PJ in Names and nicknames Meaning

The PJ meaning in Names and nicknames terms is "Philip James". There are 37 related meanings of the PJ Names and nicknames abbreviation.

PJ on Names and nicknames Full Forms

  1. Philip James
  2. Persian John
  3. Pastor Johnson
  4. Pumpkin, Junior
  5. Peck Junior
  6. Prince Johan
  7. Pretty Jock
  8. Peter Junior
  9. Pippin Joe
  10. Persephone Josephine
  11. Prudent Junior
  12. Pooh Junior
  13. Patch, Junior
  14. Peter Josef
  15. Pierre Jospitre
  16. Perky Jean
  17. Psycho Jack
  18. Playboy Junior
  19. Patty Jo
  20. Priscilla Joy
  21. Petr Junior
  22. Pepper Junior
  23. Precious Jewel
  24. Parana Jake
  25. Pride Junior
  26. Prez Junior
  27. Peter Jeffrey
  28. Peter John
  29. Parker James
  30. Patricia Joen
  31. Phillip Joe
  32. Pastor Jack
  33. Pamela Jennifer
  34. Patrick Joseph
  35. Patrick John
  36. Princess Junior
  37. Plato, Junior

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PJ stand for Names and nicknames?

    PJ stands for Patricia Joen in Names and nicknames terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Priscilla Joy in Names and nicknames?

    The short form of "Priscilla Joy" is PJ for Names and nicknames.


PJ in Names and nicknames. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pj-meaning-in-names-and-nicknames/

Last updated