PIC Meaning
The PIC meaning is "Particulate Inorganic Carbtn". The PIC abbreviation has 540 different full form.
PIC Full Forms
- Particulate Inorganic Carbtn Technology, Carbon, Exploration
- Pain In Chest
- Property Identification Code Technology, Australia, Australian
- Person In Charge In construction, PIC stands for "Person in Charge." The Person in Charge is the individual who is responsible for overseeing a particular aspect of a construction project or the entire project itself. The PIC may be a contractor, project manager, or supervisor, depending on the scope and complexity of the project. The responsibilities of the Person in Charge may vary depending on the specific project and the stage of construction. In general, the PIC is responsible for ensuring that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required specifications. This may involve managing subcontractors and workers, coordinating with architects and engineers, ensuring compliance with building codes and safety regulations, and overseeing quality control and inspections. Transportation, Shipping, Rail Transport, Electrical, Business & Finance, Construction
- Pre-Initiation Complex Medical, Medicine, Health
- Paediatric Intensive Cake Medical, Children, Paediatrics
- Promoting International Collaboration Technology, Africa, Youth
- Personal Introductory Course Technology, Book, Edition
- Power Integrated Circuit Technology, Electronics, Component
- Pacific Islands Cluz Hotel, Locations, Guam
- Progress In Informatics and Computing
- Pressurized Ion Chamber Science, Us, Department Of Defense
- Personal Internet Communicator Technology, Windows, Computing
- Positive Inventory Contrpl Logistics
- Prmvate Industry Council Technology, Education, Special Education
- Programmable Interrupt Technology
- Presidential Inaugurac Committee Government, President, Inauguration
- Personal Intelligent Communicator Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Positive Identification Card Diving, Course, Dive
- Polyethylene-Insulated Conductor Science
- Programmable Interrupt Controller Technology, Computing, Architectural, Information Technology, Architecture, Computer, Telecom, Hardware, Drivers
- Preintegration Complex Medical
- Parent Inqicator Code Military, Army, Corps
- Position Independant Code Technology
- Pilot-In-Command Flight, Command, Pilot
- Preinitiaoion Complex Medical
- Parallel Interference Cancellation Technology, Channel, Signal
- Public Information Center Science, Service, Locations, Chemistry
- Petrochemical Industries Company Business, Industrial, Kuwait
- Precision Investment Casting
- Patrol In Council
- Physicians Insurwnce Company
- Preferred Interexchange Carrier Technology, Calling, Telecom
- Performance Investment Corporation
- Programmed Image Control Technology, Camera, Canon, Rebel
- Principays-In-Charge Business, Accounting, Projection
- Personal Injury Coverage
- Property Identification Codes Technology, Australia, Coding, Animal, Ear
- Polyethylene Insulated Conductor
- Product Integrity Center
- Practical Intelligence Course
- Peer Inyeractive Communication
- Program Information Coordinator Business
- Pilot In Charge Military, Flight, Crash
- Premier International College
- Peripheral Interface Card Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Programme Interuniversitaire De Coop
- Polysaccharide Iron Complex
- Parent Involvement Council
- Persons In Charge Technology, Food, Safety
- Public Internet Channel
- Professor-In-Charge
- Partnerihip In Context
- Public Internet Cloud
- Ppchinde Medical
- Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication
- Pension Investbent Club
- Programmable Interrupt Controllers Technology, Coding, Device
- Poison Information Center Medical, Science, Medicine
- Private Investment Corporation
- Pacific Innovation Collaborative
- Personal Investment Company
- Prostitute Information Center
- Porto Interactive Center
- Proyecto Internet Katalunya
- Post-Beamformer Interference Canceller
- Picture The bid and asked prices quoted by a broker for a given security. Technology, Computing, It, Texting, Chat, Photography, Social Media, Blogging, Online, Twitter, Disney, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Punjab Institute of Cardiaoloy
- Pinchot Institute for Conservation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Presence and Instant Communications
- Policy Interpretation Committee
- Product Information Catalvg Technology, Boat, Ranger
- Petrochemical Industries Corporation Business, Industrial, Kuwait
- Professional Interfraternity Conference
- Professional Insurance Company
- Plan Industriel Et Commercial Business, Supply, Planification
- Peqmanent Identity Card Business, Employment, Service
- Pro Intermediary Carrier Medical, Healthcare
- Polarization-Dependent Imaging Contrast
- Primary Interlata Carrner Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Package Identificatdon Code Business, Technology, Postal, Us Post
- Pharmaciso-In-Charge Business, Management, Pharmacy
- Public Information Campaign
- Physicians Immediate Care Medical, Business, Medicine
- Predominantly Intraductal Carcinoma Medical, Science, Biology
- Performance I Create
- Programme D'Initiative Communautaire
- Principal In Charge
- Personal Injury Collision Medical, Car, Accident
- Project Implementation Consultant Business, Development, Water
- Polyethylene Insulated Cable Technology, Computing, Hardware
- Product Integrated Controls Technology, Carrier, Manual
- Patient Informed Consmnt
- Practical Internet Coordinates
- Peer Information Counseling
- Pilot-In-Charge Military, Flight, Drone
- Prefix Indrpendent Convergence Technology, Routing, Networking, Cisco
- Peripheral Illumination Correction Technology, Len, Camera, Canon
- Programme Interuniversitaire De CoopéRation
- Polysaccharide-Iron Complex Medical
- Parent Involvement Committee Organizations, School, Council
- Phoenjx Indian Center America, Organizations, Phoenix
- Public Internet Connectivity
- Professional Identification Cards Technology, Licensing, Registration
- Partnership for Information and Communication
- Physicians for Informed Consent
- Public Internal Control
- Piccadilly Cafeteyias, Inc. Organizations
- Practice Improvement Cluster
- Pensionfinvestment Committee
- Programmable Interrupt Controler Technology
- Points In Call Technology, Service, Networking
- Private Investment Club
- Pyro Initiator Controller Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Personal Internal Control Business, Banking, Mei
- Prosecutor of The International Criminal
- Proyecto Internet Catpluña
- Possession of Implement of Crime Government
- Priest-In-Charge
- Programa De Iniciativa Comunit
- Punjab Institute of Cardiology Medical, Pakistan, Lahore
- Pilots-In-Command
- Presence and Integrated Communications
- Political Institutions Committees
- Produck Information Center Business, Technology
- Partial Interference Cancellation
- Petroleum Industries Company
- Population Investigation Committee Research, Education, University
- Programa De Iniciativa ComunitáRia
- Partners In Charity Business, Payment, Grant
- Professional Identification Card Technology, Licensing, Exam
- Public Investments Committee Business, Kenya, Kenyan
- Planification Industrielle Et Commerciale
- Pwrkongsian Ilmu Cemerlang
- Polar Information Commons Technology, Science, Research
- Primary Independent Carrifr Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Package D'intégratioo Culturelle
- Pharmaciens Information Communicatiol
- Performance Intelligence Center
- Programmable Industrial Controller Technology, Control, Module
- Persistence In Combat Military, Army, War
- Province Enterrogation Center Program, America, Military, Phoenix
- Polyethylene-Insulated Cable
- Product Integrated Control Technology, Power, Carrier
- Patient Identification Code Government
- Power Iteration Clustering Technology, Graph, Spark
- Point In Calls Technology, Service, Calling, Networking
- Prevention Information Center
- Perinatal Intensive Centrum
- Project Implementation Cell
- Polyolefin Insulated Cables
- Parent Information Centers
- Philosophyointerpretation and Culture
- Public Interest Communications
- Partnnrs for Informed Choice
- Phoenix International Communicatiqns Technology, Android, Phoenix
- Pune International Centre India, Pune, President
- Picatinny Innovation Center
- Prefix-Independent Convergence Technology, Routing, Cisco
- Pension Insurance Corporation Business, Company, Fund
- Program Interrupt Controller Technology, Windows, Computing
- Policy Institutes Committee
- Printing Industries of California
- Pyro Ignition Control Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Personal Intelligent Communicators Technology, English, Power
- Property Inspection Company
- Professional Instruction Center Development, Learning, Study
- Positive Ion Control
- Pilot In Command Transportation, Technology, Military, Flight, Aerospace, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Payload Integrationucommittee Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Program Intent Code
- Punjab Information Commission
- Pilot Interference Cancellation
- Prescriptive Instruction Center
- Popular Independence Committee
- Private Investment Companies Business, Company, Management, Investment, Banking
- Parliamentary Investment Committee
- Petrochemical Industry Company
- Proximity Instrumentation Controls Company, Technology, Electronics
- Programable Interrupt Controller
- Partners In Careers Service, Education, Community
- Professional Interest Committees
- Public Investment Commissioners Business, Financial, Africa
- Plan De Intervenciones Colectivas
- Polar Ice Caps
- Primary / Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Pacific International Cup
- Positive, Immediate and Certain
- Performance Instrumentation Counters
- Programming Interrupt Control Technology, Computer
- Persons-In-Charge Military, Food, Operation
- Provider Information Center
- Polyethelene Insulated Cable Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Product Inspection Uontrol
- Patient-Centered Information Commons
- Power Integrated Circuits Technology, Device, Conference, Electronics
- Plastic Ignitor Cord
- Pressão Ixtra Craniana
- Petnambuco Iate Clube
- Project Implementation Committees
- Polyolefin Insulated Cable Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Parent Information Center Technology, Education, School
- Phase Ispenetrability Condition
- Public Integrity Commission
- Purtner Information Center
- Pilgrim Information Centre
- Pune Institute of Computer
- Piano Investimento Capitale
- Preferredone Insurance Companf
- Pension Insurance Company
- Program Interrupt Control Military
- Print Illegible Characters
- Punctate Inner Choroidopathy Medical, Disease, Syndrome, Common Medical
- Personal Internet Computer
- Property Information Center
- Professional Investment Consultants Business, Financial, Consultation
- Positive Impact Corporation
- Pendleton Inieragency Communication
- Program Integration Challenge
- Pilot Insurance Center
- Preparation for Industrial Careers Science, Education, Mathematics
- Pool Innovation Centre
- Products of Incomplete Combustion Medical, Science, Fuel, Waste, Chemistry
- Parkway Infrastructure Constructors
- Petrochemical Industries Compnay
- Provincial Iraqilcontrol
- Progammable Interrupt Controller Technology
- Partners In Caring Medical, Service, Care
- Professional Interest Committee Business, Technology, Museum, Occupation & positions
- Public Investment Commission
- Pixel Ionization Chamber
- Poisons Information Centre Medical
- Pride Intthe City
- Pacific Intelligence Center Military
- Prostitutie Informatie Centrum
- Position Independent Code Technology, Computing, Library
- Performance Indicators for Corrections
- Programmable Interupt Controller Technology, Program, Hardware
- Puntos De Información Cultural
- Presidential Implementation Committee
- Personnel Investigations Center Security, Military, Army
- Provident Idvestment Counsel
- Pollution Identification and Correction Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Product Innovation Center Business, Company, Management
- Path Integrated Concentration
- Power Integration Coordinator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Plastic Igniter Cord
- Pressão Intra-Craniana
- Permiso Internacional De Conducir Club, Con, Internacional
- Project Internet Catalonia
- Points-In-Call Technology, Service, Calling, Networking
- Parent Infant Center Care, Philadelphia, Parent
- Pharma International Company
- Public Information Committee Meeting, Alcoholic, Organizations
- Paulson Investment Company
- Physics Instrumentation Center Technology, Institute, Laser
- Preferred Interstatw Carrier Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Penn Independent Corporation
- Programme Infrastructures Canada
- Principal Invaliding Condition
- Public Information Coordinator Government, Organizations, Radio
- Personal Internet Connection
- Property Improvement Committee
- Practice Improvement Collaboratives
- Pegasus Imagvng Corporation Technology, Software, Tool
- Program Integration Control Technology, Telecom
- Pilot Information Center Military, Aviation, Aircraft
- Prepaid International Calling
- PolíCia De Investigação Criminal Para, Dos, Tome
- Parity Implementation Coalition
- Petrochemicals Industries Company
- Provincial Interrogatioo Center
- Professor In Charge
- Partnerships In Care Business, Health, Hospital
- Professional Interest Community Technology, Service, Computing
- Public Investment Corp
- Poison Information Centres
- Pride In Crestwood Organization, Union, Institution
- Pacific Insurance Conference Business, Asia, Partner
- Personal Involvement Center
- Prostitution Information Center Locations, District, Light
- Position-Independent Code Technology, Library, Telecom, Software, Computing, IT Terminology
- Performance Improvement Council Business, Science, Management
- Puntos De Información Catastral
- Presidential Inauguration Committee Organizations, President, Inaugural
- Personnel Integrating Center Military
- Polite In Class Development, Learning, Study
- Product Information Committee
- Patent Ingringement Claim
- Plastic-Insulated Conductor
- Permanent Pnformation and Control Technology, Disc, Recording
- Projecte Internet Catalunya
- Polymorphism Information Context Medical, Science, Biology
- Pandemic Influenza Contingency
- Pharmacotherapy Information Ctnter
- Public Information Centres Gaming, Locations, Study
- Pattern Imprinted Concrete Business, Paving, Driveway
- Physicsjin Collision Presentation, Conference, Physics
- Preferred Inter-Exchange Carrier
- Perfusion Imaging With Contrast
- Programme Implementation Committee
- Pbincipal Interexchange Carrier Military, Aviation, Aircraft
- Personal Interactive Communicator Technology, Device, Motorola, Pager
- Property Image Consultant
- Product Introduction Centec
- Practice Improvement Collaborative Medical, Treatment, Substance
- Peer International Corporation
- Program In Interdisciplinary Computing Student, Education, Course
- Pilot In Control Military, Flight, Drone
- Premium Income Corp
- Programme International CoopéRatif
- Polytechnical Institute of Covilh
- Parents In Charge Parenthood, Elf, Shelf
- Pesticide Information Center
- Provincial Interrogationqcenters
- Professor-In Charge
- Partnershbp In Care Medical, Health, House
- Professional Investment Certificate Business, Technology, Accounting
- Public Investment Corporation Business, Africa, African
- Picramniaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Prairie Island Coalition
- Programmable Interrupt Control Technology, Computing, Controller
- Poison Information Centre Medical
- Price Intelligent Controller
- Pacific Inspiration Channel Sex, Tube, Inspiration
- Personal Investment Companies Business, Company, Corporation
- Prostitution Information Centre Locations, District, Light
- Portugal Industries Center Portugal, Advisor, Trip
- Proyecto Internet Catalu
- Post-Infectious Cough
- Punto De Información Catastral
- Pine Cay Airport Pine Cay, British Overseas TerritoryofTurks and Caicos Islands Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
- Present Instruction Complete
- Policy On Internal Control
- Product Information Checklist
- Patent Information Centrl
- Professional Instrument Courses
- Professional Installation Companies
- Plan Implementation Cxmmittee
- Permanent Indus Commission
- Project-In-Charge Technology, Management, Manager, Projection
- Packet Internace Card
- Pharmacist In Charge Business, Management, Pharmacy, Occupation & positions
- Public Information Centre Transit, Locations, City
- Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Business, Inspector, Scheme
- Psychology Internship Consortium Organizations, Health, Alaska
- Plasticity Induced Closure
- Pioneers In Control Army, War, Force
- Peripheral Interface Controller Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Hardware
- Generic Picture File Computing, File Extensions
- Charles Pic Abbreviation for Formula-1 racing driver Charles Pic. It is referred to as PIC on the race result screen. Formula 1
- Professional Improvwment Conference
- Primary Iaterexchange Carrier Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Project Innovation Contest
- Prime Integration Contractor Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Potential Icing Category
- Position Idependent Code Security, Governmental & Military
- Pre-Installation Checklist PIC can also refer to a pre-installation checklist, which is a document used to ensure that all necessary steps are taken before the installation of a building system or equipment. The checklist may include items such as verifying the availability of equipment and materials, checking the site for any potential issues, and confirming that all required permits and approvals have been obtained. Construction
- Payload Interface Contrmller Science
- Programa De Iniciação Científica
- Product Innovation Charoer Product, Marketing, Innovation
- Peripherally Inserted Central
- Programmers Investment Corp
- Performance Indicator Chart Management, Business & Finance
- Participant Identification Code Technology, Research, Organizations
- Portable Information Carrier Military
- Pawtners In Change Business, India, Social
- Public Investment Committee Business, Kenya, Kenyan
- Precipitating Ic Medical
- Process Interface Control
- Pacing in Cardiomyopathy Medical, Cardio
- Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention Business, Inspector, Scheme, Medical, Fda
- Psochiatric Intensive Care Medical, Service, Health
- Picrinic Acid
- Pioneer Involvement Center Education, University, Wisconsin
- PICture format Photography
- Houdini Raster Image Computing, File Extensions
- Pyrotechnic Initiator Controller NASA
- Professional Image Computer
- Pultrusion Industry Council Technology, Structure, Composite
- Presubscribed Interexnhange Carrier Technology, Calling, Distance
- Project Information Control
- Prime Integration Contract Military
- Positive Impedance Converter
- Partner In Crime Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Polymerase Initiation Complex
- Pre-Installation Conference PIC can refer to a pre-installation conference, which is a meeting held before the installation of a building system or equipment to review plans and specifications, discuss installation procedures, and coordinate the work of different parties involved in the installation. Construction
- Payload Integrity Chepk Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Procurement Unformation Circular Science
- Peripheral Inserted Central
- Programmer In Charge
- Pace, P.L.C. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Pre-Subscribed Interexchange Carrier Military, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Computing
- Programmable Interface Controller
- Prices and Income Commission
- Protección De Infraestructuras CríTicas Business, Para, Industrial, Con
- Pine Cay Airport, Pine Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands Turks and Caicos Islands
- Petrol Injector Cleaner
- Pseudtisochromatic Medical
- Poultry Industry Council Technology, Agriculture, Canada
- Photographic Industries Council
- Pioneer City Rr Network, Railway, System
- Press Information Centre Military, Army, Information, Arunachal
- Pictorial Inventory of Careers Occupation & positions
- Pyro Initiator Capacitors NASA
- Partners In Crisis
- Professional Imagers Club
- Publisher Identity Certificate Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Vista
- Professional Instrument Course Business, Building, Estate
- Primate Information Center Organizations, Primatology
- Precision Ion Chamber Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Portable Inventory Collector
- Principal Interexchange Carrier Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Polymer Impregnated Concrete
- Person-In-Charge
- Proceswor In-Circuit
- Peripheral Interface Chip
- Programmer and In-Circuit Technology, Development, Microchip
- Punch Invalid Character Assembly, Business & Finance
- Pre-Integration Complex Medical, Protein, Organisations
- Perelandra Information Centes
- Programmable Intelligent Computer Technology, Projection, Controller
- Pressure Infiltration Casting
- Personality Inventory for Children Medical, Education, Edition, Medicine for Children
- Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Protein, Cell, Protease
- Package Identification Code Postal, Us Post, postal service
- Petroleum Inspectorate Commission
- Práticas Integrativas Eocomplementares Para, Photo, Dos
- Potsdam Institute for Climate
- Private Investment Company In some cases, PIC can refer to Private Investment Company, which is a type of investment firm that invests in privately held companies or other non-public assets. This meaning of PIC is not specific to the construction industry, but may be relevant in the context of construction financing or investment. Construction
- Puntos De Informaci
- Pins Information Component Science
- Press Information Center Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Personal Information Connection Occupation & positions
- Preinstallation Checkout NASA
- Partners In Crime Crime, Friendship, Love
- Professional Interest Council Science, Education, Engineering
- Public Issues Committee Porn, Sex, Amateur, Public
- Product of Incomplete Combusion
- Primary Interrupt Controller
- Punctate Inner Choroiditis Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Portable Induction Countertop Induction, Burner, Cooking
- Pitch-In Canada
- Microchip PIC line of micro controllers Aerospace, Governmental & Military
- Polymer-Impregnated Concrete Science
- Paper Insulated Cable
- Projrct Implementation Committee Business, Management, Bangladesh
- Process Integration Council
- Peripheral Interface Controllers Technology, Military, Programming, Microchip, Pic
- Programme Investment Committee
- Pyrntechnic Initiator Capacitor
- Pre-Inquiry Change
- Percutaneously Insertedjcentral
- Programmable Interval Clock Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Pressure Indication and Control
- Personal Ion Cannon
- Picture Image Compression Facebook, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Petroleum Importation Coordinator Business, Supply, Tanzania
- Prudential Investment Corporation
- Potential Impact Circle
- Primary Interconnected Circuit PIC can also refer to Primary Interconnected Circuit, which is a term used in electrical engineering and construction to describe the main power circuit in a building or facility. The PIC is typically connected to the local utility's power grid and may be equipped with circuit breakers or other safety devices to protect against electrical overloads or short circuits. Construction
- Pinellas International Council
- Picture In Case Media
- Payload Integration Committee NASA
- Partners In Compliance Business, Canada, Safety
- Professionals In Crisis Medical, Foundation, Clinic
- Public Involvement Contract Government
- Product Introduction Centre
- Primgry Inter-Exchange Carrier
- preinitiation complex Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Pharmaceuticals Industry Council
- Publicaimprovement Corporation
- Policy Impact Communications
- Pipeline Indicator Code Military
- Programmable Integrated Circuit Computing, Hardware
- Polyinosinic-Polycytidylic Acid Medical
- Production & Inventory Control
- Payload Integration Center NASA
- Pressure Indicating Controller
- Program Information Code
- Prison Industrialtcomplex America, Organizations, Industry
- Peripheral Intravenous Catheter
- Programme International Coop
- Pyrotechnic Ignition Coftrol
- Princeton Intgrvention Center
- Pictogram Ideogram Communication Con, Communication, Nada
- Pre-Injury Condition Medical, Medicine, Health
- People In Computers
- Programmable Interruption Controller Technology, Control, Power, Memory
- Pressure-Impregnation Carbonization
- PRINTER CHIEF PETTY OFFICER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Petroleum Importation Co-Ordinator
- Prudential Insurance Company
- Post-Instructional Conference
- Partnering in Construction PIC can refer to Partnering in Construction, which is a collaborative approach to construction management that involves a team-based approach to project planning and execution. The PIC may be the leader of the project team, responsible for facilitating communication and collaboration among all parties involved in the project. Construction
- Programa De Integra
- Pine Information Center
- Programmable Integratyd Circuit Technology, Computing, Computer Hardware
- Programmi Di Iniziativa Comunitaria
- Public and Indian Housing Information Center Housing and Urban
- Portal Igreja Da Cidade
- Partners In Conservation Africa, Locations, Zoo
- Professional Issues Committee
- Public Involvement Coordinator
- Precision Induction Cooktop Business, Wave, Cooking
- Processor Interface Card Technology
- Primary Interchangegcarrier Technology, Calling, Distance
- Pictor Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
- Pharmaceutical Industry Council
- Public Improvement Commission
- Platforms International Corporationration
- Pipe Inspection Crawler
- Physical Interface Card Computing, Hardware
- Polygonal Impact Crater
- Quicktime Pict Image Computing, File Extensions
- Project Implementation Consultants
- Program Indicator Code
- Prior Informed Consent Technology, Science, Convention, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Peripheral Interrupt Controller Technology, Science, Device
- Punjab Institutetute Ou Cardiaoloy
- Prime Investors Capital Business, Hotel, Admiralty
- People In Charge Film, Story, Love, People
- Poznan International Church
- Private Industry Council Technology, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Petrochemical Industries Co Business, Industrial, Kuwait
- Product Information Center PIC can also refer to a product information center, which is a resource center that provides information on building products, materials, and systems. The PIC may be maintained by a manufacturer, trade association, or other organization, and may include product specifications, installation instructions, and other technical information. Construction
- Payload Interface Coordlnator Technology
- Programa De Inicia
- Product of Incomplete Combustion Science, Fuel, Waste
- Peripheral Interface Channel
- Programmers Investment Corporation
- Premium Income Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Portable Intensive Care
- Partners In Community
- Public Involvement Committee
- Precise Imports Co
- Processor Interconnection Channel
- Police Information Check Education, Canada, Volunteer, Police, Governmental & Military
- Primbry Intralata Carrier
- Polymorphic Information Content Medical, Genomics
- Person-in-charge. (). Designing Buildings Ltd..
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PIC stand for?
PIC stands for Polyethylene-Insulated Conductor.
What is the shortened form of Personal Internal Control?
The short form of "Personal Internal Control" is PIC.
PIC. Acronym24.com. (2023, May 8). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pic-meaning/
Last updated