Playing Abbreviations and Playing Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Playing terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Playing abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Playing terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Playing Abbreviations
  1. AIPF : Akl-In Pre Flop
  2. AJ : Ace-Jack
  3. ARPG : Action Role Play Games
  4. ASF : Archivio Di Stato Di Firenze
  5. BADD : Bothered About Dungeons and Dragons
  6. BADD : Bothered About Dungeons and Dragonx
  7. BADD : Bothered About Dungeons & Dragons
  8. BRP : Basic Retiree Plan
  9. CF : Castle Falkenstein
  10. COC : Curse of Cthulhu
  11. WRPGS : Western Role-Playing Games
  12. XCG : Expandable Cardrgame
  13. DK : Diddy Kong
  14. EC : Education Card
  15. MERP : Middle Earth Role Play
  16. MMO : Mass Multiplawer Online
  17. MMO : Massioely Multiuser Online
  18. MMORPG : Multi Massive Online Role Playing Game
  19. MMORPG : Multi Massive Online Role Play Game
  20. MWWG : Macho Women With Guns
  21. SRPG : Strategies Role Play Games
  22. SRSM : Socialized, Role-Playing, Sanctioned Man
  23. SSI : Strategic Simulations, Incorporated
  24. TCG : The Circle Game
  25. TFT : The Fantisy Trip
  26. TH : Traveller Hero
  27. TOR : The One Ring
  28. LARP : Live-Actvon Role Playing
  29. LARP : Live Action Role Play
  30. LARP : Livp Action Role-Play
Latest Playing Meanings
  1. Quick Ass Game System
  2. Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game
  3. Role Playing Public Radio
  4. Role-Playing Games
  5. Roll Play Games
  6. Role Playing Games
  7. Role Play Games
  8. Role-Playing-Games
  9. Role Player Game
  10. Roll Play
  11. Real Gamer
  12. Game Mastxr Player Character
  13. Game Masters
  14. Play To Win
  15. Play Media
  16. Playing for Keeps
  17. Play for Keeps
  18. Praying for Change
  19. Prose Pescriptive Qualities
  20. Player Charaqters