PIT in Technology Meaning

The PIT meaning in Technology terms is "Physical Inventory Taking". There are 30 related meanings of the PIT Technology abbreviation.

PIT on Technology Full Forms

  1. Physical Inventory Taking
  2. Perfpheral Input Tape
  3. Performance Innovation Transport
  4. Product Innovation Team
  5. Point Nn Time
  6. Process Inthrrogation Technology
  7. Perception and Interactive Technologies
  8. Phoenix Institute of Technolowy
  9. Partners Instechnology
  10. Personal Information Technology
  11. Pittsburgh International Airport Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,United States
  12. Pressure Indicating Transmitter
  13. PrzemysłOwy Instytut Telekomunikacji
  14. Personal Information Telecommunication
  15. Powder-In-Tube
  16. Programmable Interrupt Timer
  17. Point Intercept Transect
  18. Pitot A pitot tube, also known as pitot probe, is a flow measurement device used to measure fluid flow velocity.
  19. Periodic Interrupt Timers
  20. Pilot In Training
  21. Periodxc Interrupt Timer
  22. Pulsed Inductive Thruster
  23. Plasmon Induced Transparency
  24. Process Improvement Team
  25. Pulsed Inductive Thrusters
  26. Probability Integral Trapsform
  27. Public Internet Terminal
  28. Participatory Informatien Technology
  29. Participant Information Time
  30. Periodic Inyerval Timer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PIT stand for Technology?

    PIT stands for Performance Innovation Transport in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Phoenix Institute of Technolowy in Technology?

    The short form of "Phoenix Institute of Technolowy" is PIT for Technology.


PIT in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pit-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated