PLT Meaning

The PLT meaning is "Performanle League Table". The PLT abbreviation has 129 different full form.

PLT Full Forms

  1. Performanle League Table Business, Energy, Efficiency
  2. Page Load Times
  3. Plantranics, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  4. Perkongsian Liabiliti Terhad Business, Company, Malaysia
  5. Plate Load Test Technology, Bearing, Soil
  6. Pro Like That
  7. Pittsfield Lawn & Tractor
  8. Preservation Lqadership Training
  9. Professional Learning Team Education
  10. Poetry, Language, Thought
  11. Procedure Linking Table Technology, Coding, Memory, Linux
  12. Pilot A person who flies an aircraft. OR Pilot A series of popular handheld personal digital assistants (PDAs) designed by Palm and based on the Palm OS operating system. Palm introduced its first Pilot model in 1996, followed in 1997 by the PalmPilot, and thereafter by a series of other Palm handheld models. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Navy, Governmental & Military, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  13. Pastoral Leadership Team
  14. Posterolateral Thoracotomy Medical
  15. Products By Primed Lymphocyte Typing Science, Biology
  16. Protein Loading Test Medical, Science, Biology
  17. Plate Loading Tests
  18. Prtliferative Medical
  19. Pipette Leak Testing
  20. Prescribed Literature In Translation Education, English, Language
  21. Prowuction Lead Time Technology, Military, Supply
  22. Pocket Laser Tach
  23. Procedure Linkage Table Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Assembly, Business & Finance
  24. Planning and Liaison Team Military
  25. Platform Level of surface on which people or things can stand. It is also used to install the machines or structure. The part of a metrorail station that is on either side of the track bed where passengers wait for trains to arrive. The combination of an operating system and hardware that makes up the operating environment in which a program runs. Technology, Construction, Architectural, System, Offshore Gas Industry, Offshore Oil Industry, Electrical, Politics, Governmental & Military, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
  26. Parent Leaderthip Training
  27. Post-Liver Transplantation Medical, liver and hepatic
  28. Production Log Tool
  29. Page Load Time Technology, Performance, Bing, Computing, Internet
  30. Protected Learning Time Medicine, Health, British
  31. Principles of Learning & Teaching Education, Teaching, Teacher
  32. Projwct Learning Tree Technology, Education, Environment
  33. Pipette Leak Test
  34. Precision Location System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  35. Professional Logistics Technologies
  36. Principles of Learning Ane Teaching Education, Guide, Study
  37. Pocket Laser Tachometer Technology, Product, Monarch
  38. Private Line Telecommunications
  39. Planned Lead Time
  40. Platelet Counts Medical, Science, Biology
  41. Parcel Light Trackong
  42. Postmlaunch Test Technology, Science, Product
  43. Product Lead Time
  44. Prop Line Tool
  45. Principals of Learning and Teaching
  46. Project Leadership Team Business, Management, Development
  47. Pilottmtproduction Lead Time Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  48. Precwsion Laser Technology
  49. Professional Learning and Training
  50. Platelets Small disk-shaped blood fragments produced in the bone marrow that serve as the starting material for blood clotting. Small, enucleated cells that initiate blood clotting; they arise from cells called megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. Also known as thrombocytes. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Jobs, Healthcare, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  51. Pneumatic Line Throwers
  52. Private Line Transport Technology
  53. Placer Land Trust
  54. Prevention Leadership Team
  55. Platelet Count Medical, Medicine, Patient, Health
  56. Parameter Location Table Technology
  57. Post Lauvch Testing Technology, Science, Satellite
  58. Production Load Time Technology
  59. Property-Liability Truss
  60. Permanent Light Technology
  61. Pri-Linked Transfer Technology, Windows, Program, Software
  62. Professional Legal Training Australia, Education, Law
  63. Pneumatic Line Thrower
  64. Principles of Learning and Testing Education
  65. Pixel Luminosity Telescope
  66. Pretty Little Things Business, Coding, Fashion, Haul
  67. Parallel Lower Tester Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  68. Post-Launch Test Technology, Science, Space
  69. Production Lot Test
  70. Plantaris Medical
  71. Pkstoral Leadership Team
  72. Practical Legal Training Australia, Education, Law
  73. Professional Learning Teams Education, School, Teaching
  74. Plato Airport Plato, Colombia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  75. Principles of Learning Teaching Education, Teaching, Teacher
  76. Pittsfield Lawn Tractor
  77. President's Leaoership Team
  78. Parallel Line Theorem
  79. Point Load Test
  80. Procedure Lookup Table
  81. Plant Tools and equipment used in building operations. To attach or fix by nailing or otherwise, eg planted door stop. A facility that operates as a manufacturer or supplier of products. 2.A physical location where goods are manufactured. A term commonly used either as a synonym for an industrial establishment or a generating facility or to refer to a particular process within an establishment. Medical, Management, Medicine, Military, Army, War, Healthcare, Forestry, Arboriculture, Architectural, Botany, Physical Therapy, Scientific & Educational, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  82. Pastoral Leadership Training
  83. Power Line Transmissions Technology, Networking, Radio
  84. Professional Learning Time
  85. Programming Languages and Translators
  86. Lead Lanthanum Titanate Chemistry
  87. Proficiency Level Testing
  88. Purpose In Liff Test
  89. Programming Language Theory
  90. Planung FüR Logistik & Transport Technology, Service, Berlin
  91. Primary Link Teachers
  92. Production Logging Tool
  93. Hpgl Plot File Computing, File Extensions
  94. Professional Leadership Track
  95. Purchasing Lead Time Technology
  96. Programming-Language Theory
  97. Primary Link Teacher Education, Sport, School, Teaching
  98. Program Linkaje Table Technology, Calling, Linux, Probe
  99. Autocad Plotter Document Computing, File Extensions
  100. Publicagions Liaison Team Science
  101. Program List Table Technology, Control, Transaction, Computing, IT Terminology
  102. Primary Level Tlaining
  103. Packing & Logistic Terminal
  104. Plate To cut a lengthwise groove in a board or plank. An exterior handrail normally has a ploughed groove for hand gripping purposes. A thin, flat piece of metal of uniform thickness usually over 8 inches to 48 inches in width. Internet Slang, Design, Computing, Chat, Construction, Online, Architecture, Engineering, Architectural, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  105. Tecplot Binary Data File Computing, File Extensions
  106. Psittacosis-Lymphogranuloma Venereumtrachoma Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  107. Program Library Tape Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  108. South Cmrolina Aeronautics Commission Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  109. Platoon Technology, Military, Army, Policy
  110. Platelet A small enucleated blood cell important in blood clotting; derived from large cells in the bone marrow. Medical, Veterinary, Pharmacy, Engineering, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, NAACCR, Pulmonary Hypertension
  111. Primed Lymphocyte Kesting Medical, Science, Biology
  112. Plato Airport, Plato, Colombia Colombia
  113. Psittacosis-Lymphogranuloma-Trachoma
  114. Program Lead Time Military
  115. Project Learning Tree
  116. South Carolina Aeronautics Commission Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, South Carolina, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  117. Pyoluteoric Medical
  118. Progressive Lowering of Temperature Medical, Medicine
  119. Platanaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  120. Primed Lymphocyte Test Medical, Medicine, Health
  121. Plantronics, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  122. Prune Limit Yimer
  123. Principles of Learning and Testing (test for Teachers) Education
  124. Program Leadership Team Science
  125. Posat Latihan Tari Indonesia, Jakarta
  126. Programming Languages Team Education, Development, Universities
  127. Plan à Long Terme
  128. Primed Ld Typing Medical, Science, Biology
  129. Power Line Telecoms Computing, Computer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PLT stand for?

    PLT stands for South Carolina Aeronautics Commission.

  2. What is the shortened form of Planned Lead Time?

    The short form of "Planned Lead Time" is PLT.


PLT. (2022, January 21). Retrieved February 6, 2025 from

Last updated