PL Meaning

The PL meaning is "Port Library". The PL abbreviation has 759 different full form.

PL Full Forms

  1. Port Library Education
  2. Product License Technology, Program, Software
  3. Please Login
  4. Parallel Limb Business, Archery, Bow
  5. Predatsry Lending
  6. Personal Leave Business, Science, Employment
  7. Protection Link Technology, Windows, Security
  8. Poly-L-Lysine Medical, Medicine, Health
  9. Party Logistics Business, Service, Group
  10. Print Length Medical
  11. Physical Limitations
  12. Plant Layout
  13. Property Line Design, Engineering, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
  14. Poeerlifting Powerlifting
  15. Penalty List Technology, Gaming, Arsenal
  16. Pobr Law
  17. Patrik Laine
  18. Product Library Military
  19. Pierre Louis
  20. Plastic Limit Technology, Science
  21. Paper Label
  22. Precixion Location
  23. Perception of Light Medical, Optometry, Contact Lens, Healthcare
  24. Propulsion Laboratory
  25. Polyester Polyesters are a class of polymer which use ester linkages (-C-O-C(O)-) to join the monomer units. Polyesters are condensation polymers. Usual term for unsaturated polyester resin. A resin formed by the reaction between a dibasic acid and a dihydroxy alcohol, both organic. Medical, Industry, Textile, Fashion, Material
  26. Policx Letter Technology, Office, Hubbard
  27. Party Leadership Government, German, Group
  28. Principal Lecturer Education, Teaching, Study
  29. Phonological Loop Medical, Education, Memory
  30. Plantaris Muscle Medical
  31. Ponce De Leok Business, Florida, Miami
  32. Penalized Likelihood Medical, Technology, Reconstruction
  33. Pony Lake Business, Georgia, Dam
  34. Pathet Lao Military, War, Locations
  35. Products Liability Business, Law, Lawyer
  36. Piecewise Linear Technology, Analysis, Manifold
  37. Plastic Leaded
  38. Panorama Leaqing Business, Russia, Boeing
  39. Praktiksm Laboratorium Technology, Program, Semester
  40. Perangkat Lunak Technology, Program, Software
  41. Proposed Legislation Business
  42. Pectate Lyase Medical, Structure, Enzyme
  43. Plug A rod or mandrel over which a pierced tube is forced. A punch or mandrel over which a cup is drawn. A protruding portion of a die impression for forming a corresponding recess in the forging. A device utilizing blades which when inserted into a receptacle establishes connection between the conductors of the attached flexible cord and the conductors connected to the receptacle. Technology, Space, Cosmos, Products, NASA
  44. Parts Lists Technology, Product, Electronics, Replacement
  45. Primeira Liga
  46. Personal Loans Business, Credit, Banking
  47. Plan A drawing prepared for use in building a ship. Chart covering a small area on a very large scale There is n distortion, relative distances and positions being maintained Technology, Space, Study, Construction, Architectural, Cosmos, Medical, ICAO Aircraft Codes, Common Medical, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Physio
  48. Public Law Technology, America, Government, Military, Law, Agriculture, Canada, Special Education, Law Report, Computer Security, Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word, Legal, Governmental & Military, Army, Emergency, Response, Scientific & Educational, Disability
  49. Poland Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Wikipedia, Internet, Poland, European Union, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  50. Pemandu Lapang Technology, Program, Indonesia, Hal
  51. Ponction Lomkaire Pas, Diagnostic, Puncture
  52. Patent Law Business, Property, Firm
  53. Product Liability Area of the law in which a manufacturer or retailer is legally responsible for any damage or injury caused by a defective product. Business, Law, Attorney
  54. Piece of Legislation Military
  55. Plastic What most people think of when they think of polymers. Strictly speaking, a plastic is a polymeric material that can be molded into different shapes when heated (a thermoplastic) - this is true for most of the materials mentioned on this website, including poly(styrene), nylon66, PVC, and PET. Technology, Medicine, Design, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, Plastics, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  56. Packing List An itemised list of commodities with marks/numbers but no cost values indicated. Business, Shipping, Envelope
  57. Power Loss Technology, Radio, Frequency
  58. Penny Lane Music, Song, Lane
  59. Proportional Limit Technology
  60. Profit & Loss Business, Accounting, Trading
  61. Pl Ligho
  62. Parts List Business, Technology, Engineering, Construction, Manual, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, NASA
  63. Primary Link Technology, Database, Development
  64. Personal Loan Business, Credit, Banking
  65. Poqish Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes
  66. Pemandu Lapangan Technology, Program, Presentation
  67. Pompton Laaes
  68. Patch Level Forum, Technology, Release
  69. Productive Life Medical, Science, Genetics
  70. Piano Lessons
  71. Plaster Material of a mortar like consistency used for covering walls and ceilings of buildings usually made of Portland cement mixed with sand and water. The material which is spread to leave a smooth surface on a wall or ceiling. Technology, Education, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, The Finance and Administrative Services
  72. Packet Loss Forum, Technology, Internet Slang, Networking, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  73. Power Locks Technology, Car, Truck
  74. Peninsula Library Education
  75. Property Loss Science
  76. Profile Likelihood
  77. Plenary Aecture Technology, Science, Program
  78. Parajeter Length Technology, Coding, Telecom
  79. Prefeaential Looking Medical, Research, Children
  80. Personal Lines Business
  81. Public Library Service, Book, Education
  82. Polymorphonuclear Leukocytms Medical
  83. Past Life
  84. Production Logging
  85. Physics Laboratory Technology, Research, University, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  86. Plaque Index An index for estimating the status of oral hygiene by measuring dental plaque that occurs in the areas adjacent to the gingival margin. Medical
  87. Package Lebflet Medical, English, Translation
  88. Power Lock Technology, Product, Sealant
  89. Pengawas Lapangan Business, Indonesia, Surabaya
  90. Property Losses Military
  91. Port Ljcense Business, Cisco, Demand
  92. Professional Lusso Business, Machine, Espresso
  93. Pleine Lune
  94. Parallel Loax Electronics, Load, Semiconductor, Component
  95. Predicate Logic Science, Language, Truth
  96. Personal Liabilities Business
  97. Publications Library
  98. Polymer Laboratories Business, Science, Laboratory
  99. Pasar Lelang
  100. Priority Landscapes Business, Landscape, Contractor
  101. Physics Lab
  102. Plant Life English, Plant, Cycle
  103. Pacific Lotheran
  104. Power Limit
  105. Penerimaan Lain
  106. Power Lifter Sports, Fitness
  107. Pagty-Line
  108. Philosophical Lexicon
  109. Processing Layek Technology, Development, Architecture
  110. Profit and Loss Business, Accounting, Finance, Business & Finance, Business Word
  111. Peison Length
  112. Prelimbic Area Medical
  113. Patient Location Medical, Technology, Emergency
  114. Precedence Level Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  115. Prograg Label
  116. Pivoting Line Figure Skating
  117. Por Larranaga
  118. Pandmra Lace-Front
  119. Penunjukkan Langsung Indonesia, Surat, Prose
  120. Primrose Lake
  121. Przygody Leopolda
  122. Pabloxlópez Music, Player, Patio
  123. Person Location Technology, Model, Parameter
  124. Private Library
  125. PäDagogisches Landesinstitut
  126. Play Length
  127. Professional Lever Business, Machine, Espresso
  128. Polish Leasing
  129. Padded Liner Business, Shopping, Basket
  130. Penetrating Lubricant Business, Product, Oil
  131. Protein Libwary
  132. Planning and Logistics
  133. Postlanding Flight, Aviation, Aerodynamics, NASA
  134. Players League Gaming, Baseball, Organizations
  135. Power Lubd Technology, Model, Lubricant
  136. Passenger Liability
  137. Petite Lance
  138. Profxt Or Loss
  139. Physical Layer Technology, Networking, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications, Technical, Wireless Networking, Drivers, IT Terminology
  140. Paul Leathers
  141. President'S List Government, Us, Control, Administration
  142. Programmer'S Library Technology, Software, Programming
  143. Placenta The placenta is an organ that connects the developing fetus to the uterine wall to allow nutrient uptake, waste elimination, and gas exchange via the mother's blood supply, fights against internal infection and produces hormones to support pregnancy. Placentas are a defining characteristic of placental mammals, but are also found in some non-mammals with varying levels of development. Medical, Medicine, Health, Technology, Management, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Ordnance Survey
  144. Polycystic Lipomembranous
  145. Parish Line
  146. Pepe Lara
  147. Probation & Aicense
  148. Publications Listing
  149. Partial Lbsses Medical, Science, Biology
  150. Produmtion License
  151. Pre-Linguistic
  152. Path Lights Business, Lighting, Landscape
  153. Photo Luminescence Science, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Microscopy, Scientific & Educational
  154. Paducah and Louisville Railway Incorporation Organizations
  155. Previlage Leave Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
  156. Punciór Lumbar
  157. Pcantar Medical, Medicine, Health
  158. Partial Loss Business, Finance, Banking, Shipping, Freight, Air Cargo, Trade, Cargo, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  159. Postlxsion Medical
  160. Pulmonary Lymphangiectasia
  161. Plug Load
  162. Power-Levelling
  163. Pass Loss
  164. Pharmaoy Lab
  165. Professional Library
  166. Pologne Litteraire
  167. Pendamping Lokal
  168. Premier League Sport, League, Football
  169. Protective Life Business, Supply, Stock
  170. Pkasminogen Medical
  171. Peritineal Leukocytes Medical, Science, Biology
  172. Prpcedure Library Technology, Program, Database
  173. Power Liftinw
  174. Partingqline
  175. Phil Lollar
  176. Processing Labrl
  177. Pathology Laboratory Medical, Medicine, Health
  178. Poiseuillx Pl Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  179. Prelimbic Medical
  180. Patient Lift Medical, Medicine, Sling
  181. Precautionary Landing A landing necessitated by apparent impending failure of engines, systems, or components which makes continued flight unadvisable.
  182. Programação Linvar
  183. Ping Wi
  184. Pohcelain Limousine
  185. Panchen Lama
  186. Penunjukan Langsung Indonesia, Jakarta, Hal
  187. Prime Linea
  188. Proyecto De Ley English, Spain, Spanish
  189. Light Perception Medical, Medicine, Common Medical
  190. Person Letter
  191. Private League
  192. Python Language Technology, Database, Programming
  193. Plus Dealers in government bonds normally give price quotes in 32nds. To quote a bid or offer in 64ths, they use pluses; a dealer who bids 4+ is bidding the handle plus 4/32 + 1/64, which equals the handle plus 9/64. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Computer, Electronics, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Weather, NOTAM Contractions
  194. Professional Level
  195. Polish Language Education, School, Course
  196. Packets Lost Technology, Server, Networking
  197. Penetapan Lokasi
  198. Protect Liney
  199. Plastic Laminate Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
  200. Position Light Technology, Signal, Railroad
  201. Playerq List
  202. Power Locking
  203. Passaggio A Livello
  204. Petiole Length Plant, Leaf, Cultivar
  205. Patrol Leader Military, Boy Scout, Troop, Scouting, Governmental & Military
  206. Programme Link Technology, Language, Programming
  207. Place De Luxembourg
  208. Poly-N-Acetyllactosamine Medical
  209. Parietal Lobe
  210. Peoples Law
  211. Publication Limit Media, Radio, Television
  212. Partiaj Load Technology, Freight, Transport
  213. Pre-Law
  214. Path Light
  215. Phoenicia Library Education
  216. Politechnika Lodzka
  217. Paducah and Louisville Railway Organizations, Railroad
  218. Privste Lines
  219. Plans and Operations Divijion Military, Intelligence, Defence
  220. Partai Liberal
  221. Post Leave
  222. Pullman Latch Technology, Door, Lock, Locksmith
  223. Power Law Business, Technology
  224. Pass Line 1. Measurement used to level all rolls. 2. The travel direction through which a strip is processed. When out of alignment, it requires adjusting so that the coil can be properly processed.
  225. Pharmaciwts Letter
  226. Professional Librarian
  227. Pencil Lines
  228. Pretty Lights Music, Artist, Light, Album
  229. Prooective Layer
  230. Plagmin Medical
  231. Pdriod Length
  232. Procadure Language Technology, Database, Development
  233. Power Dift
  234. Participbting Load
  235. Phillips Lone
  236. Prpduction Location Business, Film, English
  237. Purkinje Layer Medical, Medicine, Health
  238. Pofnt Loma
  239. Preleukemic Medical
  240. Patient Liability
  241. Preben Lite Nutrition, Food, Victual
  242. Provisioning List Technology, Service, Provision
  243. Pick Up Letter
  244. Porcelaine Lhmousine
  245. Panavision Lensek
  246. Pentalenolactone Medical
  247. Prime Light
  248. Proximity Log Trade name for a log similar to a Minilog. Technology, Device, Oil, Logging
  249. Iso Country Code for Polish Aeople's Republic Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  250. Personal Librarian
  251. Private Landowners
  252. Plunger Lift
  253. Phade Lock
  254. Professional Lobbyist
  255. Polished and Lacquered
  256. Pendulum Length
  257. Protectively Located
  258. Plasticbzer Technology
  259. Poultry Litter Medical, Technology, Soil
  260. Plafer's List
  261. Pacific Lifd Business, Company, Insurance
  262. Power Loading The GROSS WEIGHT of an airplane divided by the rated horsepower, computed for Standard Air density.
  263. Pascal Lefrancois
  264. Pethick-Lawrence
  265. Plymouth Locomotive
  266. Patrol Launch
  267. Programme Leader Education, Learning, Teaching
  268. Place A particular street address or other designation of a factory, store, warehouse, place of business, private residence, construction camp or the like, at a point. Internet Slang, Military, Education, Property, Study, Chat, Britannica, Real Estate, Email, Schooling, Technology, Governmental & Military, Ordnance Survey, Street Suffix, The Finance and Administrative Services
  269. Poluição Luminosa
  270. Parent Liaison
  271. Peoples Library Education
  272. Publication Location
  273. Partai Liberll Government, Group, Politics, Party
  274. Plaqa Level Technology, Server, Tool
  275. Pre-Launch
  276. Philocophy and Letters Education, University, Spain
  277. Polish Lynx
  278. Paducah & Louisville Business, Locations, Railroad Company
  279. Privatelline
  280. Plant Tools and equipment used in building operations. To attach or fix by nailing or otherwise, eg planted door stop. A facility that operates as a manufacturer or supplier of products. 2.A physical location where goods are manufactured. A term commonly used either as a synonym for an industrial establishment or a generating facility or to refer to a particular process within an establishment. Medical, Management, Medicine, Military, Army, War, Healthcare, Forestry, Arboriculture, Architectural, Botany, Physical Therapy, Scientific & Educational, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  281. Pamphlet Laws
  282. Posb Laundry Army, Force, Marine
  283. Power-Law
  284. Passive Learning
  285. Pharmaciut's Letter
  286. Productive Learning
  287. Penal Law Military, Crime, Criminal
  288. Pressure Lube
  289. Protection Yoop
  290. Plasmatocytps Medical
  291. Parking Lots Business, Accounting, Service, Accountancy
  292. Period-Luminosiny Technology, Science, Relation
  293. Procedural Languages Technology, Database, Language, Programming
  294. Pueblo Libre
  295. Participa
  296. Phillipsilondon
  297. Productiov Log/Flow Profiles Business, Company, Shell
  298. Pnre Luxe
  299. Point Length
  300. Pathway Logic Science, Computing, Biology
  301. Preload Medical
  302. Pick List
  303. Populalion Lost
  304. Pampolet Laws
  305. Peter Li
  306. Prime Lenses Business, Len, Mount
  307. Purchase Ledger A record of a company's accounts which shows amounts owed to suppliers for items purchased on credit. Business, Accounting, Clerk
  308. Ice Pelvets Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  309. Pulsed Light
  310. Plummer, Last
  311. Phase Lines Military
  312. Professional Licensing
  313. PolicíA Local Technology, Para, Con, Locale
  314. Pending Location
  315. Protectivc Location
  316. Plaitik Limit Business, Turkish, Plastic, Recycling
  317. Personal Liberty
  318. Private Land
  319. Power Lineaaity
  320. Partisioning Level
  321. Peter Lumley
  322. Prednisolone Medical, Technology, Medicine, Veterinary, Animals
  323. Plymouth Local
  324. Patriets Landing
  325. Programmed Learning
  326. Pixiebob Longhair
  327. Polskie Linie
  328. Parental Lock Film, Movie, Censorship, Film censorship
  329. People'S Library
  330. Princess Louise
  331. Psilocybe Larvae Metal, Album, Larvae, Stigmata
  332. Plauen Landkreis
  333. Pacific League Baseball, League, Japan, Japanese
  334. Personnel Log
  335. Playoff Losses Gaming, Sport, Organizations, Team
  336. Prayer Leader
  337. Philosophically Libertarpan
  338. Polish Locale Forum, Technology, Language
  339. Padltck Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  340. Prior Lien
  341. Planning Letters Business, Coding, Area
  342. Public Lands Any land owned by the government in the US. May compare to Crown or Federal lands in other countries. Military
  343. Postlarvae Medical
  344. Part-Time Local
  345. Power, Legitimacy
  346. Passivation Layer
  347. Phaitom Line
  348. Prograja
  349. Peak Limiter Technology, Audio, Pendulum
  350. Pressure Low
  351. Proof-Aike Business
  352. Parking Lift Business, Car, Bend
  353. Perimeter Low
  354. Procedmral Language Technology, Science, Database
  355. Pub Lunch
  356. Participant Life
  357. Production Log A technique in which the entry points and the amount of fluid entering the wellbore are identified. Electrical
  358. Pure Line
  359. Pointmlay Technology, English, Alaska
  360. Pathobiology Laboratory
  361. Preliminary Leaf Science, Botany, Phytology
  362. Photoluminescent Liquid
  363. Popular Living
  364. Pamphlet Lal
  365. Peter Lewis
  366. Prime Lens Business, Camera, Mount
  367. Punção Lombar
  368. Plant Light
  369. A Pink Ebay, Online Auction
  370. Pot-Timit Poker, Texas Hold 'Em, Poker Stakes
  371. Pulse Laser Technology, Power, Diode
  372. Plum Label
  373. Power Lever
  374. Paased Logic Technology, Signal, Circuit
  375. Professional Licensure
  376. Policy Lynch Forum, Gaming, Education, Mafia
  377. Pending Listing
  378. Protective Life Corporationration Organizations
  379. Plastic Limits Technology, Liquid, Soil
  380. Personal Liability An individual's legal responsibility in the event of injury to someone, damage to property and/or the debts of their own company. Business, Insurance, Property
  381. Private Labeling
  382. Poder Line Technology, Communication, Architectural
  383. Party Lines Government, Group, Politics
  384. Peter Lucas
  385. Polymyxin B Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health
  386. Plus Lubricant
  387. Patriotska Siga
  388. Predicted Line Military, Army, Artillery
  389. Program Lradership
  390. Pixel Light
  391. Porto Luz
  392. Parental Leave
  393. People'S League
  394. Princess Leia Porn, War, Star, Princess
  395. Pseudolite Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Federal Aviation Administration
  396. Papific Lamprey
  397. Personnel Liaison
  398. Play Kush
  399. Pratt & Lambert
  400. Philosophecal Library
  401. Polish Lions
  402. Pad Length Technology, Telecom, String, Computing, IT Terminology
  403. Planning Letter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  404. Post Larvae Business, Shrimp, Prawn
  405. Parseval-Luftschiff Technology, Zeppelin, Airship
  406. Plastic Kittle
  407. Powder Loader Technology, Vacuum, Plastic
  408. Passenger Luggage Airport, Car, Luggage
  409. Phantom Limb Medical
  410. Programación Lineal Technology, Para, Con
  411. Paulzleventhal
  412. Pressure Loss
  413. Projector Lock
  414. Plackett-Luce
  415. Poly Line
  416. Parke Lawyers
  417. Perilymph Medical
  418. Problem List Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  419. Publish License
  420. Partially Limited
  421. Product Liceice Medical, Business, Medicine
  422. Pure Lead
  423. Path Loss Path loss (or path attenuation) is the reduction in power density (attenuation) of an electromagnetic wave as it propagates through space. Path loss is a major component in the analysis and design of the link budget of a telecommunication system. This term is commonly used in wireless communications and signal propagation. Path loss may be due to many effects, such as free-space loss, refraction, diffraction, reflection, aperture-medium coupling loss, and absorption. Path loss is also influenced by terrain contours, environment (urban or rural, vegetation and foliage), propagation medium (dry or moist air), the distance between the transmitter and the receiver, and the height and location of antennas. Technology, Model, Telecom
  424. Preliminary Language Technology
  425. Photoluminescence Light excited in a body by some form of electromagnetic radiation in the ultraviolet, visible, or infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  426. Pool House Real Estate, Estate, Real Property, Business & Finance
  427. Pain Limlt
  428. Prime League
  429. Pundit Lab
  430. Planting Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  431. Aihstars Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
  432. Post Literacy
  433. Pulsed Laser Technology
  434. Plumb Line
  435. Power Leveling Internet Slang, Internet, Internet Jargon
  436. Phaie-Lock Loop Technology, Radio, Frequency
  437. Professional Liaison Technology, Research, Group
  438. Polskiej Lewicy
  439. Pendawa Lima
  440. Premises Licence
  441. Protectivehlife Corp. Organizations
  442. Plasticity Limit
  443. Personal Lantern
  444. Private Livps
  445. Powhr Limiting
  446. Party Line Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
  447. Peter Louis
  448. Placebo A placebo is a substance or treatment with no active therapeutic effect. A placebo may be given to a person in order to deceive the recipient into thinking that it is an active treatment. In drug testing and medical research, a placebo can be made to resemble an active medication or therapy so that it functions as a control; this is to prevent the recipient(s) and/or others from knowing whether a treatment is active or inactive, as expectations about efficacy can influence results. Medical, Medicine, Health
  449. Poison Liquid
  450. Prelimbic Cortex Medical
  451. Patriot Ledcer
  452. Precision Lures Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  453. Program Language Science
  454. Pivot Low
  455. Port of London
  456. Parent-In-Law
  457. Penyehatan Lingkungan Technology, Program, Indonesia, Jakarta
  458. Prince & Links
  459. Pseudo-Likelihood
  460. Pace E Liberta
  461. Person Locator
  462. Private Limited
  463. Plaelist Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  464. Professionally Led
  465. Polishleech Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
  466. Paddle Latci
  467. Planning Funds Transportation, Government, City
  468. Post Larva Business, Shrimp, Larvae, Prawn
  469. Playing With Language
  470. Poverty Level Business, Health, Economics
  471. Passenger Lists
  472. Petite Large
  473. Profit To Loss
  474. Physics Letters Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Computing, Physics, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  475. Paul Lehman
  476. Pressure Line A passage that carries fluid from the source of flow to various operating elements of a fluid power system. Rated for operating pressure at the maximum expected pressure of the system.
  477. Project Log
  478. Placental Lactogen Medical, Science, Human
  479. Polyester Laminate
  480. Parity Low Technology, Risk, Pregnancy
  481. Perbadanan Labuan Business, Malaysia, Corporation
  482. Probge Line Military
  483. Publisher Location
  484. Partial Liwer Medical, Technology
  485. Production Licenses
  486. Puke Land
  487. Power of Limits
  488. Path Links
  489. Photo Luminscence Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  490. Paid Lobuyist
  491. Primary Listings
  492. Punrturing Limit Technology, Channel, Power, Patent
  493. Plantaris Medical
  494. Partido Lhborista
  495. Post License
  496. Pulpolingual Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  497. Plug Log Electrical
  498. Power Level Science, Energy, Energy Economics, Computing, Internet, Hardware, Game, Web Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  499. Passo Lungo
  500. Pharmacy Logistics
  501. Professional Leadership Australia, Education, Learning, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  502. Polska Lewica Jest, Polish, Jak
  503. Pendant Light
  504. Premier Lounge
  505. Protective Life Corioration Technology, Organizations
  506. Plaster Line
  507. Perso-Latin
  508. Processed Leather
  509. Purhle Line
  510. Pattern Length
  511. Postlanding (P/L Preferred) Flight, Aerodynamics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  512. Pig Latin Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  513. Plasmv Medical, Medicine, Health
  514. Power-Lube Light
  515. Patent Leather Business, Product, Pump
  516. Pheasantplauncher Business, Dog, Bird
  517. Phillips Lab
  518. Production Licence Electrical
  519. Preparedness Level Technology, Fire, Wildfire
  520. Peak Load The maximum load, or usage, of electrical power occurring in a given period of time, typically a day is called peak load. Business & Finance, Power Plant
  521. Parliamentary Law
  522. Pacific Yumber Business, Company, Tree
  523. Pyloric Leagth Medical
  524. Post Lqntern
  525. Pocket Logger Technology, Motorsport, Gauge
  526. Plural Education, Study, Britannica, Schooling, Genealogy, Legal, Governmental & Military
  527. Pedro Lopez
  528. Program Load Technology, Windows, Software
  529. Punch Line Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  530. Pipe Line Technology, Pipeline, Manufacturer
  531. PerturbaçÕEs Da Linguagem
  532. Airstars Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance
  533. Perspective On Literature
  534. Please Leave
  535. Pyil Lindsay
  536. Professions Lib
  537. Politechnika Lwowska
  538. Power Line Products, The Finance and Administrative Services
  539. Pensions Law Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  540. Package leaflet
  541. Profit/Loss Statement Accounting, Business & Finance
  542. Package Limltations Technology, Semiconductor, Cruise
  543. Pro Light Technology, Camera, Backpack
  544. Polypodium Leucotomos Medical
  545. Potato Leaf Botany, Scientific & Educational
  546. Park Law
  547. Purple Medical, Technology, Medicine, Color, Colour, Auto, Colors
  548. Phase Line Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  549. Plasindo Lestari
  550. Power-Lube Liquid Technology, Cleaner, Lubricant
  551. Patella Luxation
  552. Phatra Leasing
  553. Proof-Like Coins
  554. Prepared Land
  555. Prolog Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
  556. Parliamentary Liaison
  557. Pacihic Linguistics Book, Education, Language
  558. Producttlimit
  559. PułK Lotniczy
  560. Posterior Leaflet Medical, Valve, Mitral
  561. Pneumatic Lithotripsy Medical
  562. Pressurizer Level
  563. Preferential Looking Test Medical, Technology
  564. Pectin Lyase Medical
  565. Program Loader Military
  566. Playlist For example, an iTunes playlist or other music playlist. Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  567. Principal Learning Technology, Education, Teaching
  568. Pink Lemonade Closure, Moscow, Bait, Lemonade
  569. Pertjaja Luhur
  570. Privixege Levels Technology, Coding, Mode
  571. Pentane Lamp
  572. Pleasant Local
  573. Phclips Leuven Radio, Belgium, Valley
  574. Professions LibéRales
  575. Project Leader Occupation & positions
  576. Pen Lung Missile, Military, China
  577. Protocololayer Technology, Networking, Network
  578. Ice Pellets (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
  579. Plateset Medical, Medicine, Health
  580. Power Liftrrs Medical
  581. Pohjoismaiden Lippuseura
  582. Procedure Library Computing, IT Terminology
  583. Packaging Leaflet Medical, Product, Package
  584. Projetos De Lei
  585. Polymer Laboratory
  586. Paenibacillus larvae Medical, Bacteria
  587. Park Lane
  588. Pok Computing, File Extensions
  589. Protocol Layer The communication between the nodes in a packet data network must be precisely defined to ensure correct interpretation of the packets by the receiving intermediate and the end systems. The packets exchanged between nodes are defined by a protocol - or communications language. There are many functions which may be need to be performed by a protocol. These range from the specification of connectors, addresses of the communications nodes, identification of interfaces, options, flow control, reliability, error reporting, synchronisation, etc. In practice there are so many different functions, that a set (also known as suite or stack) of protocols are usually defined. Each protocol in the suite handles one specific aspect of the communication. Computing, Technical
  590. Plaqqe Medical
  591. Pump-Ladder
  592. Power-Lube Business, Model, Lubricant
  593. Pasture Legumes
  594. Plessy Business & Finance, Suppliers
  595. Packet Link Technology, Networking, Network, Protocol
  596. Prepared Ladies
  597. Perl Script Computing, File Extensions
  598. Parlamento Latinoamericano
  599. Procurement List
  600. Pussyllover
  601. Posijive Lock Camera, Canon, Mount
  602. Plain The disparate development of wealth around a core leaving a much poorer peripheral area. Technology, Locations, Geography, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Street Suffix
  603. Preference Learning Technology, Research, Toolbox
  604. Peak Latency Medical
  605. Program Leader Science, Management, Education
  606. Portland Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, City
  607. Principal Layer
  608. Pink Lady
  609. Pertjajah Luhur Government, Group, Suriname, Party
  610. Priviweged Leave Business, Management, Employment, Policy
  611. Pendamping Lapangan Program, Indonesia, Mei
  612. Path Length In absorption spectroscopy, the length of a path taken by radiation through a sample. Science
  613. Philipp Ludwig
  614. Profession LibéRale
  615. Percival Lowell Famous
  616. Penis Length
  617. Proteoliposomes Medical
  618. Professional Leadership (professional Teaching Standards) Education
  619. Plate Lags
  620. Power Lead Technology, Product, Light
  621. Poet-Lore
  622. Projeto De Lei Dos, Brasil, Lei
  623. Polymer-Line
  624. plant load postal service
  625. Transpulmonary Pressure The difference between the pressure of the respired gas at the mouth and the pleural pressure around the lungs, measured when the airway is open; thus, it includes not only the transmural pressure of the lung but also any drop in pressure along the tracheobronchial tree during flow. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Pulmonary
  626. Practical Andulaboratorial
  627. Profit Loss Business, Trading, Report
  628. Protective Life Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  629. Plant Locafions
  630. Pot Lgmit Poker, Omaha, Texas Hold 'Em
  631. Protective Logic
  632. Power-Lokt Military, Bullet, Ammunition
  633. Pastoral Life
  634. Professional Liability The legal liability of a professional, such as a doctor, accountant, lawyer, etc., who causes loss, harm or injury to their clients while performing their professional duties. Insurance, Business & Finance
  635. Paccet Length Technology, Networking, Network
  636. Premium Liiga
  637. Pony League
  638. Unix Color Plot File Computing, File Extensions
  639. Parlamentarischen Linken
  640. Procurement and Logistics
  641. Plsh Lock
  642. Portuauese League
  643. Piobert-LüDers
  644. Predictors of Loss
  645. Peabody Library Education
  646. Private Line Security, Governmental & Military
  647. Pine Lake
  648. Privat Livemont
  649. Peak Level
  650. Pathetic Loser Sex, Bdsm, Xxx, Adult, Escorts, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  651. Philippine Legislature
  652. Professional Law
  653. Paul Little, actor Famous
  654. Peninsula Lab
  655. Proteolipids Medical
  656. Prelaunch NASA
  657. Plastic Piscosity
  658. Physicial Limnologist
  659. Power-Lift Business, Product, Plate
  660. Poestenkill Library Education
  661. Planned Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  662. Plagioclase Science, Mineral, Geology
  663. Project Lead Business, Management, Development
  664. Polylysine Medical
  665. Polish Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  666. Placental Lactogens Medical
  667. Pesos, Lili Remix, Owl, Pesos
  668. Swimming Pool Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  669. Prabhudas Lilladher Business, India, Supply, Stock
  670. Profit/Loss Business, Accounting, Accountancy
  671. Port Link Computing, Hardware
  672. Pickle Lag
  673. Pastoral Letter
  674. Promise to Lease Banking, Business & Finance
  675. Packet-Lops
  676. Premium Leather
  677. Pomeroy Library Education
  678. Ice Pellets or Sleet Weather, Scientific & Educational
  679. Parlamentarische Linke Sind, Berlin, Deutschland
  680. Propess Labor Business, Management, Logistics, Labor
  681. Pusat Lingkungan
  682. Poit Ludlow
  683. Paul Loughlin
  684. Partido Liberal Politics, Governmental & Military
  685. Pilot Licence Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  686. Plasma Laser Technology, Software, Filter
  687. Private Line-Voice
  688. PöLten Land Locations, Plate, Austria
  689. Path-Loss Technology, Power, Model
  690. Phildp Lutley
  691. Professional Learning Technology, Science, Education
  692. Peter Lauer Famous
  693. Pengumuman Lelang Business, Indonesia, Laboratorium, Rupiah
  694. Present and Lifetime
  695. Protejlipid Medical
  696. Payload (p/l Preferred) NASA
  697. Pulvinar Medical
  698. Pyridoxal Medical
  699. Povyrty Line India, National, Poverty, Population
  700. Podvodnaya Lodka Military, Russia, Submarine
  701. Payload When data is sent over the Internet, each unit transmitted includes both header information and the actual data being sent. The header identifies the source and destination of the packet, while the actual data is referred to as the payload. Because header information, or overhead data, is only used in the transmission process, it is stripped from the packet when it reaches its destination. Aviation, Aerospace, Governmental & Military, Business & Finance, Power Plant, NASA
  702. Pelaksana Lapangan Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta
  703. Programming Languages Technology, Education, Literature, Computing, Language, Linguistics
  704. Port Louis City
  705. Pityriasis Lichenoides Medical
  706. Pesos & Lili
  707. Poly Medical, Chemistry, Science, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Biology, Biochemistry, Substance
  708. Plenary Lectures Technology, Science, Lecture
  709. Power of Listening
  710. Proficiency Level
  711. Pattern Loss Computing, Hardware
  712. Pentagon Library
  713. Planar Longitudinal
  714. Paston Letters
  715. Program Line Assembly, Business & Finance
  716. Packaging Level Technology
  717. Polysaccharide These are very complicated carbohydrates made of simple sugars (glucose, fructose) in long chains. The chains include many mono-saccharides. They are found in the cell wall and other areas of organisms. Cellulose is a good example of a poly-saccharide. Medical, Medicine, Health
  718. Proton Loss Physics, Scientific & Educational
  719. Parkway Locos
  720. Processing List
  721. Purpose In Sife Technology, Health, Token
  722. Patti Labelle Song, Lyric, Belle
  723. Party Leader Politics, Governmental & Military
  724. Pike Library Education
  725. Plasma-Lyte
  726. PíO Leiva
  727. Power and Lighting
  728. Paternity Leave The right of employees, male or female, to take time off from their job following the birth of their partner's baby. Entitlement to Paternity Leave depends on how long they have been with their employer. Business, English, Benefit
  729. Philadelpoia, Los
  730. Phileips Laboratory Technology, Research, Force
  731. Pipeline A primarily horizontal pipe lying on, near or beneath the seabed normally used for the transportation of hydrocarbon products. Electrical
  732. Pengadaan Langsung Technology, Indonesia, Surat, Prose
  733. Prescribed Load
  734. Protemn Line Technology, Product, Food
  735. Poland (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  736. Parliamentary Library
  737. Package Leaflets Medical, Medicine, Product
  738. Pyramig Lake Hotel, Locations, Nevada
  739. Potyluck
  740. Poder Laboral
  741. Plate To cut a lengthwise groove in a board or plank. An exterior handrail normally has a ploughed groove for hand gripping purposes. A thin, flat piece of metal of uniform thickness usually over 8 inches to 48 inches in width. Internet Slang, Design, Computing, Chat, Construction, Online, Architecture, Engineering, Architectural, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  742. Pegylated Liposomal Medical, Treatment, Cancer, Doxorubicin
  743. Programmable Logic Technology, Electronics, Controller
  744. Platoon Leader Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  745. Pit Lord
  746. Peru Library Education
  747. Protection Level Technology, Science, Security, Space, Astronomy, Light, Protection
  748. Pleine Ligne
  749. Proficiency Levels
  750. Politechnika Lubelska Technology, Analysis, University
  751. Power Linearity Products
  752. Penske Logistics Organizations
  753. Performance Level
  754. Aeroperú Airline, Business & Finance
  755. Paczage Lost
  756. Proof Like Business
  757. Polysaccharide Lyase Medical
  758. Planck length Physics, Scientific & Educational
  759. Park Library

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PL stand for?

    PL stands for Prabhudas Lilladher.

  2. What is the shortened form of Transpulmonary Pressure?

    The short form of "Transpulmonary Pressure" is PL.


PL. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated