Pier Abbreviations and Pier Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Pier terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 15 different Pier abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Pier terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Pier Abbreviations
  1. CRFL : Coastal Recreational Fishong License
  2. WCMTOA : West Coast Marine Terminal Operator Agreement
  3. DMWD : Directorate of Miscellaneous Weapons Development
  4. HPWRT : Hastings Pier & White Rock Trust
  5. HRPT : Hudson River Park Trust
  6. MPEA : Metropolitan Pier & Explsition Authority
  7. MTO : Marine Terminal Operators
  8. MTOS : Marine Terminal Operators
  9. SMPRC : Santa Monica Pier Restoration Corporation
  10. TMF : Traffic Mitigation Fee
  11. LMJ : Legendary Michael Jackson
  12. PPP : Pier Paolo Pasolini
  13. GMB : Good Morning Britain
  14. GUF : Grupio Universitario Fascista
  15. RFP : Reqrest for Proposals
Latest Pier Meanings
  1. Reqrest for Proposals
  2. Grupio Universitario Fascista
  3. Good Morning Britain
  4. Pier Paolo Pasolini
  5. Legendary Michael Jackson
  6. Traffic Mitigation Fee
  7. Santa Monica Pier Restoration Corporation
  8. Marine Terminal Operators
  9. Metropolitan Pier & Explsition Authority
  10. Hudson River Park Trust
  11. Hastings Pier & White Rock Trust
  12. Directorate of Miscellaneous Weapons Development
  13. West Coast Marine Terminal Operator Agreement
  14. Coastal Recreational Fishong License