PLT in Medicine Meaning

The PLT meaning in Medicine terms is "Plant". There are 7 related meanings of the PLT Medicine abbreviation.

PLT on Medicine Full Forms

  1. Plant Tools and equipment used in building operations. To attach or fix by nailing or otherwise, eg planted door stop. A facility that operates as a manufacturer or supplier of products. 2.A physical location where goods are manufactured. A term commonly used either as a synonym for an industrial establishment or a generating facility or to refer to a particular process within an establishment.
  2. Platelet Count
  3. Protected Learning Time
  4. Platelets Small disk-shaped blood fragments produced in the bone marrow that serve as the starting material for blood clotting. Small, enucleated cells that initiate blood clotting; they arise from cells called megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. Also known as thrombocytes.
  5. Psittacosis-Lymphogranuloma Venereumtrachoma
  6. Progressive Lowering of Temperature
  7. Primed Lymphocyte Test

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PLT stand for Medicine?

    PLT stands for Psittacosis-Lymphogranuloma Venereumtrachoma in Medicine terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Protected Learning Time in Medicine?

    The short form of "Protected Learning Time" is PLT for Medicine.


PLT in Medicine. (2022, January 21). Retrieved January 5, 2025 from

Last updated