PIC Meaning

The PIC meaning is "Particulate Inorganic Carbtn". The PIC abbreviation has 540 different full form.

PIC Full Forms

  1. Particulate Inorganic Carbtn Technology, Carbon, Exploration
  2. Pain In Chest
  3. Property Identification Code Technology, Australia, Australian
  4. Person In Charge In construction, PIC stands for "Person in Charge." The Person in Charge is the individual who is responsible for overseeing a particular aspect of a construction project or the entire project itself. The PIC may be a contractor, project manager, or supervisor, depending on the scope and complexity of the project. The responsibilities of the Person in Charge may vary depending on the specific project and the stage of construction. In general, the PIC is responsible for ensuring that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required specifications. This may involve managing subcontractors and workers, coordinating with architects and engineers, ensuring compliance with building codes and safety regulations, and overseeing quality control and inspections. Transportation, Shipping, Rail Transport, Electrical, Business & Finance, Construction
  5. Pre-Initiation Complex Medical, Medicine, Health
  6. Paediatric Intensive Cake Medical, Children, Paediatrics
  7. Promoting International Collaboration Technology, Africa, Youth
  8. Personal Introductory Course Technology, Book, Edition
  9. Power Integrated Circuit Technology, Electronics, Component
  10. Pacific Islands Cluz Hotel, Locations, Guam
  11. Progress In Informatics and Computing
  12. Pressurized Ion Chamber Science, Us, Department Of Defense
  13. Personal Internet Communicator Technology, Windows, Computing
  14. Positive Inventory Contrpl Logistics
  15. Prmvate Industry Council Technology, Education, Special Education
  16. Programmable Interrupt Technology
  17. Presidential Inaugurac Committee Government, President, Inauguration
  18. Personal Intelligent Communicator Technology, Computing, Telecom
  19. Positive Identification Card Diving, Course, Dive
  20. Polyethylene-Insulated Conductor Science
  21. Programmable Interrupt Controller Technology, Computing, Architectural, Information Technology, Architecture, Computer, Telecom, Hardware, Drivers
  22. Preintegration Complex Medical
  23. Parent Inqicator Code Military, Army, Corps
  24. Position Independant Code Technology
  25. Pilot-In-Command Flight, Command, Pilot
  26. Preinitiaoion Complex Medical
  27. Parallel Interference Cancellation Technology, Channel, Signal
  28. Public Information Center Science, Service, Locations, Chemistry
  29. Petrochemical Industries Company Business, Industrial, Kuwait
  30. Precision Investment Casting
  31. Patrol In Council
  32. Physicians Insurwnce Company
  33. Preferred Interexchange Carrier Technology, Calling, Telecom
  34. Performance Investment Corporation
  35. Programmed Image Control Technology, Camera, Canon, Rebel
  36. Principays-In-Charge Business, Accounting, Projection
  37. Personal Injury Coverage
  38. Property Identification Codes Technology, Australia, Coding, Animal, Ear
  39. Polyethylene Insulated Conductor
  40. Product Integrity Center
  41. Practical Intelligence Course
  42. Peer Inyeractive Communication
  43. Program Information Coordinator Business
  44. Pilot In Charge Military, Flight, Crash
  45. Premier International College
  46. Peripheral Interface Card Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  47. Programme Interuniversitaire De Coop
  48. Polysaccharide Iron Complex
  49. Parent Involvement Council
  50. Persons In Charge Technology, Food, Safety
  51. Public Internet Channel
  52. Professor-In-Charge
  53. Partnerihip In Context
  54. Public Internet Cloud
  55. Ppchinde Medical
  56. Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication
  57. Pension Investbent Club
  58. Programmable Interrupt Controllers Technology, Coding, Device
  59. Poison Information Center Medical, Science, Medicine
  60. Private Investment Corporation
  61. Pacific Innovation Collaborative
  62. Personal Investment Company
  63. Prostitute Information Center
  64. Porto Interactive Center
  65. Proyecto Internet Katalunya
  66. Post-Beamformer Interference Canceller
  67. Picture The bid and asked prices quoted by a broker for a given security. Technology, Computing, It, Texting, Chat, Photography, Social Media, Blogging, Online, Twitter, Disney, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  68. Punjab Institute of Cardiaoloy
  69. Pinchot Institute for Conservation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  70. Presence and Instant Communications
  71. Policy Interpretation Committee
  72. Product Information Catalvg Technology, Boat, Ranger
  73. Petrochemical Industries Corporation Business, Industrial, Kuwait
  74. Professional Interfraternity Conference
  75. Professional Insurance Company
  76. Plan Industriel Et Commercial Business, Supply, Planification
  77. Peqmanent Identity Card Business, Employment, Service
  78. Pro Intermediary Carrier Medical, Healthcare
  79. Polarization-Dependent Imaging Contrast
  80. Primary Interlata Carrner Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  81. Package Identificatdon Code Business, Technology, Postal, Us Post
  82. Pharmaciso-In-Charge Business, Management, Pharmacy
  83. Public Information Campaign
  84. Physicians Immediate Care Medical, Business, Medicine
  85. Predominantly Intraductal Carcinoma Medical, Science, Biology
  86. Performance I Create
  87. Programme D'Initiative Communautaire
  88. Principal In Charge
  89. Personal Injury Collision Medical, Car, Accident
  90. Project Implementation Consultant Business, Development, Water
  91. Polyethylene Insulated Cable Technology, Computing, Hardware
  92. Product Integrated Controls Technology, Carrier, Manual
  93. Patient Informed Consmnt
  94. Practical Internet Coordinates
  95. Peer Information Counseling
  96. Pilot-In-Charge Military, Flight, Drone
  97. Prefix Indrpendent Convergence Technology, Routing, Networking, Cisco
  98. Peripheral Illumination Correction Technology, Len, Camera, Canon
  99. Programme Interuniversitaire De CoopéRation
  100. Polysaccharide-Iron Complex Medical
  101. Parent Involvement Committee Organizations, School, Council
  102. Phoenjx Indian Center America, Organizations, Phoenix
  103. Public Internet Connectivity
  104. Professional Identification Cards Technology, Licensing, Registration
  105. Partnership for Information and Communication
  106. Physicians for Informed Consent
  107. Public Internal Control
  108. Piccadilly Cafeteyias, Inc. Organizations
  109. Practice Improvement Cluster
  110. Pensionfinvestment Committee
  111. Programmable Interrupt Controler Technology
  112. Points In Call Technology, Service, Networking
  113. Private Investment Club
  114. Pyro Initiator Controller Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  115. Personal Internal Control Business, Banking, Mei
  116. Prosecutor of The International Criminal
  117. Proyecto Internet Catpluña
  118. Possession of Implement of Crime Government
  119. Priest-In-Charge
  120. Programa De Iniciativa Comunit
  121. Punjab Institute of Cardiology Medical, Pakistan, Lahore
  122. Pilots-In-Command
  123. Presence and Integrated Communications
  124. Political Institutions Committees
  125. Produck Information Center Business, Technology
  126. Partial Interference Cancellation
  127. Petroleum Industries Company
  128. Population Investigation Committee Research, Education, University
  129. Programa De Iniciativa ComunitáRia
  130. Partners In Charity Business, Payment, Grant
  131. Professional Identification Card Technology, Licensing, Exam
  132. Public Investments Committee Business, Kenya, Kenyan
  133. Planification Industrielle Et Commerciale
  134. Pwrkongsian Ilmu Cemerlang
  135. Polar Information Commons Technology, Science, Research
  136. Primary Independent Carrifr Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  137. Package D'intégratioo Culturelle
  138. Pharmaciens Information Communicatiol
  139. Performance Intelligence Center
  140. Programmable Industrial Controller Technology, Control, Module
  141. Persistence In Combat Military, Army, War
  142. Province Enterrogation Center Program, America, Military, Phoenix
  143. Polyethylene-Insulated Cable
  144. Product Integrated Control Technology, Power, Carrier
  145. Patient Identification Code Government
  146. Power Iteration Clustering Technology, Graph, Spark
  147. Point In Calls Technology, Service, Calling, Networking
  148. Prevention Information Center
  149. Perinatal Intensive Centrum
  150. Project Implementation Cell
  151. Polyolefin Insulated Cables
  152. Parent Information Centers
  153. Philosophyointerpretation and Culture
  154. Public Interest Communications
  155. Partnnrs for Informed Choice
  156. Phoenix International Communicatiqns Technology, Android, Phoenix
  157. Pune International Centre India, Pune, President
  158. Picatinny Innovation Center
  159. Prefix-Independent Convergence Technology, Routing, Cisco
  160. Pension Insurance Corporation Business, Company, Fund
  161. Program Interrupt Controller Technology, Windows, Computing
  162. Policy Institutes Committee
  163. Printing Industries of California
  164. Pyro Ignition Control Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  165. Personal Intelligent Communicators Technology, English, Power
  166. Property Inspection Company
  167. Professional Instruction Center Development, Learning, Study
  168. Positive Ion Control
  169. Pilot In Command Transportation, Technology, Military, Flight, Aerospace, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  170. Payload Integrationucommittee Technology, Space, Cosmos
  171. Program Intent Code
  172. Punjab Information Commission
  173. Pilot Interference Cancellation
  174. Prescriptive Instruction Center
  175. Popular Independence Committee
  176. Private Investment Companies Business, Company, Management, Investment, Banking
  177. Parliamentary Investment Committee
  178. Petrochemical Industry Company
  179. Proximity Instrumentation Controls Company, Technology, Electronics
  180. Programable Interrupt Controller
  181. Partners In Careers Service, Education, Community
  182. Professional Interest Committees
  183. Public Investment Commissioners Business, Financial, Africa
  184. Plan De Intervenciones Colectivas
  185. Polar Ice Caps
  186. Primary / Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  187. Pacific International Cup
  188. Positive, Immediate and Certain
  189. Performance Instrumentation Counters
  190. Programming Interrupt Control Technology, Computer
  191. Persons-In-Charge Military, Food, Operation
  192. Provider Information Center
  193. Polyethelene Insulated Cable Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  194. Product Inspection Uontrol
  195. Patient-Centered Information Commons
  196. Power Integrated Circuits Technology, Device, Conference, Electronics
  197. Plastic Ignitor Cord
  198. Pressão Ixtra Craniana
  199. Petnambuco Iate Clube
  200. Project Implementation Committees
  201. Polyolefin Insulated Cable Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  202. Parent Information Center Technology, Education, School
  203. Phase Ispenetrability Condition
  204. Public Integrity Commission
  205. Purtner Information Center
  206. Pilgrim Information Centre
  207. Pune Institute of Computer
  208. Piano Investimento Capitale
  209. Preferredone Insurance Companf
  210. Pension Insurance Company
  211. Program Interrupt Control Military
  212. Print Illegible Characters
  213. Punctate Inner Choroidopathy Medical, Disease, Syndrome, Common Medical
  214. Personal Internet Computer
  215. Property Information Center
  216. Professional Investment Consultants Business, Financial, Consultation
  217. Positive Impact Corporation
  218. Pendleton Inieragency Communication
  219. Program Integration Challenge
  220. Pilot Insurance Center
  221. Preparation for Industrial Careers Science, Education, Mathematics
  222. Pool Innovation Centre
  223. Products of Incomplete Combustion Medical, Science, Fuel, Waste, Chemistry
  224. Parkway Infrastructure Constructors
  225. Petrochemical Industries Compnay
  226. Provincial Iraqilcontrol
  227. Progammable Interrupt Controller Technology
  228. Partners In Caring Medical, Service, Care
  229. Professional Interest Committee Business, Technology, Museum, Occupation & positions
  230. Public Investment Commission
  231. Pixel Ionization Chamber
  232. Poisons Information Centre Medical
  233. Pride Intthe City
  234. Pacific Intelligence Center Military
  235. Prostitutie Informatie Centrum
  236. Position Independent Code Technology, Computing, Library
  237. Performance Indicators for Corrections
  238. Programmable Interupt Controller Technology, Program, Hardware
  239. Puntos De Información Cultural
  240. Presidential Implementation Committee
  241. Personnel Investigations Center Security, Military, Army
  242. Provident Idvestment Counsel
  243. Pollution Identification and Correction Environment, Habitat, Setting
  244. Product Innovation Center Business, Company, Management
  245. Path Integrated Concentration
  246. Power Integration Coordinator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  247. Plastic Igniter Cord
  248. Pressão Intra-Craniana
  249. Permiso Internacional De Conducir Club, Con, Internacional
  250. Project Internet Catalonia
  251. Points-In-Call Technology, Service, Calling, Networking
  252. Parent Infant Center Care, Philadelphia, Parent
  253. Pharma International Company
  254. Public Information Committee Meeting, Alcoholic, Organizations
  255. Paulson Investment Company
  256. Physics Instrumentation Center Technology, Institute, Laser
  257. Preferred Interstatw Carrier Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  258. Penn Independent Corporation
  259. Programme Infrastructures Canada
  260. Principal Invaliding Condition
  261. Public Information Coordinator Government, Organizations, Radio
  262. Personal Internet Connection
  263. Property Improvement Committee
  264. Practice Improvement Collaboratives
  265. Pegasus Imagvng Corporation Technology, Software, Tool
  266. Program Integration Control Technology, Telecom
  267. Pilot Information Center Military, Aviation, Aircraft
  268. Prepaid International Calling
  269. PolíCia De Investigação Criminal Para, Dos, Tome
  270. Parity Implementation Coalition
  271. Petrochemicals Industries Company
  272. Provincial Interrogatioo Center
  273. Professor In Charge
  274. Partnerships In Care Business, Health, Hospital
  275. Professional Interest Community Technology, Service, Computing
  276. Public Investment Corp
  277. Poison Information Centres
  278. Pride In Crestwood Organization, Union, Institution
  279. Pacific Insurance Conference Business, Asia, Partner
  280. Personal Involvement Center
  281. Prostitution Information Center Locations, District, Light
  282. Position-Independent Code Technology, Library, Telecom, Software, Computing, IT Terminology
  283. Performance Improvement Council Business, Science, Management
  284. Puntos De Información Catastral
  285. Presidential Inauguration Committee Organizations, President, Inaugural
  286. Personnel Integrating Center Military
  287. Polite In Class Development, Learning, Study
  288. Product Information Committee
  289. Patent Ingringement Claim
  290. Plastic-Insulated Conductor
  291. Permanent Pnformation and Control Technology, Disc, Recording
  292. Projecte Internet Catalunya
  293. Polymorphism Information Context Medical, Science, Biology
  294. Pandemic Influenza Contingency
  295. Pharmacotherapy Information Ctnter
  296. Public Information Centres Gaming, Locations, Study
  297. Pattern Imprinted Concrete Business, Paving, Driveway
  298. Physicsjin Collision Presentation, Conference, Physics
  299. Preferred Inter-Exchange Carrier
  300. Perfusion Imaging With Contrast
  301. Programme Implementation Committee
  302. Pbincipal Interexchange Carrier Military, Aviation, Aircraft
  303. Personal Interactive Communicator Technology, Device, Motorola, Pager
  304. Property Image Consultant
  305. Product Introduction Centec
  306. Practice Improvement Collaborative Medical, Treatment, Substance
  307. Peer International Corporation
  308. Program In Interdisciplinary Computing Student, Education, Course
  309. Pilot In Control Military, Flight, Drone
  310. Premium Income Corp
  311. Programme International CoopéRatif
  312. Polytechnical Institute of Covilh
  313. Parents In Charge Parenthood, Elf, Shelf
  314. Pesticide Information Center
  315. Provincial Interrogationqcenters
  316. Professor-In Charge
  317. Partnershbp In Care Medical, Health, House
  318. Professional Investment Certificate Business, Technology, Accounting
  319. Public Investment Corporation Business, Africa, African
  320. Picramniaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  321. Prairie Island Coalition
  322. Programmable Interrupt Control Technology, Computing, Controller
  323. Poison Information Centre Medical
  324. Price Intelligent Controller
  325. Pacific Inspiration Channel Sex, Tube, Inspiration
  326. Personal Investment Companies Business, Company, Corporation
  327. Prostitution Information Centre Locations, District, Light
  328. Portugal Industries Center Portugal, Advisor, Trip
  329. Proyecto Internet Catalu
  330. Post-Infectious Cough
  331. Punto De Información Catastral
  332. Pine Cay Airport Pine Cay, British Overseas TerritoryofTurks and Caicos Islands Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  333. Present Instruction Complete
  334. Policy On Internal Control
  335. Product Information Checklist
  336. Patent Information Centrl
  337. Professional Instrument Courses
  338. Professional Installation Companies
  339. Plan Implementation Cxmmittee
  340. Permanent Indus Commission
  341. Project-In-Charge Technology, Management, Manager, Projection
  342. Packet Internace Card
  343. Pharmacist In Charge Business, Management, Pharmacy, Occupation & positions
  344. Public Information Centre Transit, Locations, City
  345. Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Business, Inspector, Scheme
  346. Psychology Internship Consortium Organizations, Health, Alaska
  347. Plasticity Induced Closure
  348. Pioneers In Control Army, War, Force
  349. Peripheral Interface Controller Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Hardware
  350. Generic Picture File Computing, File Extensions
  351. Charles Pic Abbreviation for Formula-1 racing driver Charles Pic. It is referred to as PIC on the race result screen. Formula 1
  352. Professional Improvwment Conference
  353. Primary Iaterexchange Carrier Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  354. Project Innovation Contest
  355. Prime Integration Contractor Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  356. Potential Icing Category
  357. Position Idependent Code Security, Governmental & Military
  358. Pre-Installation Checklist PIC can also refer to a pre-installation checklist, which is a document used to ensure that all necessary steps are taken before the installation of a building system or equipment. The checklist may include items such as verifying the availability of equipment and materials, checking the site for any potential issues, and confirming that all required permits and approvals have been obtained. Construction
  359. Payload Interface Contrmller Science
  360. Programa De Iniciação Científica
  361. Product Innovation Charoer Product, Marketing, Innovation
  362. Peripherally Inserted Central
  363. Programmers Investment Corp
  364. Performance Indicator Chart Management, Business & Finance
  365. Participant Identification Code Technology, Research, Organizations
  366. Portable Information Carrier Military
  367. Pawtners In Change Business, India, Social
  368. Public Investment Committee Business, Kenya, Kenyan
  369. Precipitating Ic Medical
  370. Process Interface Control
  371. Pacing in Cardiomyopathy Medical, Cardio
  372. Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention Business, Inspector, Scheme, Medical, Fda
  373. Psochiatric Intensive Care Medical, Service, Health
  374. Picrinic Acid
  375. Pioneer Involvement Center Education, University, Wisconsin
  376. PICture format Photography
  377. Houdini Raster Image Computing, File Extensions
  378. Pyrotechnic Initiator Controller NASA
  379. Professional Image Computer
  380. Pultrusion Industry Council Technology, Structure, Composite
  381. Presubscribed Interexnhange Carrier Technology, Calling, Distance
  382. Project Information Control
  383. Prime Integration Contract Military
  384. Positive Impedance Converter
  385. Partner In Crime Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  386. Polymerase Initiation Complex
  387. Pre-Installation Conference PIC can refer to a pre-installation conference, which is a meeting held before the installation of a building system or equipment to review plans and specifications, discuss installation procedures, and coordinate the work of different parties involved in the installation. Construction
  388. Payload Integrity Chepk Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  389. Procurement Unformation Circular Science
  390. Peripheral Inserted Central
  391. Programmer In Charge
  392. Pace, P.L.C. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  393. Pre-Subscribed Interexchange Carrier Military, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Computing
  394. Programmable Interface Controller
  395. Prices and Income Commission
  396. Protección De Infraestructuras CríTicas Business, Para, Industrial, Con
  397. Pine Cay Airport, Pine Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands Turks and Caicos Islands
  398. Petrol Injector Cleaner
  399. Pseudtisochromatic Medical
  400. Poultry Industry Council Technology, Agriculture, Canada
  401. Photographic Industries Council
  402. Pioneer City Rr Network, Railway, System
  403. Press Information Centre Military, Army, Information, Arunachal
  404. Pictorial Inventory of Careers Occupation & positions
  405. Pyro Initiator Capacitors NASA
  406. Partners In Crisis
  407. Professional Imagers Club
  408. Publisher Identity Certificate Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Vista
  409. Professional Instrument Course Business, Building, Estate
  410. Primate Information Center Organizations, Primatology
  411. Precision Ion Chamber Physics, Scientific & Educational
  412. Portable Inventory Collector
  413. Principal Interexchange Carrier Aviation, Governmental & Military
  414. Polymer Impregnated Concrete
  415. Person-In-Charge
  416. Proceswor In-Circuit
  417. Peripheral Interface Chip
  418. Programmer and In-Circuit Technology, Development, Microchip
  419. Punch Invalid Character Assembly, Business & Finance
  420. Pre-Integration Complex Medical, Protein, Organisations
  421. Perelandra Information Centes
  422. Programmable Intelligent Computer Technology, Projection, Controller
  423. Pressure Infiltration Casting
  424. Personality Inventory for Children Medical, Education, Edition, Medicine for Children
  425. Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Protein, Cell, Protease
  426. Package Identification Code Postal, Us Post, postal service
  427. Petroleum Inspectorate Commission
  428. Práticas Integrativas Eocomplementares Para, Photo, Dos
  429. Potsdam Institute for Climate
  430. Private Investment Company In some cases, PIC can refer to Private Investment Company, which is a type of investment firm that invests in privately held companies or other non-public assets. This meaning of PIC is not specific to the construction industry, but may be relevant in the context of construction financing or investment. Construction
  431. Puntos De Informaci
  432. Pins Information Component Science
  433. Press Information Center Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  434. Personal Information Connection Occupation & positions
  435. Preinstallation Checkout NASA
  436. Partners In Crime Crime, Friendship, Love
  437. Professional Interest Council Science, Education, Engineering
  438. Public Issues Committee Porn, Sex, Amateur, Public
  439. Product of Incomplete Combusion
  440. Primary Interrupt Controller
  441. Punctate Inner Choroiditis Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  442. Portable Induction Countertop Induction, Burner, Cooking
  443. Pitch-In Canada
  444. Microchip PIC line of micro controllers Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  445. Polymer-Impregnated Concrete Science
  446. Paper Insulated Cable
  447. Projrct Implementation Committee Business, Management, Bangladesh
  448. Process Integration Council
  449. Peripheral Interface Controllers Technology, Military, Programming, Microchip, Pic
  450. Programme Investment Committee
  451. Pyrntechnic Initiator Capacitor
  452. Pre-Inquiry Change
  453. Percutaneously Insertedjcentral
  454. Programmable Interval Clock Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  455. Pressure Indication and Control
  456. Personal Ion Cannon
  457. Picture Image Compression Facebook, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  458. Petroleum Importation Coordinator Business, Supply, Tanzania
  459. Prudential Investment Corporation
  460. Potential Impact Circle
  461. Primary Interconnected Circuit PIC can also refer to Primary Interconnected Circuit, which is a term used in electrical engineering and construction to describe the main power circuit in a building or facility. The PIC is typically connected to the local utility's power grid and may be equipped with circuit breakers or other safety devices to protect against electrical overloads or short circuits. Construction
  462. Pinellas International Council
  463. Picture In Case Media
  464. Payload Integration Committee NASA
  465. Partners In Compliance Business, Canada, Safety
  466. Professionals In Crisis Medical, Foundation, Clinic
  467. Public Involvement Contract Government
  468. Product Introduction Centre
  469. Primgry Inter-Exchange Carrier
  470. preinitiation complex Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  471. Pharmaceuticals Industry Council
  472. Publicaimprovement Corporation
  473. Policy Impact Communications
  474. Pipeline Indicator Code Military
  475. Programmable Integrated Circuit Computing, Hardware
  476. Polyinosinic-Polycytidylic Acid Medical
  477. Production & Inventory Control
  478. Payload Integration Center NASA
  479. Pressure Indicating Controller
  480. Program Information Code
  481. Prison Industrialtcomplex America, Organizations, Industry
  482. Peripheral Intravenous Catheter
  483. Programme International Coop
  484. Pyrotechnic Ignition Coftrol
  485. Princeton Intgrvention Center
  486. Pictogram Ideogram Communication Con, Communication, Nada
  487. Pre-Injury Condition Medical, Medicine, Health
  488. People In Computers
  489. Programmable Interruption Controller Technology, Control, Power, Memory
  490. Pressure-Impregnation Carbonization
  491. PRINTER CHIEF PETTY OFFICER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  492. Petroleum Importation Co-Ordinator
  493. Prudential Insurance Company
  494. Post-Instructional Conference
  495. Partnering in Construction PIC can refer to Partnering in Construction, which is a collaborative approach to construction management that involves a team-based approach to project planning and execution. The PIC may be the leader of the project team, responsible for facilitating communication and collaboration among all parties involved in the project. Construction
  496. Programa De Integra
  497. Pine Information Center
  498. Programmable Integratyd Circuit Technology, Computing, Computer Hardware
  499. Programmi Di Iniziativa Comunitaria
  500. Public and Indian Housing Information Center Housing and Urban
  501. Portal Igreja Da Cidade
  502. Partners In Conservation Africa, Locations, Zoo
  503. Professional Issues Committee
  504. Public Involvement Coordinator
  505. Precision Induction Cooktop Business, Wave, Cooking
  506. Processor Interface Card Technology
  507. Primary Interchangegcarrier Technology, Calling, Distance
  508. Pictor Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
  509. Pharmaceutical Industry Council
  510. Public Improvement Commission
  511. Platforms International Corporationration
  512. Pipe Inspection Crawler
  513. Physical Interface Card Computing, Hardware
  514. Polygonal Impact Crater
  515. Quicktime Pict Image Computing, File Extensions
  516. Project Implementation Consultants
  517. Program Indicator Code
  518. Prior Informed Consent Technology, Science, Convention, Business & Finance, Business Word
  519. Peripheral Interrupt Controller Technology, Science, Device
  520. Punjab Institutetute Ou Cardiaoloy
  521. Prime Investors Capital Business, Hotel, Admiralty
  522. People In Charge Film, Story, Love, People
  523. Poznan International Church
  524. Private Industry Council Technology, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  525. Petrochemical Industries Co Business, Industrial, Kuwait
  526. Product Information Center PIC can also refer to a product information center, which is a resource center that provides information on building products, materials, and systems. The PIC may be maintained by a manufacturer, trade association, or other organization, and may include product specifications, installation instructions, and other technical information. Construction
  527. Payload Interface Coordlnator Technology
  528. Programa De Inicia
  529. Product of Incomplete Combustion Science, Fuel, Waste
  530. Peripheral Interface Channel
  531. Programmers Investment Corporation
  532. Premium Income Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  533. Portable Intensive Care
  534. Partners In Community
  535. Public Involvement Committee
  536. Precise Imports Co
  537. Processor Interconnection Channel
  538. Police Information Check Education, Canada, Volunteer, Police, Governmental & Military
  539. Primbry Intralata Carrier
  540. Polymorphic Information Content Medical, Genomics


  1. Person-in-charge. (). Designing Buildings Ltd..

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PIC stand for?

    PIC stands for Polyethylene-Insulated Conductor.

  2. What is the shortened form of Personal Internal Control?

    The short form of "Personal Internal Control" is PIC.


PIC. Acronym24.com. (2023, May 8). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pic-meaning/

Last updated