PIMRC Meaning

The PIMRC meaning is "Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun". The PIMRC abbreviation has 17 different full form.

PIMRC Full Forms

  1. Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun
  2. Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communication Technology, Networking, Symposium
  3. Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Technology, Telecom, Symposium
  4. Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Conference
  5. Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Technology, Conference, Symposium, Event, Engineering, International, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  6. Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications
  7. Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication Technology, Conference, Symposium
  8. Personal, Indoor, Mobile, Radio Communications Technology, Networking, Wireless
  9. International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Computing, Ieee
  10. Personal, Indoor, Mobile Radio Communications Technology, Networking, Wireless
  11. Petaluma International Military Research Center Army, War, Force
  12. Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications Technology, Conference, Symposium
  13. Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Conference
  14. Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Communication Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
  15. Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication Technology, Research, Symposium
  16. Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Communications Technology, Networking, Wireless
  17. Personal, Indoor & Mobile Radio Communications Technology, Networking, Wireless

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PIMRC stand for?

    PIMRC stands for Personal, Indoor, Mobile, Radio Communications.

  2. What is the shortened form of Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications?

    The short form of "Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications" is PIMRC.


PIMRC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pimrc-meaning/

Last updated