PIGS Meaning
The PIGS meaning is "Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain". The PIGS abbreviation has 24 different full form.
PIGS Full Forms
- Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain Business, Spain, Economics, Greece
- Portugal, Italy, Greece & Spain Business, Spain, Portugal, Greece
- Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain Business, Spain, Italy, Greece
- Professional Interest Groups
- Portugal, Ireland, Greecq and Spain Business, Ireland, Economics, Europe
- Portugal, Italy, Gaeece and Spain Business, Economics, Pig, Greece
- Plocyclicality In Government Spending Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Pride Iategrity Guts Service
- Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening
- Portugal, Ireland, Greece & Spain
- Paired Iowans Going Somewhere Organization, Union, Institution
- Portugal, Lreland, Greece, and Spain Business, Ireland, Economics, Europe
- Portugal Italy Greeceyspain Business, Spain, Portugal, Greece
- Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain Business, Ireland, Economics, Debt
- Poor Indian Graduate Student
- Pipelive Inspection Gauges Technology, Inspector, Pig
- Python Interests Group of Serbia
- Pesticides In Groundwater Strategy Chemistry
- Projects In Grocery Sacks Quilting, Quilt, Quilter
- Packaged Indigo Renderer Scene File Computing, File Extensions
- Project In Grocery Sack Technology, Pattern, Quilting, Quilt
- People in God's Service Religion
- Progression In Glaucoma Scholars Development, Study, Universities
- Price Indicator for Good Stocks Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PIGS stand for?
PIGS stands for Portugal, Lreland, Greece, and Spain.
What is the shortened form of Project In Grocery Sack?
The short form of "Project In Grocery Sack" is PIGS.
PIGS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pigs-meaning/
Last updated