PI in Health Meaning

The PI meaning in Health terms is "Physically Impaired". There are 34 related meanings of the PI Health abbreviation.

PI on Health Full Forms

  1. Physically Impaired
  2. Pneumatosis Intestinalis
  3. Pineal Body
  4. Plaque Inhidition
  5. Post Ischbemic
  6. Perfusion Imaging
  7. Promoting Independence
  8. Physicians Interactive
  9. Post Irradiation
  10. Proinsulin
  11. Physician Information
  12. Partition Coefficient The ratio of the concentrations of a solute in two immiscible or slightly miscible liquids, or in two solids, when it is in equilibrium across the interface between them.
  13. Physical Inactivity
  14. Pulmonart Incompetence
  15. Poftinfection
  16. Pharmacopoeia Interoationalis
  17. Psychological Impact
  18. Post Implantation
  19. Prevention Index
  20. Pesticide Information
  21. Proximal Interphalangeal
  22. Preparatody Interval
  23. Proximal Intestine
  24. The Ratio of Circumference To Diameter, 3.1415926536
  25. Isoelectric Point The isoelectric point is the pH at which a particular molecule carries no net electrical charge. The standard nomenclature to represent the isoelectric point is pH, although pI is also commonly seen, and is used in this article for brevity. The net charge on the molecule is affected by pH of its surrounding environment and can become more positively or negatively charged due to the gain or loss, respectively, of protons (H+).
  26. Performance Kntensity
  27. Pulmonary Index
  28. Postinfluenza
  29. Patjent's Interest
  30. Private Insurance
  31. Primany Infarction
  32. Plasmin Inhibitor
  33. Pathfinder International
  34. Perinatal Injury

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PI stand for Health?

    PI stands for Pulmonart Incompetence in Health terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Isoelectric Point in Health?

    The short form of "Isoelectric Point" is PI for Health.


PI in Health. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pi-meaning-in-health/

Last updated