PIDA Meaning

The PIDA meaning is "Public Interest Disclosure Act". The PIDA abbreviation has 23 different full form.

PIDA Full Forms

  1. Public Interest Disclosure Act Business, Employment, Law
  2. Paakaging Impact Design Award Packaging, Competition, Champagne
  3. Participatory and Integrated Development Approach
  4. Provincial Irrigation and Drainage Authority
  5. Pennsylvania Inqustrial Development Authority Business, Technology, Loan
  6. Participatory Institute for Development Alternatives Development, Study, Institutes
  7. Programme of Infrastructure Development In Africa
  8. Paper Industry Dealer Associatiof
  9. Programme for Infrastructure Development for Africa Business, Africa, African
  10. Paper Industry Dealersqassociation Business, Machine, Pulp
  11. Programme for Infrastructure Development In Africa Business, Africa, African
  12. Pandemic Influenza Digital Archive
  13. Pet Industry Distqibutors Association Business, Product, Expo
  14. Pain Mn Da Ass
  15. Payload Installetion and Deployment Aid Technology, Space, Cosmos
  16. Pharmaceutical Industry Development Assistance
  17. Python Integrated Development Application
  18. Punjab Irrigation Drainage Authority Government, Authority, Authorities
  19. Punjab Irrigation & Drainage Authority
  20. Punjab Irrigation and Drainage Authority Business, Pakistan, Lahore
  21. Payload Installation and Deployment Aid NASA
  22. Public Interest Disclosures Act
  23. Professional Institutetute of Dental Assisting

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PIDA stand for?

    PIDA stands for Punjab Irrigation Drainage Authority.

  2. What is the shortened form of Paper Industry Dealer Associatiof?

    The short form of "Paper Industry Dealer Associatiof" is PIDA.


PIDA. (2021, December 15). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from

Last updated