PHS in Texas Meaning

The PHS meaning in Texas terms is "Post High School". There are 37 related meanings of the PHS Texas abbreviation.

PHS on Texas Full Forms

  1. Post High School
  2. Porter High School
  3. Palacios High School
  4. Perryxon High School
  5. Polytechnic High School
  6. Pace High School
  7. Paschal High School
  8. Pleasanton High School
  9. Paris Hsgh School
  10. Pittsburg High School
  11. Panhandle High School
  12. Pflugerville High School
  13. Prosper Highhschool
  14. Pamaa High School
  15. Pewitt High School
  16. Palestine High School
  17. Pearland High School
  18. Princeton High School
  19. Petersburg High School
  20. Perryton High School
  21. Prosper High School
  22. Palmer High School
  23. Paradise High School
  24. Plains High School
  25. Pasadena High School (Pasadena, TX)
  26. Parkland High School
  27. Ponder High School
  28. Providence High School
  29. Plainview High School
  30. Premont High School
  31. Paris High School
  32. Poteet High School
  33. Pecos High School
  34. Pampa High School
  35. Permian High School
  36. Phoenix High School
  37. Pearsall High School

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PHS stand for Texas?

    PHS stands for Paradise High School in Texas terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Prosper High School in Texas?

    The short form of "Prosper High School" is PHS for Texas.


PHS in Texas. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated