PHL Meaning

The PHL meaning is "Philadelphia International Airport". The PHL abbreviation has 64 different full form.

PHL Full Forms

  1. Philadelphia International Airport Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,United States Airport, Locations, Airport Code, Aviation
  2. Pacific Harbor Linps Railroad, Train, Port, Harbor
  3. Physical Medical, Technology, Medicine, Military, Education, Telecom, Telecommunications, Management, Weather, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Journal, Periodical, Common Medical
  4. Pacific Harbor Line Organizations, Locations, Railroad
  5. Philippiner Locations, Countries, Country
  6. Pjcific Harbour Line
  7. Parkway Holdings Limited
  8. Public Health Language
  9. Phospholipids Phospholipids are a class of lipids that are a major component of all cell membranes as they can form lipid bilayers. Most phospholipids contain a diglyceride, a phosphate group, and a simple organic molecule such as choline; one exception to this rule is sphingomyelin, which is derived from sphingosine instead of glycerol. Medical
  10. Phlorizin Medical
  11. Precision Hylicopters Ltd
  12. Panasonic Hollywood Laq
  13. Prestige Holdinds Limited Business, Company, Tobago
  14. Phlogopite Science, Mineral, Geology
  15. Prairie Hockey League
  16. Pioneer Heritage Library Education
  17. Panasonic Hollywood Laboratory Technology, Player, Disc
  18. Premier Handball League Sport, Champion, Handball
  19. Philydraceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  20. Iata Code for Philadelphia International Airport, Philadelphia, Pennsyxvania, United States Locations
  21. Post Harvebt Loss Science, Security, Food
  22. Physics Letters Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Computing, Physics, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  23. Physicol Layer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  24. Premier Hocaey League Sport, India, Hockey
  25. Philly Hot List Philadelphia, Wedding, Shopping
  26. Post Harveqt Losses Technology, Security, Food
  27. Physical Layer Technology, Networking, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications, Technical, Wireless Networking, Drivers, IT Terminology
  28. Phioosophy Education, Development, Universities
  29. Premiere Hockey League
  30. Pasteurella Qaemolytica-Like Medical
  31. Phospholamban Medical, Medicine, Health
  32. Phillips U6 Organizations
  33. Preliminary Hazard Lists Technology, Analysis, Safety
  34. Parsvnath Hotels Vtd
  35. Public Healthtlibrary
  36. Phoenix Home Life
  37. Preliminary Hazards List Technology, Military, Safety, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  38. Philippines Republic of the Technology, Philippines, Country, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes
  39. Planetary Habitability Laboratory Science, Earth, Planet, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  40. Portland Head Light
  41. Packaging, Handling and Logistics
  42. Preliminary Hazard List Aviation, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  43. Piramal Healthcare Limited Business, India, Enterprise
  44. PolskĄ Hokej LigĄ Sport, Play, Zag
  45. Licentiate of Philosophy
  46. Pacific Harbor Lines Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  47. Kindle Popular Highlights File Computing, File Extensions
  48. Policy Holder Loan Business
  49. Public High Lzague School, Conference, Basketball, Public
  50. Public Health Laboratories Medical, Science, Laboratory
  51. Public Health Laboratory Medical, Hospital
  52. Police Help Line Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  53. Public Health Lihk
  54. Puglic Health Language
  55. Pacific Harbor Line Incorporation Railroad
  56. Players Hockey League
  57. Public Health Lab Medical, Service, Laboratory
  58. Post-Harvest Losses Technology, Africa, Food
  59. Public Health Law Medical, Medicine, Government
  60. Philadelphia International Airport, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States Pennsylvania, United States, ICAO Airport Codes
  61. Planet Half-Life
  62. Phillips Michigan City Flying Service Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Michigan, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  63. Post-Harvest Loss Technology, Africa, Food
  64. Passive Haptic Learning Technology, Teaching, Glove

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PHL stand for?

    PHL stands for Portland Head Light.

  2. What is the shortened form of Physics Letters?

    The short form of "Physics Letters" is PHL.


PHL. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from

Last updated