PKN Meaning

The PKN meaning is "Pengelolaan Kekayaan Negara". The PKN abbreviation has 33 different full form.

PKN Full Forms

  1. Pengelolaan Kekayaan Negara Business, Program, Android, Indonesia
  2. Pemantau Keuangan Negara
  3. Pejabat Kemajuan Negeri
  4. Pengelolaan Keuangan Negara
  5. Polski Koncern Naftowy Business, Company, Group, Supply
  6. Peningkatan Kehidupan Nelayan Business, Program, Indonesia, Jakarta
  7. Parti Keadilan Nasional Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  8. Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny Technology, Server, Traffic, Rank
  9. Product Knowledge Network
  10. Partai Kerakyatan Nasional
  11. Penilaian Kekayaan Negara
  12. Pricing Knowledge Network
  13. Palm Kernel Nut Business, Oil, Palm
  14. Pengkajian Ketahanan Nasional
  15. Praktik Kerja Nyata Indonesia, Guru, Proposal
  16. Iskandar Airport Pangkalan Bun(Pangkalanbuun), Indonesia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  17. Pengetahuan Kewargaan Negara Indonesia, Guru, Semester
  18. Praktek Kerja Nyata Technology, Program, Presentation, Indonesia
  19. Protestantse Kerk Nederland Traffic, Door, Tot
  20. Pengelolaan Kas Negara Business, Indonesia, Banking
  21. Polski Koncern Nft
  22. Perkins Organizations
  23. Protein Kinase N Medical, Science, Biology
  24. Pendidikan Kepemimpinan Nasional Program, Indonesia, Orang
  25. Program Khidmat Negara
  26. Pusat Kegiatan Nasional
  27. Pumpkins Plant, Botany, Cooking, Grocery
  28. Pseudoknot Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  29. Protein KiNase C-related Kinases Medical, Human genome
  30. Protestantse Kerk In Nederland Technology, Church, Netherland, Protestantism
  31. Iskandar, Pangkalanbun-Borneo Island, Indonesia Indonesia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  32. Protestanse Kerk In Nederland
  33. Polish Committee for Standardization Technology, Computing, National, Standards, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PKN stand for?

    PKN stands for Protein KiNase C-related Kinases.

  2. What is the shortened form of Protestanse Kerk In Nederland?

    The short form of "Protestanse Kerk In Nederland" is PKN.


PKN. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 7, 2025 from

Last updated