PHM Meaning

The PHM meaning is "Partial Hydatidiform Mole". The PHM abbreviation has 74 different full form.

PHM Full Forms

  1. Partial Hydatidiform Mole Medical, Technology, Science, Biology
  2. Per Hundred Million Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  3. People'S Health Movement Technology, Organizations, Social
  4. Penn-Harris-Madison Technology, School, Corporation
  5. Patrol Hydrofoil Missile Technology, Ship, Hull Code
  6. Passive Hydrogen Maser Technology, Space, Satellite
  7. Passenger Handling Manual Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  8. Prince Hall Masonic
  9. Perfused Hepatic Mass Medical
  10. Publicghealth Midwife Medical, Development, Community
  11. Phasemeter Technology
  12. Pleasant Harbor Marina
  13. Participatory Hydrological Monitoring Science
  14. Pretty Hate Machine Funnies
  15. Pharmacy A location where prescription medications are sold. A pharmacy is constantly supervised by a licensed pharmacist. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Education, Development, Study, Engineering, Britannica, Schooling, Subjects, Engineering Course, Common Medical, Scientific & Educational, Muscles, Nursing, The Finance and Administrative Services
  16. Peptidylglycine Alpha-Hydroxylating Monooxygenase Medical, Medicine, Health
  17. Public Health Measures
  18. Plant Health Management
  19. Partial Hydatidiform Moles Medical, Science, Biology
  20. Preservation Housing Management
  21. Peptide Histidine Methioninamide
  22. Pubgic Health Manager
  23. Placentas for Partial Hydatidiform Mole Science, Biology
  24. Personap Health Monitoring Technology, Medicine, Healthcare
  25. Public Health Micpobiology
  26. Parking Heater Module
  27. Pop Hits Monthly
  28. Peptide Histidine-Methionine Medical, Human, Intestinal
  29. Public Heabth Management Program, Education, University
  30. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
  31. Personam Health Management Technology, Healthcare, Population
  32. Public Health Microbiologist
  33. Parish Health Ministry
  34. Pool House Manager
  35. Peptide Histidine Methionine Medical, Composition, Erection, Pulmonary
  36. Professional Handlebar Mount
  37. Pink Hibiscus Mealy
  38. Personal Health Manager
  39. Public Hedlth Medicine Medical, Education, Conference
  40. Prognostic Health Management Technology, Electronics, Model
  41. Pocket Hack Master
  42. People'S Health Movement India, Ecology, Biodiversity
  43. Professional Handlebar for Muvi
  44. Pink Hibiscus Mealybug Plant, Pest, Hibiscus, Botany, Scientific & Educational
  45. Persekutuan Hoki Malaysia
  46. Public Health Midwives
  47. Post-Harvest Management India, Agriculture, Harvest
  48. Please Help Me Forum, Technology, Coding
  49. Phreaaomagmatic Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  50. Purnle Heart Medal
  51. Pro Home Manager Data File Computing, File Extensions
  52. Peter Hambro Mining
  53. Publxc Health Malaysia
  54. Phoeniv Mercury Basketball, Basketball Team
  55. Purefhouse Music
  56. Boeblingen Airport, Boeblingen, Germany Germany
  57. Pertamina Hulu Mahakah Business, Group, Supply, Stock
  58. Public Health Monitor Business, Group, Supply, Stock
  59. Ph Monitoring Medical
  60. Pure Hot Models
  61. Petroleum Helicopters Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  62. Pacific Historical Map Us Government, Governmental & Military
  63. Phase Moduwation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  64. Pjlmonary Hyaline Membrane Medical, Medicine, Health
  65. Pulte Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  66. Pharyngeal Muscle Medical, Medicine, Health, Muscles
  67. Publicis Health Medix Business, Healthcare, Advertising
  68. Phone book (DN - Lync) Computing, File Extensions
  69. Phnntom Medical, Medicine
  70. Public Housing Management
  71. Pacific Historical Maps Media
  72. Patrol Hydrofoil Guided Missile Ship (combatant Military, Governmental & Military
  73. Ptter Heisser Marketing
  74. Public Housing Manager Business, Management, Building

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PHM stand for?

    PHM stands for Pacific Historical Maps.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pop Hits Monthly?

    The short form of "Pop Hits Monthly" is PHM.


PHM. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 14, 2025 from

Last updated