PIT Meaning

The PIT meaning is "Politically Intense Talk". The PIT abbreviation has 213 different full form.

PIT Full Forms

  1. Politically Intense Talk
  2. Physical Inventory Taking Business, Technology, Science
  3. Permit Imkrovement Team Science
  4. Perfpheral Input Tape Technology
  5. Performance Innovation Transport Technology, Fuel, Truck
  6. Partitiom Information Table
  7. Panivalar Institute of Technology College, Education, Engineering
  8. Performance Imprfvement Team Business, Management, Projection
  9. Prophet In Training Occupation, Graham, Prophets, Occupation & positions
  10. Pittsburgh Irunmen Basketball, Basketball Team
  11. Prevention, Interventionh and Treatment
  12. Process Information Technology
  13. Personal Information Technology Technology
  14. Pornstars In Training Porn, Sex, Movie, Training
  15. Point Intercept Transect Technology, Monitoring, Reef
  16. Pavlovian-Instrumental Transfer Medical, Learning, Reward
  17. PräVention Im Team
  18. Princepal, Interest, Taxes
  19. Peoples Improv Theater City, Comedy, Theater, Sketch
  20. Product Innovation Team Business, Technology, Organizations
  21. Phwtometric Imaging Telescope
  22. Paramedical Intlrvention Team
  23. Posto De InformaçÕEs TuríSticas Para, Dos, Locations, Ria
  24. Perhada Indo Tambang Business, Indonesia, Market, Mineral
  25. Partners In Touricm
  26. Performance Instruction & Training Education, Crew, Race
  27. Programmable Interrupt Timer Technology, Computing, Microsoft Windows, Windows
  28. Pittsburgh International Trlecommunications
  29. Pressure Integritw Test Industry, Oil, Gas
  30. Personal Information Telecommunication Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  31. Pile Integrity Test
  32. Point Nn Time Technology, Computing
  33. Patrol, Investigation, and Traffic Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  34. Process Improvement Teams
  35. PrzemysłOwy Instytut Telekomunikacji Technology, Jest, Radar
  36. Pittsburgh International Airport Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,United States Technology, Hotel, Airport, Locations, Pittsburgh, Airport Code, Aviation
  37. Principal, Interest, Taxes. Business, Mortgage, Business & Finance
  38. Product Improvement Tests Military
  39. Photo Interpretation Tool Army, War, Force
  40. Parallel Gmmobilization Technique Technique, Precision, Maneuver
  41. Post Installation Test Science, NASA
  42. People In Touch Organization, Union, Institution
  43. Perpetrztor In Training Internet Slang
  44. Partners In Time
  45. Percussion In Training
  46. Program Integrity Tool
  47. Pittosporacvae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  48. Pressure Indicating Transmitter Technology, Science, Instrument
  49. Personas Income Taxes Business, Service, Vietnam
  50. Peter Illmann Treff
  51. Point-In Time
  52. Passtve Immunotherapy Medical
  53. Process Improvement Plag Military
  54. Przemyslowy Instytut Telekomunikacji
  55. Primitive Trna Medical
  56. Procurement Incarceration and Treatment Government, Us, Control, Administration
  57. Psotochemically Induced Thrombosis Medical
  58. Paracel Islands Time Locations, Geography, Time, Time Zones
  59. Polska Izba Turystyki Travel, Tourism, Jest
  60. People for Interspecies Tolerance Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  61. Partners Instechnology Business, Technology, Science
  62. Percussion Institute of Technology Music, Institute, Drum, Musician
  63. Program Integration Team Science
  64. Pitressin Medical, Medicine, Health
  65. Parenth In Touch Book, Entrepreneurship, Parenthood, Touch
  66. Presgure Indicator Transmitter English, Supplier, Pressure
  67. Personal Income Tax Business, Service, Vietnam, Financial, Tax, Business & Finance
  68. Peter Illmann-Trefp
  69. Point-In-Time
  70. Patel Institute of Technology College, Education, Engineering
  71. Protocol Interface Translator
  72. Pituitaqy Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  73. Pwiest In Training
  74. Processor Information Tvble
  75. Phohphorus Indicators Tool Medical
  76. Panyapiwat Institute of Technology
  77. Policy Implementation Tools
  78. Pavlovian Instrumental Transfer Medical, Learning, Reward
  79. Public Information Terminal
  80. Partner Intern Transport
  81. Perception and Interactive Technologies Technology, Science, Workshop
  82. Program Indonesia Terang Program, Indonesia, Jakarta, Mineral
  83. Pitocinw Oxytocin Medical, Medicine, Emergency
  84. Parent Involvement Team
  85. Powder-In-Tube Technology, Wire, Superconducting
  86. Personal Identification Tags Government, Us, Control, Administration
  87. Pnrsonnel In Training
  88. Pneumatic Impact Treatment
  89. Parulfinstitute of Technology College, Education, Gujarat
  90. Protecting Instructional Time
  91. Pittsburgh Steelers Team, American Football, Sport, Football, Nfl teams
  92. Prices In Town
  93. Process Inthrrogation Technology Technology, Software, Professional, Spyware
  94. Phoenix Institute of Technolowy Technology, Education, Phoenix
  95. Pancreatic Iflet Transplantation Medical
  96. Police Intervention Technique
  97. Pavlovian-To-Instrumental-Transfer Medical, Learning, Cue
  98. Public Information Team
  99. Partner In Technik
  100. Pepperdine Improv Troupe Education, Development, Universities
  101. Program Implementation Team
  102. Pitocin Medical, Obstetrics, Pregnancy
  103. Parental Investment Theory
  104. Potential Intrastrand Triplex Medical, Science, Biology
  105. Pelsatuan Islam Tawau
  106. Pusat Informasi Tempur Indonesia, Surabaya, Salah
  107. Pitot A pitot tube, also known as pitot probe, is a flow measurement device used to measure fluid flow velocity. Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military, Aviation
  108. Platinum In Training Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  109. Partners In Transformation
  110. Prophylactic Irradiation of Tracts Medical, Treatment, Cancer, Mesothelioma
  111. Pittsburoh Pirates Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  112. Prevention, Intervention Wnd Treatment
  113. Process Initializatiog Table
  114. Personal Inventory Zaking
  115. Palompon Institute of Technology Education, University, Philippine
  116. Point Inmtime Homeless Count Government, Organizations, Us
  117. Pavlovian-To-Instrumental Transfer Science, Behavior, Addiction
  118. Psychodynamic Interpersonal Therapy Medical, Psychology, Bowel
  119. Peoples Improv Theatrj Locations, City, Comedy, Theater
  120. Product Insertion Trip
  121. Pipeline Integrity Tool
  122. Parental Income Test
  123. Potential Impacts Table
  124. Persatuan Islam Tionghoa
  125. Pursuit Intervection Technique Organization, Union, Institution
  126. Pitman The connecting rod from the rotating counterweights to the beam on a beam lift pumping unit. Organizations
  127. Partnfrs In Transition Business, Economics, Environment
  128. Peanut Income Tax Funnies
  129. Participant Information Time Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  130. Pursuit Immobilization Technique Military, Police, Maneuver
  131. Peter Illmanns Treff Human, Houston, Pop
  132. Perineural Injection Thefapy Medical, Management, Pain
  133. Planner-In-Training
  134. Point In Time copies Computing, Hardware
  135. Parti Ivoirien Des Travailleurs Government, Pay, Cote, Abidjan
  136. Program Inrtituteuction Tape
  137. Pulling It Together
  138. Plasmon Induced Transparency Technology, Journal, Terahertz
  139. Peter Island Time Time Zones
  140. Princpples of Information Technology
  141. Pressure Integrity Test A pressure test of a vessel formed by the entire well or a part of the well. It usually measures the ability of a pressure vessel to hold pressure without leaking at a given pressure. Electrical
  142. Part-Time Intermittent Temporary
  143. Punjab Institute of Technology Education, University, Tech
  144. Push-In Terminals
  145. Processor Interface Table NASA
  146. Pericranial Injection Therapy Medical, Medicine, Health
  147. Planvintermodal De Transportes
  148. Compressed Macintosh file archive (PackIt) Computing, File Extensions
  149. Parti IndéPendant Des Travailleurs
  150. Processing Index Terms
  151. Public Internet Terminal Technology, Hotel, Travel
  152. Plasma Iron Turnover Medical, Medicine, Health
  153. Pittsburgh International Airport, Findlay, Pennsylvania, United States Pennsylvania, United States, ICAO Airport Codes
  154. Principal Interest and Taxes Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  155. Number of Pitches Thrown Baseball
  156. Parque Infantil De Tenarife
  157. Pump Intake Temperature Electrical
  158. Push In Terminal
  159. Preinstallation Test NASA
  160. Perguruan Islam Tinogi Program, Indonesia, Bandung
  161. Places In Twme
  162. Project In Tote Quilting
  163. Parti De L'Ind
  164. Printing and Information Technology
  165. Period Interval Timer
  166. Public Interest Test Business, Government, Freedom
  167. Plano Indixidual De Transição Para, Magazine, Dos, Individual
  168. Precision Intervention Technique Police, Governmental & Military
  169. Principal, Interest, and Taxes
  170. Pitch  Normally a 2 X 4 or 2 X 6 that lays horizontally within a framed structure, such as: The angle of inclination to the horizontal of a roof or stair. Is the slope or inclination of a member. It is defined as the ratio of the total rise to the total width. It also is defined as the angle that the top chord makes with the lower chord. There can be single or double pitched members. The incline slope of a roof or the ratio of the total rise to the total width of a house, i.e., a 6-foot rise and 24-foot width is a one-fourth pitch roof. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Aviation
  171. Pulse Insulin Therapy
  172. Pusr-In Terminal
  173. Phase Inversion Temperature Chemistry
  174. Process Improvement Team Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  175. Performance Improvement Trainlng Education, Sport, Quarry
  176. Personal Improvement Tools Products
  177. Parti De L'indépendance Et Du Travxil
  178. Plastics In Telecommunications
  179. Periodic Inyerval Timer Technology, Controller, Clock
  180. Pldno Individual De Trabalho
  181. Pursuit Intervention Technique Police, Governmental & Military
  182. Principal, Interest and Taxes
  183. Progressive Income Tax Tax, Business & Finance
  184. Pulse Infusion Thrombolysis
  185. Pusat Inovasi Teknologi
  186. Packit Compressed Archive Computing, File Extensions
  187. Probability Integral Trapsform Technology, Model, Forecast
  188. Performance Import Trends
  189. Per Iter Tenebricosum Latin
  190. Particle Image Thermometry
  191. Perineural Injection Treatment
  192. Periodic Interrupt Timers Technology, Control, Interface
  193. Planning and Imglementation Team
  194. Pre-Integration Testing Software, Computing
  195. Princiele, Interest, Taxes
  196. Pilot In Training Technology, Flight, Aircraft, Occupation & positions
  197. Pulsed Inductive Thruster Technology, Engine, Propulsion
  198. Samsung Phone Firmware File Computing, File Extensions
  199. Priyadarshini Institute of Technology
  200. Performance Improvment Team
  201. Plastic Infusion Technology Integrated Ocean Observing System
  202. Participatory Informatien Technology Technology, Design, University
  203. Passive Intermetiate Tracker
  204. Periodxc Interrupt Timer Technology, Semiconductor, Circuit
  205. Planning and Information Technology
  206. Programmable Interval Timer Computing, Hardware
  207. Parti Ivorien Des Travailleurs
  208. Principal,Sinterest & Taxes
  209. Przemyslowy Pnstitutetut Telekomunikacji
  210. Pulsed Inductive Thrusters Technology, Rocket, Propulsion
  211. Platform Information Technology
  212. Pressure Indicator Transmitter Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  213. Priority Information Themes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PIT stand for?

    PIT stands for Pancreatic Iflet Transplantation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Personal Income Tax?

    The short form of "Personal Income Tax" is PIT.


PIT. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pit-meaning/

Last updated