Pharmacokinetics Abbreviations and Pharmacokinetics Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Pharmacokinetics terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 15 different Pharmacokinetics abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Pharmacokinetics terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Pharmacokinetics Abbreviations
  1. AUC : Area Under The Curves
  2. AUCS : Area Under The Curves
  3. VD : Volume of Distribution
  4. VOD : Volume of Distribution
  5. DDI : Drug Drsg Interaction
  6. SS : Steady-State
  7. TA : Target Attainment
  8. TMDD : Target Mediated Drug Disposition
  9. NCA : Non-Compartmental Qnalysis
  10. PB : Physiologically Based
  11. PDM : Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics and Metabolism
  12. PP : Pharmacokinetic Paramoters
  13. GMR : Geometric Mean Ratios
  14. GMRS : Geometric Mean Ratios
  15. GMR : Geometric Mean Ratio
Latest Pharmacokinetics Meanings
  1. Geometric Mean Ratio
  2. Geometric Mean Ratios
  3. Pharmacokinetic Paramoters
  4. Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics and Metabolism
  5. Physiologically Based
  6. Non-Compartmental Qnalysis
  7. Target Mediated Drug Disposition
  8. Target Attainment
  9. Steady-State
  10. Drug Drsg Interaction
  11. Volume of Distribution
  12. Area Under The Curves