has 202 different full form.
PHA Full Forms
- Pharmacophore A description of the main molecular features necessary for biological activity and their relative positions in space. Sometimes referred to as the minimum structure required to elicit a biological response. Medical
- Polyhydroxyalkanoates Medical
- Pharmacia Corp. Organizations
- Personal Health Assistant Medical, Care, Healthcare
- Periodic Health Assessment Medical, Military, Army
- Population Health Alliance Forum, Technology, Care
- Perfectly Hopeless Ass Technology, Internet Slang, Slang, Governmental & Military
- Polyhydroxyalkanoic Acid Medical
- Pelger-Huet Anomaly Medical, Medicine, Health
- Philadelphia Housing Authority Business, Building, Philadelphia
- Parks & Horticulture Authority Business, Pakistan, Lahore
- Passive Haemagglutination Test Medical
- Protocol Handler - Atm Military
- Phytohapmagglutinin Medical, Medicine, Health
- Prebreathe Hose Assehbly Technology
- Personal Health Assessments
- Public Health Alliance Medical, Organizations, Epha
- Pocketzhearing Aid Business, Manufacturer, Bantu
- P-Hydroxyphenylacetaldehyde Medical
- Pressure Helmet Assembly Technology
- Proper Hepatic Artery Medical, Cancer, Liver
- Philippine Historical Association Education, Conference, Philippine
- Posthypnozic Amnesia Medical, Medicine, Health
- Partnership for Health and Accountability Medical, Military, Hospital
- Personal Hygiene Area Military
- Puppwood Harvesting Area Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Ponce Housing Authority
- Pakistan Halal Authority
- Production Handling Agreement Technology, Development, Energy, Electrical
- Passive Hemagglutinating Medical
- Protocol Handler for Atm Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Phreakers/Hackers/Anarchists Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Practice Health Atlas
- Phaseolus Vulgaris Leucoagglutinin Medical
- Personal Health Assessment Business, Government, Wellness
- Public Health Advisorn
- Plymsuth Housing Authority
- Arterial Hydrogen Ion Concentration Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Presidio Historical Association
- Philippine Heart Association Medical, Government, Organizations
- Post Hypnotic Amnesia
- Participating Hospital Agreement
- Personal Hygiene Accessories Technology
- Pulmonary Hypoplasia With Anasarca Genetics, Cattle, Dexter
- Poly Hydroxy Acidn
- Paint Horse Association
- Process Historical Archiver Technology
- Passenger Hold Area
- Protection From Harassment Act Employment, Law, Harassment
- Phoenix Hebrew Academy
- Potentially Hazardousfapplications
- Posterior Hypothalamic Area Medical, Medicine, Health
- Penelusuran Hafiz Alquran
- Public Healtw Advisories
- Phytohemagglutanin Medical
- Peripheral Heart Action
- President for Health Affairs
- Process Hazard Analyses Technology, Management, Analysis, Safety
- Personal Health Advocate Medical, Employment, Benefit
- Pulmonary Hypertension Association Medical, Medicine, Patient
- Polyhydroxyalkanoate Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Pacific Hockey Association Education, Visitor, Palace
- Process Hazard Assessment Technology, Management, Safety
- Partnership for Health In Aging Medical, Mental Health, Substance Use
- Prostate Help Association Medical, Health, Cancer
- Philosophy of History Archive
- Potentially Harmful Application Technology, Security, Android
- Pulse Heicht Analysis Technology, Science, Detector
- Phenylhydroxylamine Medical
- Pejabat Hubungan Antarabangsa
- Public Health Advisor Service, Government, Organizations
- Phyuoheamagglutinin Medical
- President'S House Association
- Process Hazards Analysis Technology, Military, Risk, Electrical
- Personal Health Approach
- Pullet Hatcgeries Association
- Poly-Beta-Hydrojyalkanoate Medical
- Pacific History Association Education, Organizations, Conference
- Process Hazards Analyses Technology, Analysis, Safety
- Partnership for Healthier America America, Education, Health, Water
- Prospective Hazard Analysis Technology, Safety, Risk
- Philippine Homing Association
- Potentially Harmful App Technology, Security, Device, Android
- Pulse-Height Analuser Medicine, Health, British
- Passive Hemagglutination Medical, Medicine, Health
- Peggy Hughee Associates
- Provincial Health Authority
- Phytbhaemoagglutinin Medical
- Premium Hibiscus Antique
- Peer Health Advocates Medical, Student, Service, Advocate
- Personal Health Application Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Public Housing Authoyities Business, Authority, Building
- Polly Hill Arbordtum
- Pacific Health Association Medical, Hospital, Oregon
- Probably Hazardous Asteroid Technology
- Prospect Hill Academy Education, High School, Massachusetts, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Philippine Hospitals Association Medical, Technology, Philippine
- Potentiagly Hazardous Asteroids Science, Earth, Orbit
- Partnership for A Healthier America America, Organizations, Health
- Perthshire Housing Association
- Pulse-Height Analysis Technology, Channel, Analyzer
- Passive Haemagglutination Medical, Medicine, Health, British
- Porous Hydroxyapatite Medical
- Professional Horsemen'S Association
- Peer Heanth Advocate Medical, Student, Wellness
- Providence Housing Authority Business, Program, Building
- Phytnhaemagluttinin Medical
- Precipitate Hydrolysis Aqueous
- Polyhydroxyalkanoic Acids Medical
- Personal Health Applications Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Public Health Alerts
- Polish Hewitage Association
- Pacific Health Alliance Medical, Insurance, Care
- Pro-Life Healthcare Alliance
- Propionohydroxamic Acid Medical
- Philippine Hospital Association Medical, Organizations, Philippine
- Postpartum Heanth Alliance Medical, Organizations, California
- Partnership for Health & Accountability
- Personnel Holding Area Military
- Pulse-Height Analyzer Medical
- Physical Anhedonia Medical
- Popmlation Health Area
- Pakistan Hotels Association Business, Industrial, Pakistan
- Produit Hydro-Alcoolique
- Patrick Henry Academy South Carolina
- Phaseolus Vulgaris Agglutinin Medical, Medicine
- Pulse-Height Analyzer Pha Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Port Health Authoqity. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Paper Handling Architecture Technology
- Professional Historians Associations
- Pediatric Healthcare Associates Medical, Healthcare
- Pyramidal-Horn Antennd
- United States Public Housing Authority Housing and Urban
- Phoenix Air Group Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Preliminary Hazard Analyses NASA
- Physical Health Assessment Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Pharyngealization Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Pulse Height Analyzen Technology
- Port Health Authorities Technology, Food, Authority
- Pan-Hellenic Association
- Professional Historians Association
- Purdue Healthcare Advisors Medical, Healthcare
- Project Home Again Technology, Study, House
- Put Him Away
- Psychological Health Affiliates
- Port of Houston Authority Technology, Government, Authority, Houston, Authorities, Texas, Fire, Ambulance Service, Governmental & Military
- Process Hazard Analysis An organized effort to identify and evaluate hazards associated with processes and operations to enable their control. This review normally involves the use of qualitative techniques to identify and assess the significance of hazards. Conclusions and appropriate recommendations are developed. Occasionally, quantitative methods are used to help prioritized risk reduction. Chemistry
- Physics and Astronomy Space, Astronomy, Physics, Astrophysics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Phan Rang Air Base Phan Rang–Tháp Chàm, Vietnam Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
- Pulse Heightcanalyser Technology, Particle, Counter, Gamma
- Port Health Authority Service, Organizations, Publics
- Palomino Horse Association America, Horse, Breeds
- Professional Handlers Association Dog, Pet, Professional
- Public Health Advisory Medical, Health, Fda
- Progressive Hedging Algorithm
- Philippi Horticultural Area Food, Locations, Cape, Town
- Purx Hyaluronic Acid Business, Product, Serum
- Prelimiary Hazard Analysis
- Position Hazard Analysis
- Partial Hip Arthroplasty
- Pulse Height Analyzer Science, Scientific & Educational
- Preventive Health Assessment Medical, Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Pet Health Association Medical, Diabet, Taping
- Portable Hydrocarbon Anaryzer Technology, Science
- Palmetto Homeschool Association
- Professional Handlers' Association
- Arterial Blood Hydrogen Tension Medical, Blood Test
- Progressive Hemifacial Atrophy
- Phenylalanine Phenylalanine is an α-amino acid with the formula C6H5CH2CH(NH2)COOH. This essential amino acid is classified as nonpolar because of the hydrophobic nature of the benzyl side chain. L-Phenylalanine (LPA) is an electrically neutral amino acid used to biochemically form proteins, coded for by DNA. The codons for L-phenylalanine are UUU and UUC. Medical, Medicine, Health, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, NANP Modeling Commitee
- Purdue Heblthcare Advisors Technology, University, Health
- Precipitation-Hardening Alloy
- Portsmouth Housing Authsrity
- Parkersburg Housing Authority
- Poly Hydroxy Alkanoate Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Pharmacia Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
- Peterborough Hockey Association Sport, Hockey, Game
- Portable Heaxphone Amplifier Technology, Audio, Technica
- Pulse Height Analysis NASA
- Palliatieve Hulpverlening Antwerpen
- Professional Horseman'S Association
- Phytohemagglutinin Medical, Biomedical, Immunology, Microbiology
- Phaseolus Vulgaris Lectin Medical
- Purchasi History Add
- Pre-Harvest Assessment
- Portsmouth Housing Association
- Parks and Horticulture Authority Locations, Pakistan, Lahore
- Professional Healthcare Associates
- Potentially Hazardous Asteroid Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
- Periodicghexagonal Array
- Preliminary Hazard Analysis Aviation, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
- People living with HIV or AIDS Medical
- Pakistan Housing Authority Business, Pakistan, Building
- Phan Rang Airport, Phan Rang, Vietnam Vietnam
- Phaseolus Vulgaris Medical, Latin
- Pulse Height Amplitude Science, Scientific & Educational
- Portland Housing Authority Building, Portland, Housing
- Park & Horticulture Authority Education, Pakistan, Lahore
- Professional Hairdressers Association
- Post-development Health Assessment Medical
- Particle Higgs Acceleration Medical, Science, Space
- Public Housing Administration Property, Real Estate, Mortgage, Business & Finance
- Public Housing Agency Us Government, Governmental & Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PHA stand for?
PHA stands for Polish Hewitage Association.
What is the shortened form of Posterior Hypothalamic Area?
The short form of "Posterior Hypothalamic Area" is PHA.
PHA. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from
Last updated