PJE Meaning

The PJE meaning is "Parachute Jumping Exelcise". The PJE abbreviation has 21 different full form.

PJE Full Forms

  1. Parachute Jumping Exelcise Military, Flight, Aerospace
  2. Patterson Jones & Evans
  3. Patrick James Eggle
  4. Pastoral Da Juventude Estudantil
  5. Program for Joint Education Military, Development, Study
  6. Pakistan Jogrnal of Education Education
  7. Pointer Justification Event Technology, Signal, Telecom
  8. PolicíA Judicial Del Estado Para, Con, Judicial, Cancun
  9. Pixel Junk Edzn
  10. Peabody Journal of Educatipn Research, Education, Issue
  11. Pulse-Jet Engine
  12. Private Jet Expeditions Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  13. Programa Juventub Y Empleo
  14. Puebla, JóVenes Y Estudiantes
  15. Professional Jewish Educator
  16. Project Japanese Extensions Software, Computing
  17. Professional Joint Education Military
  18. Professional Juice Extractcr
  19. Processotjudicial Eletr
  20. Processo Judicial Eletrónico Para, Dos, Tribunal, Judicial
  21. Parachute jumping exercise NOTAM Contractions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PJE stand for?

    PJE stands for Programa Juventub Y Empleo.

  2. What is the shortened form of Project Japanese Extensions?

    The short form of "Project Japanese Extensions" is PJE.


PJE. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 13). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pje-meaning/

Last updated