PLB Meaning

The PLB meaning is "Picturq Level Benchmark". The PLB abbreviation has 86 different full form.

PLB Full Forms

  1. Picturq Level Benchmark Technology, Computing, Play
  2. Personal Locator Bfacons Technology, Emergency, Rescue
  3. Personal Locator Beacon Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electrical
  4. Paylfad Bay Technology, Science, Space
  5. Polished & Lacquered Brass
  6. Passive Lysis Buffer Science, Genetics, Cell, Assay
  7. Private Label Buyer
  8. Clinton Cobnty Airport Airport, Locations
  9. Pos Lintas Batas Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations, Malaysia
  10. Pemeriksaan Lintas Batas
  11. Professional Licensing Boards
  12. Plumbaginaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  13. Passenger Loading Bridge Technology, Airport, Power
  14. Print Line Bus Business, Printer, Manual, Xerox
  15. American Italian Pasta Co. Organizations
  16. Porous Layer Bead Medical, Medicine, Health
  17. Pembangunan Luar Bandar
  18. Produit Local Brut
  19. Personnel Locator Beacon
  20. Public Light Buses
  21. Pas Lintas Batas Indonesia, Locations, Malaysia
  22. Poor Law Board Genealogy, Genealogical
  23. Pursed Lip Breathing Medical, Technology, Exercise
  24. Pectate Lyase B Medical
  25. Productivity-Linked Bonus Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
  26. Personal Locater Beacons
  27. Public Light Bus Business, Service, Minibus
  28. Pasaulio LietuviŲ BendruomenĘ Tai, Prie, Ios
  29. Polska Liga Buggy
  30. Productivity Linked Sonus Business, Employment, Productivity
  31. Payload Loop Back Military
  32. Productive Living Board
  33. Personal Location Beacons Technology, Emergency, Safety
  34. Public Law Board
  35. Payload Bay Technology, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  36. Polished and Lacquered Brass
  37. Processor Local Bus Technology, Core, Connection
  38. Pati Louvri Barye
  39. Private Liquor Brands
  40. Personal Locating Beacon Technology, Product, Strobe
  41. Professional League Board
  42. Polished Lacquered Brass
  43. Primary Lymphoma of Bone Medical, Cancer, Oncology
  44. Pastoral Lands Board
  45. Private Label Branch
  46. Posterolateral Bundle Medical, Medicine, Health
  47. Plumb Sleeves that fit around drain and waste vent pipes at, and are nailed to, the roof sheeting. Vertical or perpendicular. A lead weight attached to a string. It is the tool used in determining plumb. Vertical or verticality, measured using a plumb-line or plumb-rule or these days a spirit level. Medicine, Health, Healthcare, The Finance and Administrative Services
  48. Personal Location Beacon Technology, Product, Safety
  49. Professional Licensing Board
  50. American Italian Pasta Company Business, America, Italy, Computing, Nyse symbols
  51. Parti Louvri Barye
  52. Premier League of Belize Sport, League, Belize
  53. Planning and Lands Bureau Planning, Governmental & Military
  54. Pure Load Balancer
  55. Project Local Brewery
  56. Partido Liberal Brasileiro
  57. Premiere League of Belize
  58. Library (FoxPro - P-CAD) Computing, File Extensions
  59. Punited States Load Bus Technology
  60. Professional Languages Brazil
  61. Parietal Lobe Battery Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  62. Pre Laminated Board
  63. Peace, Light, and Bliss Religion
  64. Primary Non-Hodgkin'S Lymphoma of Bone Medical
  65. Plaza Las Brisas
  66. Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava Study, Archaeology, Archeology
  67. Power Line Broadband
  68. Pillar Letter Box Ordnance Survey
  69. Primary Lymphoma of The Breast Medical
  70. Pyramid Logistics Base Military
  71. Payggilan Luar Biasa
  72. Poverty Line Basket Business, India, Economics
  73. Petz Love Babyz Funnies
  74. Pasaulio Lietuvių Oendruomenės
  75. Preparing Ledger Balances
  76. Pencil Lead Break
  77. Pursed Lips Breathing Medical, Patient, Pulmonary
  78. Padobranska Lovacka Bojna
  79. Potato Late Blight
  80. Paladin Labs Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  81. Polynesian Blue Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  82. Parti Louvrr Bayre
  83. Premier League Board Government, Sport, Ghana
  84. Clinton County Airport, Plattsburgh, New York, United States United States, New York, ICAO Airport Codes
  85. Pursed-Lip Breathing
  86. Iata Code for Clinton County Airport, Plattsburgh, New Yori, United States Locations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PLB stand for?

    PLB stands for Primary Non-Hodgkin'S Lymphoma of Bone.

  2. What is the shortened form of Plumbaginaceae?

    The short form of "Plumbaginaceae" is PLB.


PLB. (2022, February 21). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated