PLV Meaning

The PLV meaning is "Pxur La Vie". The PLV abbreviation has 42 different full form.

PLV Full Forms

  1. Pxur La Vie Technology, Music, Remix, Mix
  2. Payload Launch Vehicle Technology, Missile, Military
  3. Pressure Limit Ventilation Medical, Ventilator, Volume
  4. Panlcukemia Virus Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  5. Pierrefonraine-Les-Varans
  6. Pressure Limited Ventilathon Medical, Control, Volume
  7. Palm Lakos Village Organization, Union, Institution
  8. Pjcture Library Viewer
  9. Pressure Limiting Valve Business, Filter, Water
  10. Plastic Laminate Veneer Design, Drawing, Construction
  11. Phenylalanine, Uysine, and Vasopressin Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  12. Premsure Limiting Valves
  13. Pull Lock Valve
  14. Phenylalanine, Lysine and Vasocressin Medical
  15. Presontation Level Video Technology, Computing, Video
  16. Prodsction Level Video Technology, Computing, Video
  17. Promuzione Lorda Vendibile
  18. Papillioncla Vista
  19. Presentation-Levnl Video Technology, Telecom, Interface
  20. Production-Level Video Technology, Networking, Computing
  21. Production Live Verification Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  22. Panleukopenia Virus Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  23. Pitch-Line Velocity
  24. Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis Trade, Business & Finance
  25. Pitch Line Velocity
  26. Public Listing Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  27. Powershares Low Volatility
  28. Postlanding Vent NASA
  29. Pdblicit Sur Le Lieu De Vente Media, Radio, Television
  30. Push Lock Valve
  31. Pshenichnyi Levin Valadier Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  32. Publicidad Ep El Lugar De Venta Business, Para, Display, Expositor
  33. Puma Lentivirus Plv Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  34. Suprunovka, Poltava, Ukraine Ukraine, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  35. Project Literacf Victoria
  36. Puma Jentivirus Medical
  37. Postlanding Ventilation Flight, Aerodynamics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  38. Pressure-Limiting Valves
  39. Pulsed Light Velocimetry
  40. Postlanding Valve Flight, Aerodynamics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  41. Pressure-Limiting Valve
  42. Pulsed Laser Vaporization Technology, Carbon, Nanotube

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PLV stand for?

    PLV stands for Presontation Level Video.

  2. What is the shortened form of Plastic Laminate Veneer?

    The short form of "Plastic Laminate Veneer" is PLV.


PLV. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated