PLIE Meaning

The PLIE meaning is "Plan Local D'Insertion Pour L'Emploi". The PLIE abbreviation has 9 different full form.

PLIE Full Forms

  1. Plan Local D'Insertion Pour L'Emploi
  2. Phase Linear Interferometer Experiment Science
  3. Plan Local Pour L'Insertion Et L'Emploi
  4. Plan Local Pour L'Insertion Et Pour L'Emploi
  5. Professional Latinos In Entertainment
  6. Preventing Loss of Independence Through Exercise Medical, Technology, Dementia
  7. Post-Beta-Lactamase Inhibitor Effect Medical
  8. Plan Local Insertion Emploi
  9. Pulsed Laser Induced Epitaxy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PLIE stand for?

    PLIE stands for Pulsed Laser Induced Epitaxy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Professional Latinos In Entertainment?

    The short form of "Professional Latinos In Entertainment" is PLIE.


PLIE. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated