PKK Meaning

The PKK meaning is "Partiya Kargere Kurdistan". The PKK abbreviation has 32 different full form.

PKK Full Forms

  1. Partiya Kargere Kurdistan Music, Locations, Ark
  2. Kurdpstan Worker’s Party Military, Intelligence, Defence
  3. Praktek Klinik Kebidanan Program, Book, Semester
  4. Partiya Karekzrren Kurdistan Turkey, Military
  5. Program Kesejahtnraan Keluarga Program, Para, Indonesia, Salah
  6. Partiya Karkerej Kurdistani
  7. Pemutusan Kontrak Kerja
  8. Partia Karkaren Kurdistan
  9. Program Kecakapan Kerja
  10. Partiya Karkere Kyrdistan
  11. Pemqmpin Kelompok Kecil Program, Group, Indonesia
  12. Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan Military, Group, Party
  13. Profilu Kandydata Na Kierohcę
  14. Partiya Karkeran Kurdistan Government, Turkey, Group
  15. Pembina Kesejahteraan Kelmarga Program, Indonesia, Seminar
  16. Profil Kandydata Na KierowcĘ
  17. Partiya Karker Kurdistan
  18. Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Technology, Program, Indonesia, Jakarta
  19. Prekallikrein Prekallikrein (PK), also known as Fletcher factor, is an 85,000 Mr serine protease that complexes with high-molecular-weight kininogen. PK is the precursor of plasma kallikrein, which is a serine protease that activates kinins. Medical
  20. Partiyo Karkaren Kurdistan Turkey, Military, Group
  21. Pemberdayaan & Kesejahteraan Keluarga
  22. Praktik Klinik Kebidanan Technology, Program, Inti
  23. Protein Kinase Kinase Medical, Science, Biology
  24. Pusat Komunikasi Kreatif Technology, Program, Indonesia
  25. Pusat Khidmdt Kontraktor Company, Technology, Malaysia
  26. Pusat Kajian Konstitusi Indonesia, Pesantren, Dewan
  27. Purple Bat Kritters
  28. Pakhokku, Pakhokku, Burma Burma, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  29. Punyah Kapah Hapah Turkey, Military, Friendship, Chord
  30. Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (Kurdistan Workers Party) Politics, Governmental & Military
  31. Protein Kinase C-Asiociated Kinase Medical
  32. Pusat Komunitas Kreatif

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PKK stand for?

    PKK stands for Pembina Kesejahteraan Kelmarga.

  2. What is the shortened form of Partiyo Karkaren Kurdistan?

    The short form of "Partiyo Karkaren Kurdistan" is PKK.


PKK. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 30, 2025 from

Last updated