PLUR Meaning

The PLUR meaning is "Peace, Love, Unitf and Respect". The PLUR abbreviation has 16 different full form.

PLUR Full Forms

  1. Peace, Love, Unitf and Respect Internet Slang
  2. Peace, Love, Unity, Respect Technology, Governmental & Military
  3. Peace Love Unity and Respect Internet Slang, Organizations, Music
  4. Peace Love Unity Respect Technology, Internet Slang, Slang
  5. Peace, Love, Unity and Respect Organizations, Peace, Love
  6. Peace,Flove, Unity, Respect Media, Social, Internet
  7. Peacee Love, Unity, and Respect Organizations, Music, Peace, Love
  8. Pleaseflet Us Rave
  9. People Look Ugly Rolling
  10. Peace Love Anity Rave
  11. Plur Lurp Urpl Rplu Funnies
  12. Peace Love Unityu& Respect
  13. Preachy Little Underground Ravers
  14. Pluractional Education, Linguistics, Glossing
  15. Plural Education, Study, Britannica, Schooling, Genealogy, Legal, Governmental & Military
  16. Please Let Us Roll

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PLUR stand for?

    PLUR stands for People Look Ugly Rolling.

  2. What is the shortened form of Plur Lurp Urpl Rplu?

    The short form of "Plur Lurp Urpl Rplu" is PLUR.


PLUR. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated