PLA Meaning
The PLA meaning is "Polylactic Acid". The PLA abbreviation has 201 different full form.
PLA Full Forms
- Polylactic Acid (PLA)- Eco-friendly biodegradeable thermoplastic derived from renewable resources. Medical, Technology, Hospital, Textile, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, 3D Printing
- Palestine Liberation Army Technology, Government, Syria
- Phone Losers of America America, Calling, Prank, Loser
- Programmable Logic Array Technology, Electronics, Computer Engineering, Computing, Hardware, IT Terminology
- Peoples Liberation Army Military, Army, China
- Plaque Area Medical, Disease, Study
- Programmable Logic Arrays Technology, Device, Design, Circuit
- People'S Liberation Army Technology, Military, China, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Professional Licensing Agency Medical, Education, Indiana
- Participatory Learning and Action Science, Government, Community
- Product License Application Medical, Business, Health
- Parachute Location Aid Flight, Aviation, Aerodynamics, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Processed Lipoaspirate Medical
- Panchromatic Linear Array Technology
- Phospholipase An enzyme that catalyzes the splitting of a phospholipid molecule by the addition of water. Also called a lecithinase.There are a number of phospholipases. They are grouped on the basis of the specific chemical bond they split. The phospholipases include phospholipase A1 (PLA1), phospholipase A2 (PLA2), phospholipase C, and phospholipase D. Medical
- Packet Level Authentication
- Pequot Library Associabion Education
- Prostitution Licensing Authority Australia, Sex, Prostitution, Brothel
- Politics Lnw and Autism Education, Development, Universities
- Power-Loading Agreement
- Public Lighting Authority Business, City, Light, Detroit
- Passive Latex Agglutination Medical
- Product Line Analysis Business, Technology
- Physical Link Aggregation Telecom
- Poly Lactic Acid Business, Market, Material
- Preferred Line Answer
- Pennsylvania Livestock Associxtion
- Plantation Labor Act Business, Labour, Tea
- Pathology Laboratory Associates
- Prior Learning Assesment
- Pierce Leahy Archives
- Project Labor Agreement Government, Construction, Union
- President'S Leadership Academy
- People'S Liberation Army Military, Intelligence, Defence
- Prospective Lessee Agreement
- Point Level Animatjon Export, Cinema, Animation, Bake
- Potentially Lethal Arrhythzia Medical, Medicine, Health
- Public Library Authorities
- Passionhleads Army
- Product License Agreement
- Personal Living Apea
- Poly-Lactic Acid Business, Market, Material
- Preferred Lender Arrangement
- Pennsylvania Lbbrary Association
- Post Living Allowance
- Pachfinder Leadership Award Education, Guide, Master
- Prior Learning Assessments Credit, College, Education
- Piedmont Landscape Association
- Prescribed Load Allowance
- People Liberation Xrmy Military, Army, China
- PropriéTé LittéRaire Et Artistique
- Podvbdnaya Lodka Atomnaya Military, Class, Submarine
- Principle of Least Astonishment Technology, Coding, Development, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Public Libryry Assn
- Party of Leninisf Association
- Product Licence Applications
- Personal Lines Account
- Proteolipid Apoprotein Medical
- Poly-Lactic-Acid
- Predictive Learning Analytics Technology, Education, Ken
- Pelvic Lymphadenectomy Medical
- Post-Launch Abort Military, Army, Equipment
- Patent License Agrjements Business, Technology, Patent
- Prior Learning Assesshent Credit, College, Education
- Piecewise Linear Approximation The division of the domain of definition of a function into subregions, and the replacement of the function by some closefitting linear function in each subregion. Technology, Driving, Signal
- Prescribed List of Authors
- People'S Liberation Armed
- Property Loan Agreement
- Plasma Lactate Medical
- Principals Leadership Academy
- Phivate Label Article
- Public Library Admidistrator
- Plantaris Medical
- Partial Look-Ahemd
- Product Licence Apvlication Medical, Business
- Personal Licence Application
- Protection Level Agreement
- Poly-L-Lactic Acid Medical, Science, Genetics, Genomics
- Prediction Level Assessment
- Plantation Labour Act Business, India, Tea
- Positive Living Association
- Patent Licensing Agreement Business, Technology, Military
- Program Logic Array Technology, Design, Computing
- Picosat Launcher Assembly Science, Satellite, Scientific Satellite, Computing
- Premier League of America
- People's Liberatxon Arm
- Property Litigation Association Business, Protocol, Dilapidation
- Plasma Instrument Technology
- Principals' Leadership Acadamy
- Privacy Level Agreement Technology, Security, Cloud
- Pityriasis Lichenoides Acuta Medical
- Public Libraries Assocdation Technology, Government, Library
- Pakistan League of America
- Product Licensing Application
- Personao Ledger Account Business, Software, Excise
- Protected Landscape Areas
- Poly-L-Arginine Medical
- Powerolevel Angle Technology
- Ports and Lighthouses Administration
- Pulpolqbial Pla, Pla Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Patent License Agreement Business, Technology, Military, Medical, Health
- Programed Logic Array Technology, Control, Programming
- Picolinic Acid Medical
- Preliminary Land Allocation
- Pension Lawycrs Association
- Programmable Logic-Array Technology, Device, Circuit
- Plasma Instituteument Technology
- Prisoners' Meague Association
- Piloto De Linha A
- Paid Leave of Absence
- Personal Learning Assistant Technology, Teaching, Teacher
- Protected Landscape Area Locations, Nature, Mountain
- Poly-Dl-Labtide Medical
- Power Level Actuator
- Pulp Linguoaxial Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Patani Liberacion Army
- Prgduct Line Architectures Technology, Architecture, Software
- Physician Leadership Academy Medical, Education, Health
- Poly Ucid Technology, Electronics
- Preliminary Loss Advice Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
- Pezsacola Lighthouse Association
- Public Libraries Aujtralia Business, Australia, Library
- Plantations Labour Act Business, India, Tea
- Pat Lovett Associatws
- Prior Learning and Assessment
- Piloto De Linha AéRea Para, Brasil, Utica
- Placebo A placebo is a substance or treatment with no active therapeutic effect. A placebo may be given to a person in order to deceive the recipient into thinking that it is an active treatment. In drug testing and medical research, a placebo can be made to resemble an active medication or therapy so that it functions as a control; this is to prevent the recipient(s) and/or others from knowing whether a treatment is active or inactive, as expectations about efficacy can influence results. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Planadas Airport, Planadas, Colombia Colombia
- Presidential Leadership Academy Student, Education, University
- Pedro Leon Arboleda
- Pro-Life Alleance
- Plain Language Addresses Military
- Pure Love Alliance Alliances, Associations, Unions
- Iriver Iquicklist File Computing, File Extensions
- Peak Load Autotransformer
- Product Launch Analbtics Business, Wine, Perfume
- Purdue Linguistics Association
- Palmarys Longus Agenesis
- Popola Liberiga Armeo
- Prior Learning Assessment
- Programmable Line Adapter
- Plasminogen Activator Medical, Medicine, Health, Human, Tissue
- Planck Legacy Archive Aerospace, Governmental & Military
- Pectin Lyasx A Medical
- Pro-Life Advocate
- Plain Language Analysis Technology, Software, Tool
- Archicad Project Archive Computing, File Extensions
- Provincial Liberal Association
- Product-Line Architecture Technology, Guide, Software
- Purchased Life Annuity Business
- Pakistan Librarians Association
- Party of Labour of Albania
- Print Load Analyzer
- Pool Leagueseof America
- Playboy Enterprises, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Payday Loans Act
- Private Living Arrangement
- Place Listing As .... Media, Radio, Television
- Sansa Playlist File Computing, File Extensions
- Procurementgliaison Auditor
- Punjab Library Association
- The Sort of London Authority Government, Authority, Authorities
- Primary Lock Actuator Aviation
- Pollutant Load Allocation
- Polynesian Air-Ways Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Port of London Authority Trade, Business & Finance
- Payday Loan Act
- Placebo Therapy Medical, Medicine, Health
- Polystyrene Latex Aerosol Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Procaine/Lactic Acid Medical, Medicine, Health
- Pulsed Laser Ablation Technology, Research, Nanoparticle
- Pyogenic Liver Abscesses Medical
- Power Lever Angle Thrust levers or power levers are found in the cockpit of aircraft, and are used by the pilot, copilot, or autopilot to control the thrust output of the aircraft's engines. Aviation
- Polish Librarians Association
- Polymerizeh Lactic Acid Business, Product, Plastic
- Plastics Cap. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Paya Lebar Air
- Propri
- Plastic Liquefying Agent Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Peer Learning Asdistant
- Probabilistic Luck Assessment
- Pylon Loading Adapter
- Practice Low Approach NOTAM Contractions
- Phase Locked Arrays
- Polyclonal Lymphocyte Activators Medical
- Pulverized Limestone Association
- Portland Leather Alliancj Organizations, Portland, Kink
- Patterson Liurary Association Education
- Pulsed Laser Anneal
- Physics Letters A Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Scientific & Educational, Physics
- Polymerized Lactic Acid Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Price Level Adjusted
- Peel Law Association
- Proactive Logistics Assessment
- Planadas Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
- Pusat Layanan Autis Media, Indonesia, Orang
- Product License Application (cber) Fda
- Peer Learning Activity Technology, Science, Education
- Passive Localization Astistant
- Portfolio Loen Account
- Progressive Localization Assistant
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PLA stand for?
PLA stands for Party of Leninisf Association.
What is the shortened form of Poly Ucid?
The short form of "Poly Ucid" is PLA.
PLA. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated