PIC in Construction Meaning

The PIC meaning in Construction terms is "Person In Charge". There are 7 related meanings of the PIC Construction abbreviation.

PIC on Construction Full Forms

  1. Person In Charge In construction, PIC stands for "Person in Charge." The Person in Charge is the individual who is responsible for overseeing a particular aspect of a construction project or the entire project itself. The PIC may be a contractor, project manager, or supervisor, depending on the scope and complexity of the project. The responsibilities of the Person in Charge may vary depending on the specific project and the stage of construction. In general, the PIC is responsible for ensuring that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required specifications. This may involve managing subcontractors and workers, coordinating with architects and engineers, ensuring compliance with building codes and safety regulations, and overseeing quality control and inspections.
  2. Primary Interconnected Circuit PIC can also refer to Primary Interconnected Circuit, which is a term used in electrical engineering and construction to describe the main power circuit in a building or facility. The PIC is typically connected to the local utility's power grid and may be equipped with circuit breakers or other safety devices to protect against electrical overloads or short circuits.
  3. Partnering in Construction PIC can refer to Partnering in Construction, which is a collaborative approach to construction management that involves a team-based approach to project planning and execution. The PIC may be the leader of the project team, responsible for facilitating communication and collaboration among all parties involved in the project.
  4. Product Information Center PIC can also refer to a product information center, which is a resource center that provides information on building products, materials, and systems. The PIC may be maintained by a manufacturer, trade association, or other organization, and may include product specifications, installation instructions, and other technical information.
  5. Pre-Installation Checklist PIC can also refer to a pre-installation checklist, which is a document used to ensure that all necessary steps are taken before the installation of a building system or equipment. The checklist may include items such as verifying the availability of equipment and materials, checking the site for any potential issues, and confirming that all required permits and approvals have been obtained.
  6. Pre-Installation Conference PIC can refer to a pre-installation conference, which is a meeting held before the installation of a building system or equipment to review plans and specifications, discuss installation procedures, and coordinate the work of different parties involved in the installation.
  7. Private Investment Company In some cases, PIC can refer to Private Investment Company, which is a type of investment firm that invests in privately held companies or other non-public assets. This meaning of PIC is not specific to the construction industry, but may be relevant in the context of construction financing or investment.


  1. Person-in-charge. (). Designing Buildings Ltd..

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PIC stand for Construction?

    PIC stands for Partnering in Construction in Construction terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Person In Charge in Construction?

    The short form of "Person In Charge" is PIC for Construction.


PIC in Construction. Acronym24.com. (2023, May 8). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pic-meaning-in-construction/

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