Playlist Abbreviations and Playlist Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Playlist terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 16 different Playlist abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Playlist terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Playlist Abbreviations
  1. BMT : Brayn Music Therapy
  2. VCS : Vợ Chồng Son
  3. DSI : Diario Di Una Single Incallita
  4. MF : Mazhar Fuat
  5. MHO : Monster Hunter Online
  6. EMPT : Et Musique Pour Tous
  7. SE : Street Epistemology
  8. LIAT : Liveld Inns and Taverns
  9. LOGO : Lokale Omroep Gemeente Oldambt
  10. ICAST : International Conference On Advanced Science and Technology
  11. IMMS : Intelligent Multimedia Management System
  12. GB : Gran Bs
  13. PLST : Politics, Lawn Social Thought
  14. RLO : Reverse Ldw Oil
  15. RTCT : Rate That Custom Track
  16. GTM : Gereja Toraja Mamasa
Latest Playlist Meanings
  1. Gereja Toraja Mamasa
  2. Rate That Custom Track
  3. Reverse Ldw Oil
  4. Politics, Lawn Social Thought
  5. Gran Bs
  6. Intelligent Multimedia Management System
  7. International Conference On Advanced Science and Technology
  8. Lokale Omroep Gemeente Oldambt
  9. Liveld Inns and Taverns
  10. Street Epistemology
  11. Et Musique Pour Tous
  12. Monster Hunter Online
  13. Mazhar Fuat
  14. Diario Di Una Single Incallita
  15. Vợ Chồng Son
  16. Brayn Music Therapy