PLA in Technology Meaning

The PLA meaning in Technology terms is "Polylactic Acid". There are 28 related meanings of the PLA Technology abbreviation.

PLA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Polylactic Acid  (PLA)- Eco-friendly biodegradeable thermoplastic derived from renewable resources.
  2. Programmable Logic Array
  3. Programmable Logic Arrays
  4. People'S Liberation Army
  5. Panchromatic Linear Array
  6. Palestine Liberation Army
  7. Poly Ucid
  8. Programed Logic Array
  9. Patent Licensing Agreement
  10. Public Libraries Assocdation
  11. Plasma Instrument
  12. Prgduct Line Architectures
  13. Patent License Agreement
  14. Plasma Instituteument
  15. Product Line Analysis
  16. Programmable Logic-Array
  17. Predictive Learning Analytics
  18. Piecewise Linear Approximation The division of the domain of definition of a function into subregions, and the replacement of the function by some closefitting linear function in each subregion.
  19. Powerolevel Angle
  20. Privacy Level Agreement
  21. Personal Learning Assistant
  22. Principle of Least Astonishment
  23. Program Logic Array
  24. Patent License Agrjements
  25. Pulsed Laser Ablation
  26. Peer Learning Activity
  27. Plain Language Analysis
  28. Product-Line Architecture

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PLA stand for Technology?

    PLA stands for Program Logic Array in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Plasma Instituteument in Technology?

    The short form of "Plasma Instituteument" is PLA for Technology.


PLA in Technology. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated