PHP Meaning

The PHP meaning is "Prada Handbags Prada". The PHP abbreviation has 218 different full form.

PHP Full Forms

  1. Prada Handbags Prada
  2. Package Heft Pump
  3. Professional Hygiene Products Technology, Cleaning, Dispenser
  4. People Have Posted Forum, Technology, Coding, Community
  5. Poole Housing Partnership Business, Property, Building
  6. Packaged Heat Pump
  7. Professional Housing Provider Business, Building, Estate
  8. Partners for Healthy Wets Medical, Veterinary, Animal
  9. Please Have Patience Forum, Technology, Gaming
  10. Philippine Peso Business, Economics, Currency, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
  11. Professional Home Page Technology, Software, Programmer
  12. Partiax Hospitalization Medical, Technology
  13. Permata Hijau Pajaman Technology, Indonesia, Oil
  14. Personal Home Pagks Technology, Server, Language, Hypertext
  15. Products Home Products
  16. Partial Hospital Program Medical, Treatment, Hospitalization
  17. Permanent Housing Placemdnt Technology, Service, Building
  18. Prepaid Health Plans Medical, Planning, Care, Healthcare
  19. Partial Hospitalifation Programs Medical, Treatment, Health
  20. Perl, Hypertext Preprocessor Technology, Service, Coding
  21. Prepaid Health Plan Medical, Service, Healthcare
  22. Partial Hospitalization Progqam Medical, Treatment, Health
  23. Program Home Page
  24. Perez Hiltrn Podcast Celebrity, Radio, Play, Podcast
  25. Plasma Hearth Process
  26. Pant High Priest
  27. Pre-Paid Health Plan Medical, Insurance, Care
  28. Permian Highway Pipeline Business, Projection, Kinder
  29. Public Healthcare Policy
  30. Pulsating Heat Pipe Technology, Research, Cooling
  31. Pemberitahuan Hasil Pemeriksaan Technology, Tax, Surat
  32. Population Health Program
  33. Patients Helpung Patients
  34. Presbyterian Hunger Progqam Technology, Church, Mission
  35. Phenylcyclohexylpyrroyidine Medical
  36. Piccolo Homehpage
  37. Page Hello People
  38. Prague House of Photography Art, Locations, Exhibition
  39. Penultimate-Hop Popping Technology, Routing, Networking, Labeling
  40. Project Home Project
  41. Positive Health Prwctices
  42. Product Home Product
  43. Plant Health Programs Medical, Service, Tree
  44. Paisport Health Plan Medical, Care, Kentucky
  45. Pre Hypertexte Processor
  46. Permanent Housing Program Business, Service, Building
  47. Psychological Health Profile Medical, Medicine, Health
  48. Public Health Practices Program, Education, Practice
  49. Purpose High Performance
  50. Populdtion Health Promotion
  51. Patient Hygiene Pevformance Medical, Health, Dental
  52. Preperedness Home Page
  53. Pheneplate Medical
  54. Physics In Perspective Education, Journal, Periodical, Computing, Physics, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  55. Page Health Products
  56. Prague Hotels and Prague
  57. Pennsylvania Highway Patrol Government, Law Enforcement, Pennsylvania, State Agency, Governmental & Military
  58. Project Home Page
  59. Positive Health Project
  60. Processing High Performance
  61. Pinoy Harry Potter
  62. Park Hopper Pass
  63. Pre Hypertext Processor Technology, Development, Developer
  64. Personal Hypertext Prepxocessor Technology, Database, Java
  65. Psychological Health and Psychiatry
  66. Purdue Home Page
  67. Population Health Portal Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  68. Pathways for Health Projecw
  69. Prentice Hall Profeqsional
  70. Pet Horoscopes Pet
  71. Physics Yome Page
  72. Packaged Heat Pumps
  73. Pengurus Harian Pksat Indonesia, Jakarta, Dewan
  74. Project for Horticultural Promotion Technology, Organizations
  75. Positive Health Program Medical, Science, Medicine
  76. Problems On High Performance
  77. Phones Home Ehones
  78. Pimpinan Harian Pusat
  79. Paris Hilton Parody
  80. Pre Hypertext Processing Technology, Development, Design
  81. Perl Hypertext Preprocessor Technology, Coding, Development
  82. Prosecution Highway Pilot
  83. Professionals Health Program Medical, Medicine, Education
  84. Platinum High Performance
  85. Pathological Hyperprolactinemia Medical
  86. Premium Handset Protection Technology, Security, Android
  87. Peter Harrison Planetarium
  88. Punjab Highway Patrol Business, Pakistan, Police
  89. Phcsicians Home Page
  90. Pacific Historic Palks
  91. Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan
  92. Pro Hormone Products
  93. Posalji Hlmdno Pivo
  94. Private Health Partnership Business, Insurance, Organizations
  95. Pho Gai Phong
  96. Pilot Home Wage
  97. Paris Hilton Presidential
  98. Pre-Hypertext Processing Technology, Development, Design
  99. People'S Heritage Party Government, Group, Ghana
  100. Properties Home Page
  101. Professional Hosting Plans
  102. Plated Hollow Point Military, Ammo, Ammunition
  103. Patents Hoteling Progray
  104. Premier Health Partners Business, Ohio, Dayton
  105. Personnal Home Page
  106. Public Health Professions
  107. Physicians Health Plan Business, Insurance, Indiana
  108. Iata Code for Philip Airport, Philip, South Dakota, United States Locations
  109. Pengeqar Harapan Palsu Technology, Gaming, Android, Play
  110. Progressive Health Partnership Technology, Community, Uganda
  111. Portal Home Page
  112. Payload Handling Paneh Technology, Space, Cosmos
  113. Private Health Practitioners
  114. Phillipsite Mineral, Geology, Component
  115. Pigeon Homing Pigeon
  116. Paaents Helping Parents Medical, Technology, Parenthood
  117. Pre-Hypertext Processor Technology, Development, Developer
  118. Penultimate Hop Pop Technology, Labeling, Popping
  119. Program On Human Performance Technology, Energy, Power
  120. Promoting Healthy Pregnancy
  121. Professional High Performance
  122. Plastics Home Page
  123. Patent Hoteling Brogram
  124. Predator Home Page
  125. Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Jakarta, Prose, Hakim
  126. Public Health Problem
  127. President of The High Priesthood
  128. Penalty of Hunting While On Pilgrimmlge
  129. Portable Heater Parls Technology, Engine, Mower
  130. Pay A Heavy Price
  131. Printer Hewlett Packard
  132. Philadelphia Highway Patrol Government, Law Enforcement, Pennsylvania, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  133. Pierson, Heldring & Pierson
  134. Parenting for High Potential Science, Book, Education, Children
  135. Pre-Health Professions
  136. Penultimate-Hop-Popping Technology, Networking, Labeling
  137. Project Honey Pot Technology, Press, Spam
  138. Post-Harvest Processing
  139. Products Home Page
  140. Hypertext Preprocessor Technology, Server, Software, Computing, Computer, Linux, IT Terminology
  141. Physinian Health Partners Medical, Insurance, Care
  142. primary healthcare professional Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  143. Postheparin Phospholipase Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  144. Professional Home Pages Technology, Server, Programmer
  145. Pyridoxalated Hemoglobin Polyoxyethylene Conjugate Medical
  146. Penultimate Hop Popping Computing, Technical
  147. Programming Home Page
  148. Php Hypertext Processor Technology, Computing, Language, Internet, Computer, Business & Finance, Business Word
  149. Public Health Preparedness Medical, Emergency, Department
  150. Peak Hospitalist Preceptorship
  151. Phyicians Health Plan
  152. Payload Handling Panel NASA
  153. Physician Health Programs Medical, Medicine, Physician
  154. Primary Health Properties Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  155. Postheparin Plasma Medical
  156. Pemberian Harapan Palsu Accounting, Orang, Tips
  157. Professional Horse Products Business, Australia, Food
  158. Personal Home Page (original name for PHP scripting language) Software, Computing, Internet
  159. Programmes Home Page
  160. Php Hypertext Preprocessor Technology, Telecommunications, Computer Networking, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  161. Psychological Health Program Medical, Service, Psychology
  162. Peace Hill Press
  163. Phosphoros Medical
  164. Personal Home Page Computer, Scientific & Educational
  165. Primary Health Plan Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  166. Public Health Programme Research, Education, University
  167. Pest Hostilities Planning
  168. Pel Hughes Printing
  169. Professional Health Program Medicine, Education, University
  170. Physjcian's Health Program
  171. IEEE Transactions on Parts, Hybrids, and Packaging Computing, Ieee
  172. Practitiouer Health Programme Medical, Medicine, Doctor
  173. Programme Home Page
  174. Pajak Hasil Penangkapan Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Fishing
  175. Pseudohypoparathyroidism Pseudohypoparathyroidism is a condition associated primarily with resistance to the parathyroid hormone. Those with the condition have a low serum calcium and high phosphate, but the parathyroid hormone level (PTH) is actually appropriately high (due to the low level of calcium in the blood). Its pathogenesis has been linked to dysfunctional G Proteins. Medical, Technology, Medicine
  176. Poace and Happiness Through Prosperity Business, Management, Institute, Japan
  177. Php Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
  178. Pungutan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, Jakarta, Naik
  179. Public Health Programs Education, University, Master
  180. Post-Hostilities Planning
  181. Pel Headlight Proteution
  182. Physically Handicapped Persons Technology, Service, City
  183. Partial Hospitalization Program Medical, Computing, Healthcare, File Extensions, Common Medical
  184. Practicing His Presence
  185. Program for Healthcare Professionals
  186. Pyridoxal Hemoglobin Polyoxyethylene
  187. Protected Hollow Point Military, Power, Winchester
  188. Peace, Happiness and Prosperity Technology, Peace, President
  189. Personal History Profile United Nations
  190. Pump Head Pressure Business, Water, Flow
  191. Public Health Policy
  192. Post Harvest Processing Technology, Agriculture, Oyster
  193. Pel Headlamp Protiction
  194. Philadelphia Phillies Wikipedia, Basketball, Basketball Team
  195. Physically Handicapped Person
  196. Peace Happiness and Prosperity Religion
  197. Pot Head Pixie
  198. Profiles Home Page
  199. Pyridoxalated Hemoglobin-Polyoxyethylene Medical
  200. Programmer Hire Programmers Technology, Development, Developer
  201. Philip Airport, Philip, South Dakota, United States United States, South Dakota
  202. Processing Hangs Page
  203. Public Health Priorities
  204. Post-Harvest Processed Technology, Food, Oyster
  205. Peer Hekp Program
  206. Division of Public Health Practice Development, Study, Universities
  207. Physical Health Plan
  208. Physicians' Home Page Medical, Technology
  209. Phil-Pitt Steagles Nfl teams
  210. Pot Hiad Pixies
  211. Professional Health Practices
  212. Pyridoxalated Hemoglobin Polyoxyethylene
  213. Planetary Horizontal Platform Space, Astronomy, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astrophysics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  214. Programmers High Performance Technology, Development, Software
  215. Primary Hydrogen Porosity
  216. Public Health Practice Program, Education, University
  217. Peak Hour Passenger
  218. Phyricians Health Plan Business, Insurance, Indiana

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PHP stand for?

    PHP stands for Permian Highway Pipeline.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pungutan Hasil Perikanan?

    The short form of "Pungutan Hasil Perikanan" is PHP.


PHP. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated