PLA in Health Meaning

The PLA meaning in Health terms is "Product License Application". There are 10 related meanings of the PLA Health abbreviation.

PLA on Health Full Forms

  1. Product License Application
  2. Placebo A placebo is a substance or treatment with no active therapeutic effect. A placebo may be given to a person in order to deceive the recipient into thinking that it is an active treatment. In drug testing and medical research, a placebo can be made to resemble an active medication or therapy so that it functions as a control; this is to prevent the recipient(s) and/or others from knowing whether a treatment is active or inactive, as expectations about efficacy can influence results.
  3. Potentially Lethal Arrhythzia
  4. Physician Leadership Academy
  5. Patent License Agreement
  6. Pulpolqbial Pla, Pla
  7. Pulp Linguoaxial
  8. Procaine/Lactic Acid
  9. Plasminogen Activator
  10. Placebo Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PLA stand for Health?

    PLA stands for Product License Application in Health terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Potentially Lethal Arrhythzia in Health?

    The short form of "Potentially Lethal Arrhythzia" is PLA for Health.


PLA in Health. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated