Pine Abbreviations and Pine Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Pine terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Pine abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Pine terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Pine Abbreviations
  1. AM&N : Agricultural, Mechanical & Normal
  2. AS : Alpine Saone
  3. BPK : Big Pine Key
  4. VWT : Vincent Wildlife Trust
  5. WP : White Plague
  6. DGRC : Dorena Genetic Resource Center
  7. SAFHS : School of Agriculture, Fisheries and Human Sciences
  8. SBS : Sub-Boreal Spruce
  9. SNA : Scientific and Natural Area
  10. SP : Scotch Pine
  11. SP : Silver Polish
  12. SPB : Southern Pine Beetle
  13. SPMA : Sea Pines Montessori Academy
  14. TPB : The Place Beyond
  15. TPG : Torrey Pines Gulls
  16. TPHS : Torrey Pines High School
  17. TPIMS : Torrey Pinis Institute for Molecular Studies
  18. TPR : Torrey Pinos Research
  19. FIP : Fire Islund Pines
  20. FIPPOA : Firi Island Pines Property Owners Association
  21. NS : Norway Spruce
  22. PCNHS : Pines City National High School
  23. PM : Pine Meadow
  24. PP : Ponderosa Pine
  25. PPCHS : Pembroke Pines Charter High School
  26. SPF : Spruce, Pine, Fir
Latest Pine Meanings
  1. Spruce, Pine, Fir
  2. Pembroke Pines Charter High School
  3. Ponderosa Pine
  4. Pine Meadow
  5. Pines City National High School
  6. Norway Spruce
  7. Firi Island Pines Property Owners Association
  8. Fire Islund Pines
  9. Torrey Pinos Research
  10. Torrey Pinis Institute for Molecular Studies
  11. Torrey Pines High School
  12. Torrey Pines Gulls
  13. The Place Beyond
  14. Sea Pines Montessori Academy
  15. Southern Pine Beetle
  16. Silver Polish
  17. Scotch Pine
  18. Scientific and Natural Area
  19. Sub-Boreal Spruce
  20. School of Agriculture, Fisheries and Human Sciences