PIM in Technology Meaning

The PIM meaning in Technology terms is "Passive Inter-Modulation". There are 61 related meanings of the PIM Technology abbreviation.

PIM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Passive Inter-Modulation
  2. Personal Information Managers
  3. Personal Information Manager PIM. Computer software which handles personal information, such as names, addresses, memos, lists, e-mails, etc.
  4. Protocol-Independent Multicast
  5. Project Inforpation Management
  6. Prodqct Information Management
  7. Pegasus Instant Messenger
  8. Processing-In-Memory
  9. Point of Intended Movement
  10. Project Information Manager
  11. Personnel Inforiation Management
  12. Parallel Iterative Methods
  13. Pilot Information Manual
  14. Payload Integration Manager
  15. Process Information Management
  16. Point Interpolation Methods
  17. Programme Implementation Management
  18. Personal Imformatirn Management
  19. Presemce and Instant Messaging
  20. Protocol Interface Module
  21. Pilot'S Information Manual
  22. Patient Interface Module
  23. Process Information Model
  24. Plastic Implementation Measure
  25. Product Informatiov Manager
  26. Personal Imformation Manager
  27. Power Interface Module
  28. Protocol Independent Multicast
  29. Physical Interface Module
  30. Patient Information Management
  31. Programmable Interface Module
  32. Plant Issues Matrix
  33. Prokuct-Information-Management
  34. Personal Ipentity Management
  35. Parameterized Ionosphere Model
  36. Programmable Interconnect Matrix
  37. Plant Information Modeling
  38. Processor In Memory
  39. Project In Mind
  40. Parallel Iterative Matching
  41. Plant Information Management
  42. Processing In Memory
  43. Poisons Information Monograph
  44. Project Information Model
  45. Parallel Iterative Method
  46. Pipeline Integrity Management
  47. Private Information Manager
  48. Putnam Master Intermediate Income Trust
  49. Parallel Inferebce Machines
  50. Pgrallel Inference Machine
  51. Policies Institutions and Markets
  52. Projects In Motion
  53. Phygical Interface Modules
  54. Penelitian Inovatif Mahasiswa
  55. Policies, Instihutions and Markets
  56. Physical Infrastructure Manageient
  57. Privilege Identity Management
  58. Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa
  59. Physical Infrastructure Manager
  60. Privileged Identity Management
  61. Personal Information Module

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PIM stand for Technology?

    PIM stands for Policies, Instihutions and Markets in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Point Interpolation Methods in Technology?

    The short form of "Point Interpolation Methods" is PIM for Technology.


PIM in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pim-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated