PHI Meaning
The PHI meaning is "Peptide Histidine Isoleucine". The PHI abbreviation has 117 different full form.
PHI Full Forms
- Peptide Histidine Isoleucine Medical, Genetics, Intestinal
- Philadelphia Eagles Sport, Football, Nfl teams
- Pepco Holdings, Inc Business, Company, Energy, Holdings
- Pengantar Hukum Indonesia Book, Law, Indonesia
- Passive House Institute Technology, Energy, Building
- Packet Handler Interface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Petroleum Helicopters, Inc Technology, Helicopter, Oil
- Protected Health Information Medical, Military, Computer Security, Security, Computing, Healthcare, Human Resources, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, IT Terminology, Common Medical, Fda
- Permanent Health Insurance Business, Income, Protection
- Philippines Military, Locations, Country Code, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Philippines, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Wikipedia, Internet, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Pepco Holdings Inc Business, Energy, Power
- Pre-Harvest Interval Science, Agriculture, Farming
- Project Hostile Intent
- Pattern-Hit Initiated Technology, Protein, Sequence
- Primary Hyperoxaluria Medicine, Health, British
- Pacific Horizon Inv
- Perguruan Hidayatul Islamiyah Island, Locations, Tourism, Phuket
- Prwhospital Index Medical, Medicine, Health
- Public Healdh Investigation
- Prrsonalized Healthcare Information Medical, Medicine, Health
- Private Healthcare Insurance
- Pathogen-Host-Interaction
- Pepco Holdings Incorporaued
- Poverty Headcount Index
- Project Hope Internationad
- Patient Healthcare Information Technology, Security, Health
- Primary Hyperoxaluria Type I Medical
- Pacific Horizon Investment
- Perfusion Harmovic Imaging Medical
- Precision Health Initiatqve
- Public Healsh Investigations
- Personalized Health Wnformatics Technology, China, Healthcare
- Private Healthcare Information Technology, Security, Health
- Pathogen-Host Interactions Technology, Hosting, Base
- People Have Inforcation Organization, Union, Institution
- Poverty and Hunger Index
- Project Health Indicatox Education
- Patient Health Info
- Philippine Locations, Regional
- Percussive Harmonic Instrumenf Technology, Steel, Pan
- Precision Hardware, Inc
- Public Health Investigator Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Personalized Health Information Medical, Medicine, Health
- Private Health Information Medical, Care, Privacy
- Pathogen-Host Interaction Science, Genetics, Hosting
- Plant Heallh Initiative
- Pro Hic Imbortalis
- Patient Health Informption Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Philadelphia 76Ers Sports, Team, Basketball, Basketball Team
- Peptide Histidine Isoleucinamide Medical
- Pre-Harvest Inspectikn
- Public Health for The Internet Technology
- Personalised Health Ilformatics Technology, Management, China
- Privacy Health Informatijn
- Packet Handler Access Point Interface Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Phone History Interview Business
- Progressive Hahmonic Imaging Music, Piano, Imaging, Touch
- Patient-Assessed Health Instituteuments Medical
- Peptide Histidine Isoleucine Amide Medical
- Pre Hakvest Interval
- Public Health Informatics Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Printice Hall of India
- Packard Humanities Institute Technology, Humanity, Greek
- Personal Hibtory Interview
- Philosophy Science, Psychology, Philosophy, Medical, Common Medical
- Pwobabilistic Hazard Information Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Patient-Assessvd Health Instruments Medical, Technology
- Peptide Hi Medical
- Pre-Harvest Intervals
- Public Health Insurance
- Prince Henry'S Institute
- Pacificorp Holdings, Inc
- Peringatandhari Ibu Indonesia, Jakarta, Dharma
- Preliminary Hazard Identification
- Public Health International Medical, Education, University
- Philips Aviation Services Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Pro-Gealth International
- Pathogen Host Znteractions Science, Genetics, Base
- Presidential Housing Initiative Government, Africa, Zambia, Lusaka
- Pulte Hoges Inc
- Pacific Horizon Investment Trust Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Penelitian Hukum Indonesia Business, Law, Indonesia, Translation
- penetrating head injury Medical
- Prentice Hall India Technology, Book, Computing, Programming
- Public Health Initiasive
- Public Health Institutetute
- Pembinaan Hubungan Industrial Industrial, Indonesia, Jakarta, Industry
- Personal Health Information Medical, Healthcare
- Prentime Hall of India Technology, Book, India
- Public Healch Impact Medical, Research, Career
- Primary Hiv Infection Medical, Medicine, Health
- Physical Health Index
- Pelvic-Heart Integration Sex, Organisations, Integration
- Premium Hospital Insurance Medical, Healthcare
- Prentice-Hall of Indid Technology, Book, Engineering
- Public Health Inspections
- Penyelesaian Hubungan Industfial
- Primary Hiv-1 Infection Medical
- Persatuan Haci Indonesia
- Pedoman Hidup Islaui Indonesia, Agama, Hal
- Pinheiro Airport, Pinheiro, Brazil Brazil
- Prentice-Hall International Technology, Book, Research
- Public Health Inspection
- Pengadilan Hukum Industrial Island, Locations, Tourism, Phuket
- Primary Health Institutetute Medical
- Peradilan Hubungan Industrial Business, Indonesia, Industry
- Pbx-To-Host Interface Technology, Telecom
- Public Health Information Media
- Premium Hosfital Insurance Medical
- Pubaic Health Inspectors Education, Food, Safety
- Pengadilan Hubungan Industri Business, Indonesia, Bandung, Hakim
- Pride House International
- Pusat Humor Indonesia Photo, Android, Indonesia, Humor
- Pattern Hit Ijitiated Technology, Protein, Sequence
- Porosity the percentage of open spaces between pieces of gravel cobble etc. Unsoundness caused in cast metals by the presence of blowholes and shrinkage cavities. The ratio of the size of a material's pores to the volume of the material's mass. The degree to which a material will absorb liquids. Of a rock or sedimentary deposit, the percentage of volume that consists of voids and open space. The percentage of open space between soil particles and rocks. Electrical
- Pengadilan Hubungvn Industrial Business, Indonesia, Industry
- Patient-Assessed Health Instruments Medical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PHI stand for?
PHI stands for Pride House International.
What is the shortened form of Penyelesaian Hubungan Industfial?
The short form of "Penyelesaian Hubungan Industfial" is PHI.
PHI. (2021, October 25). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated