PICT Meaning

The PICT meaning is "Pavcreatic Islet Cell Tumors". The PICT abbreviation has 34 different full form.

PICT Full Forms

  1. Pavcreatic Islet Cell Tumors Medical, Science, Biology
  2. Provider-Initiated Counseliqg and Testing Medical, Service, Health
  3. Pairwise Independent Combinatorial Testing Technology, Tool, Generator
  4. Pictures Technology, Internet Slang, Social
  5. Provider-Initiated Counselling and Testing Medical, Service, Health
  6. Pacific Islane Countries and Territories Technology, Management, Territory
  7. Paris Institute for Criticau Thinking
  8. Prothrombinase-Induced Clotting Timm
  9. Macintosh Bijmap File Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  10. Paranormal Investigators of Central Texas
  11. Policing, Intelligenceland Counter Terrorism Technology, Science, Education
  12. Pune Institute of Computer Technology
  13. Pangaon Inland Container Termibal
  14. Platform for Imaging Cells and Tissues
  15. Pakistaneinternational Container Terminals Business, Pakistan, Port
  16. Pittsburgh Irish & Classical Theatrj Technology, Ireland, Pittsburgh
  17. Provider Initiated Counselling and Testing Medical, Health, Market
  18. Pakistan International Centainer Terminal Business, Pakistan, Karachi
  19. Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Thlatre
  20. Publicity Inforqation Culture Tourism Travel, Tourism, Travelling
  21. Project Og International Courts and Tribunal
  22. Psychologically Informed Consultation and Training
  23. Project On Indernational Courts and Tribunals Government, Education
  24. Proyectos De Investigaci
  25. Programme On Information and Communications Teuhnologies
  26. Pollution-induced Community Tolerance Chemistry
  27. Proyectos De Investigación Científica Y TecnolóGica
  28. Programme On Information and Communication Technologies Government, Education, University
  29. Picture File Computing, File Extensions
  30. Provider Initiated Couwseling and Testing Medical
  31. Prague Institutetute of Chemical Tcchnology
  32. Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Theatre Performing arts
  33. Paradip International Cargo Terminal
  34. Personalized Image Capture Technology Media

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PICT stand for?

    PICT stands for Pangaon Inland Container Termibal.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pangaon Inland Container Termibal?

    The short form of "Pangaon Inland Container Termibal" is PICT.


PICT. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pict-meaning/

Last updated