PLD Meaning

The PLD meaning is "Partial Line Down". The PLD abbreviation has 129 different full form.

PLD Full Forms

  1. Partial Line Down Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  2. Programmable Logic Devices Business, Technology
  3. Programmable Logic Device Technology, Electronics, Architectural, Information Technology, Architecture, Computing, Industry, Computer, Construction, Telecom, IT Terminology
  4. Portable Laser Designator Military, Feature, Battlefield
  5. Played Might mean "Played a game" or "Got played," which means to get fooled or tricked. Internet Slang, Sports, Chat, Soccer, Online, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  6. Plated
  7. Prologis Trust Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  8. Pulsed-Laser-Deposition Film, Technology, Material
  9. Percutaneous Lumbar Discectomy Medical, Medicine, Health
  10. Potentially Lethal Radiation Damage Medical
  11. Partidul Liberal Democrat Din, Moldova, Romania, Democrat
  12. Petersburg Long Distance
  13. Print Layout Designer Business, Technology, Design
  14. Pelagic Larval Duration Science, Research, Fish
  15. Parti Pour Les Libertés Et Le DéVeloppement
  16. Plan Local De D
  17. Programmable Logical Devices Technology, Device, Design, Electronics, Logic
  18. Prologis Technology, Organizations
  19. Pulsed-Laser Deposition Film, Technology, Material
  20. Percent Leaking Doors
  21. Post Living Differential
  22. Programmable Logic Design Technology, Book, Device
  23. Parent Leadership Development
  24. Pest List Database
  25. Primary Linguistic Data Science, Theory, Language
  26. Parti LibéRal DéMocrate Government, France, Pas, Premier
  27. Plan Local Pe Développement
  28. Programmable Logical Device Technology, Electronics, Logic
  29. Professional Learning and Development Science, Education, Teaching
  30. Public Lighting Depxrtment Technology, Power, Detroit
  31. People With Learning Disabilities Medical, Care, Disability
  32. Posterior Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Medical
  33. Program Logicvdesign
  34. Pakistan Legal Decission Government, Legislation, Lawmaking, Legal System
  35. Pulsed Laserodiodes
  36. Personnel Lowering Device
  37. Primary Layer Depth
  38. Parti Lib
  39. Phase-Loss Detector
  40. Prograp Logic Device Technology, Control, Programming
  41. Probable Line of Deployment Military, Attack, Operation, Platoon
  42. Public Library Development
  43. People With Learning Difficulties
  44. Posterior Latissimus Dorsi Medical, Medicine, Health, Muscles
  45. Point Light Display
  46. Program Listing Document Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  47. Pakistan Legal Decision Education, Law, Pakistan, Report
  48. Pulse Laserfdeposition Film, Technology, Substrate
  49. Personnel Licensing Department
  50. Power Line Disturbance Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  51. Parti Liberal-Democrate
  52. Plan Local De DéPlacements
  53. Programable Logic Device Technology, Design, Programming
  54. Penrose Library District Education
  55. Postal Logistics Directory Business, Postal, Us Post
  56. Party for Liberty and Development Government, Group, Locations
  57. Pld Linux Distribution
  58. Programme for Leadership Development Technology, Education, School
  59. Pakistan Legal Decisions Law, Pakistan, Report
  60. Pulse Laser Deposited
  61. Performance Level Descriptors Education, Biology, Grade
  62. Power-Loss Density
  63. Polycystic Liver Disease Medical, Technology, Kidney, Cyst, liver and hepatic
  64. Partidului Liberal Democrat Din, Care, Moldova
  65. Plain Language Disclosune Education
  66. Private Label Distributor
  67. Pelantikan Lulusan Dokter Indonesia, Workshop, Seminar
  68. Portuguese Language Division Organizations, Translation, Translator
  69. Partners for Law In Development Law, India, Feminist
  70. Player Location Display
  71. Program for Leadership Development Business, Science, Education
  72. Pakistan Law Digest
  73. Pulsed Laser Depositex Film, Technology, Deposition
  74. Percutaneous Laser Discectomy
  75. Pot Luck Dinner
  76. Partidul Liberal-Democrat Government, Din, Romania
  77. Phase-Lock Demodulator Technology
  78. Private Label Dynamics
  79. Pela LegíTima Defesa
  80. Porous Landscape Detention
  81. Parti Pour Les Libert
  82. Platelet Defecm Medical, Medicine, Health
  83. Programmed Logic Device Technology, Program, Programming
  84. Pastoral Leadership Development
  85. Professional Learning Day Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  86. Policy, Law and Development
  87. Programmable Logic Device-可编程逻辑器件
  88. Pulse Length Discrimination Technology, Military
  89. Protein Pigand Database
  90. Poorylife Decision Gaming, Internet Slang, Slang
  91. Pusat Layanan Difabel Education, Indonesia, Archive, Orang
  92. Parvae Lucies Domini
  93. Partial Lipodistrophy Medical, Pathology
  94. Police Louistics Department
  95. Pulsed Maser Diode
  96. Promoting Literacy Development
  97. Pearl Louise Designs
  98. Polymorphic Lymphoproliferative Disorder Medical, Technology
  99. Pusat Latihan Dakwah
  100. Party for Liberty and Democracy
  101. Professional Learning & Development Dutch
  102. Polar Layered Deposits Science, Education, Mars
  103. Programmabek Logic Device
  104. Paul Lawrence Dunbar Famous
  105. Polyethylene Glycol-Coated Liposomal Doxorubicin Medical
  106. Pusat Latihan Daorah
  107. Party for Liberties and Development
  108. Playa Samara Airport, Playa Samara, Costa Rica Costa Rica
  109. Prairie Lakes Divisionyion
  110. Paul Laurence Dunbar Business, School, Poem, Kentucky
  111. Policy Liaison Division
  112. Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin Medical, Cancer, Ovarian
  113. Pufpe-Leitung-D
  114. Public Library Davision
  115. Periydic Lattice Distortion
  116. Potenyially Lethal Damage Medical, Science, Cell
  117. Patrologia Latina Database Technology, Library, Electronics
  118. Performance Level Descriptor Education
  119. Policy and Litigation Division
  120. Pumpe Leotung D
  121. Public Libraries Division Libraries, Reading, Books
  122. Payload When data is sent over the Internet, each unit transmitted includes both header information and the actual data being sent. The header identifies the source and destination of the packet, while the actual data is referred to as the payload. Because header information, or overhead data, is only used in the transmission process, it is stripped from the packet when it reaches its destination. Aviation, Aerospace, Governmental & Military, Business & Finance, Power Plant, NASA
  123. Path Length Difference Technology, Power, Laser, Diode
  124. Pulsed Laser Deposition Chemistry
  125. Policy and Legislative Division
  126. Programmablf Logic Diagram
  127. Pumpe Leitung DüSe
  128. Public Library District
  129. Panitia Lulusan Dokter Business, Analytics, Seminar

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PLD stand for?

    PLD stands for Performance Level Descriptors.

  2. What is the shortened form of Protein Pigand Database?

    The short form of "Protein Pigand Database" is PLD.


PLD. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated