PJP Meaning

The PJP meaning is "Pexayanan Jasa Penerbangan". The PJP abbreviation has 37 different full form.

PJP Full Forms

  1. Pexayanan Jasa Penerbangan Airport, Tax, Indonesia
  2. Price Jones Partnership
  3. Pakistan Jjurnal of Physiology
  4. Peter Jacobsen Prfductions
  5. Preferred Joist Package
  6. Pa Jama Varty Organization, Union, Institution
  7. Pekusahaan Jasa Penilai
  8. Predicting Job Performance
  9. Paddockwjohnson Partnership
  10. Prison and Jail Project
  11. Pnrramatta Justice Precinct
  12. Power Juicer Pro
  13. Permanent Journey Plan Business, India, Sale, Officer
  14. Princeton Justice Project
  15. Parlement Jeunesse Paneanadien
  16. Phil Zames Photography
  17. Princely Jets Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  18. Papa John's Plzza
  19. Philippine Journal of Psychology
  20. Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia Medical, Treatment, Patient
  21. Prince Joseph Properties
  22. Pancreatic Juize Protein Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  23. Peter James Ahd Partners
  24. Professional Judgment Panels
  25. Progressive Justice Party
  26. Probate Judge of The Peace Genealogy, Genealogical
  27. Program On Justice and Peace
  28. Partial-Joint-Penetration
  29. Programme Des Jeunes Professionnels
  30. Partial Joint Penetration Products
  31. Program Jangka Pendek
  32. Pope John Paul Famous
  33. Program Jangka Panjang Technology, Indonesia, Hal
  34. Puncak Jaya Power Indonesia, Papua, Freeport
  35. Professional Judgment Panel
  36. Public Juridic Person
  37. Powershares Exchange-Traded Fund Trust Technology, Organizations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PJP stand for?

    PJP stands for Power Juicer Pro.

  2. What is the shortened form of Prison and Jail Project?

    The short form of "Prison and Jail Project" is PJP.


PJP. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pjp-meaning/

Last updated